This guy is my hero
I saw this guy in a thread he posted on the Tanking Forums, an honest-to-goodness Shaman Tank. And, by Shaman Tank, I mean a guy that tanks content he outgears and works around silly setbacks like not having a taunt, or threat-capping a raid, through sheer force of will.
I admire the gumption that it must take to pull off such a stunt. He’s obviously really good at his class and has an amazing imagination to conceive and execute this. Not to mention his powers of persuasion to get 24 other people to go along with it.
And can we talk about the 25man raid that let this guy win a Juggernaut’s Vitality?
It’s a shame that Catalcysm (with its 6% uncrit talents) will basically dictate which classes will be allowed tank. Players like this fellow should be encouraged to push the boundaries of his class, as long as others are willing to go along with him.
One thing he does have going for him, though, is the ridiculously OP regeneration racial. And there’s NOTHING we can do about it.