Raiding consumables for tankadins

Tomorrow night I’m going to be doing my first Cataclysm raid and one of the biggest things I need to line up (in addition to enchanting some of my gear) is procuring some raiding consumables. Flasks, pots, food, the works–every little bit helps, especially when we’re going into raids with a mishmash of heroics and normal 5mans gear. Below is collected a list of various Cata-level consumables and recommendations of what to use, when.


For survivability, go with Flask of Steelskin. The only choice for tanking.

For threat, or farm content, you can chug a Flask of Titanic Strength.


We have a few good options for guardian elixirs:

  • Elixir of Deep Earth — A good, all-around elixir for most fights if you decide to forgo flasks
  • Prismatic Elixir — Amazing for Sindragosa-style fights with a large portion of incoming damage being magical

As for battle, we have:

  • Elixir of the Master — Best choice for survivability
  • Elixir of the Naga — Best choice for threat
  • Elixir of Impossible Accuracy — Best choice for threat if you’re expertise soft-capped


The one pot to rule them all is the Earthen Potion. Keep stacks of these handy and use them at clutch moments like a cooldown. You only get to use one per fight, so use them wisely.

If you’re looking for a boost in threat/damage, you can chug a Golemblood Potion.


(Please note I’m only listing the 90-stat food. Don’t cheap out for the 60-stat kind!)

For survival food, you have a few good options:

  • Blackbelly Sushi
  • Lavascale Minestrone
  • Mushroom Sauce Mudfish

Generally, you want to eat the Lavascale Minestrone for the mastery rating. If block capped (and that’ll not be for a while), then go for either Blackbelly Sushi or Mushroom Sauce Mudfish, depending on whichever avoidance stat is lower.

As for threat food, the standard priority order persists: expertise to soft-cap > hit to cap > expertise to hard-cap > strength. So, go with Crocolisk Au Gratin until you reach 26 expertise, then Grilled Dragon until hit capped, and then back to Crocolisk, and then (if by some miracle you are hit and expertise capped) you can have the Beer-Basted Crocolisk.

  • Beer-Basted Crocolisk
  • Crocolisk Au Gratin
  • Grilled Dragon

Lastly, if you want to be cheap (or are working on farm content) you can go with the latest version of the fish feast:

  • Seafood Magnifique Feast

But don’t use this for progression content!

6 Comments to “Raiding consumables for tankadins”

  1. Kosar 21 December 2010 at 2:31 pm #

    Thanks for all the summaries; they have been immensely helpful in guiding me through the new content.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but can’t you pop two Earthen Potions per fight? If you drink one before a boss pull the cooldown will expire during the fight, allowing you to use another one in the fight.

    • Rhidach
      21 December 2010 at 2:41 pm #

      Absolutely! But they only last 25 seconds (as opposed to 2 minutes back in Wrath) so there’s less benefit to it than there used to be.

      • Button 21 December 2010 at 3:42 pm #

        I’m underwhelmed by the Earthen Potion to be honest. Though I haven’t run the numbers, I suspect that a well-timed health potion will save more healer mana, especially as we approach unhittable and armor loses value as a result.

        For bosses with life-threatening unavoidable physical attacks I could definitely see a use for 25 seconds of increased armor, but for fights in which physical damage only comes from auto attacks, it seems underwhelming.

        On the other hand I haven’t raided yet, so I’m not sure if the “Healer mana is the end-all be-all and EH is a concern of the past” mentality sticks through to raiding. Do let us know.

        • Button 21 December 2010 at 4:02 pm #

          I’m dumb, please ignore that comment. I was misremembering the amount the mythical healing potion healed for.

          • Elegantdeath 23 December 2010 at 10:27 am #

            Nah… same thought crossed my mind for a moment.

  2. WockaDB 22 December 2010 at 9:28 am #

    It will probably be a while before Seafood Magnifique Feast is available to me and most people- it’s tied to the guild fishing achievement (fishing in x # pools). At this point fishing is not popular at all in my guild. I suppose a guild could prioritize the achievement and get it done over a weekend, but I haven’t gone there yet.

    If it’s like the goblin bbq, I’m guessing that it will give 90 Stam/90 dodge.

    There’s also a fortune cookie recipe that works the same way as feast but it’s self only. It uses a card from inscription to make though, so I haven’t bothered buying the recipe yet.

    For my guild, I’m stockpiling Goblin BBQs until we get the better group feast. On progression it won’t be suitable, but I’m sure we’ll burn through them on easier content.