Nerf pallies, or something

Like Voss said.

Here’s my entry for the ShoR crit contest (though I’m not really participating):

104,692 damage. The stuff dreams are made of my friends. And that was with normal tanking gear, no dps pieces! Just lined up all my ducks in a row (9 stacks of Gaseous Bloat, almost-max Vengeance, wings popped, Sacred Duty proc) and fired.

I even let Ana tank first too! (Hence the faux-gquit, and the horse head I woke up to in my bed this morning.)

For my victory lap I murdered Antigen’s mage’s eponymous Frost Elemental.

There can only be one.

MMO-Champ also has the latest beta changes from build 13221. They seem to be missing the ShoR nerf wowhead is showing. Hrmm.

Update: ShoR was definitely nerfed.

We changed Shield Slam and Shield of the Righteous to do more base damage and scale less with AP. This was to fix a problem where numbers became absurdly large with a lot of AP, especially under the effects of Vengeance, dwarfing the damage done by druid or DK tanks. With these changes, a tank in heroic dungeon blues should deal the same damage with no Vengeance, but Vengeance will have less of an impact.

The coefficient for Shield of the Righteous was lowered from 120% to 60% at 3 Holy Power. The coefficient for Shield Slam was lowered from 75% to 60%.

But apparently Word of Glory was not.

We buffed Word of Glory base points for Holy paladins. We nerfed the Ret and Prot talents to keep it about the same for them.

19 Comments to “Nerf pallies, or something”

  1. Suicidal Zebra
    27 October 2010 at 11:53 am #

    That raid needed MOAR PALADINS!

    • Rhidach
      27 October 2010 at 11:56 am #

      Never enough.

      • Antigen
        27 October 2010 at 12:00 pm #

        Thanks to our abundance of paladins and my poor DKP spending habits, I’ve pretty much consigned my hopes of getting a piece of blue tier to oblivion.

    • Anafielle
      27 October 2010 at 1:19 pm #

      We usually have: dual pally tanks, 2-3 rets, and 1-2 holies. So there are always a minimum of five and occasionally up to seven paladins in our raids.

      It’s not a raid unless the paladins and the druids together fill half the spots!

      • Suicidal Zebra
        28 October 2010 at 6:59 am #

        I’m pleased to note that there were three warriors in the raid, which is optimal to induce tears as Rets and Prots out-bid them on plate loot.

        Yeah, I’m a bit of a git ;)

  2. WockaDB 27 October 2010 at 12:13 pm #

    Based on Shield Slam damage going up, I don’t see ShoR getting nerfed.

    We all know the culprit, and her name is vengeance.

  3. Xish 27 October 2010 at 12:16 pm #

    What was in your main hand for that raid?

    • Rhidach
      27 October 2010 at 12:40 pm #

      Bloodvenom Blade, which might have been a bad idea in hindsight.

  4. Asura 27 October 2010 at 1:21 pm #

    It’ll be interesting to see if they change Grand Crusader now that the base cooldown on shield has been lowered to make room for the holy power / divine plea talent (which we really needed for openers on bosses imo). I only use 1/2 right now and pick up Divine Guardian to save raids. It’s hard to justify a 20% chance to reset a 15 second cooldown, especially when I find myself prioritizing CS / HotR so much to bring down the thunder with shield.

    • Anafielle
      27 October 2010 at 1:26 pm #

      I’m not specced into Grand Crusader in my boss spec at all. I don’t see the point, until they change it and make it useful in a single target rotation.

  5. Kurn 27 October 2010 at 1:38 pm #

    Shhhh! Not even in jest! No pally nerfing! You know why? They won’t nerf YOU, they’ll nerf ME. ;)

    But seriously, that’s just a ridiculous number there. Yikes.
    Kurn’s last blog ..Incoming Beta Buff My ComLuv Profile

    • Rhidach
      27 October 2010 at 2:22 pm #

      Sorry :X

      Very ridiculous, even for a gimmick fight, I completely agree. But I’ll fight anyone who tries to take them away, haha.

  6. Orthien
    27 October 2010 at 1:41 pm #

    While I think this is a good Idea looking at our damage at the moment, I think again its a hot fix and Blizz are not looking down the line, This is going to make SotR scale really badly at end Cata content. That or its OP at the start.
    Orthien’s last blog ..LFG Armageddon My ComLuv Profile

  7. towelliee 27 October 2010 at 2:42 pm #

    Wow we got a little bit of a nerf bat with WoG going down to 30%. So Instead of fixing OP Vengeance they nerf WoG instead. I mean they give us all these tools to use with WoG, the talents the glyphs and now they just nerf it. I will see on Beta today in our raiding how much it went down.

    No Grand Crusader changes make me sad.

    Crusader Strike got a Nerf/Buff guess we will let theck do the metlabs on its dmg from a few parses.

    I like the Divine Plea change can’t wait to use it pre-pull.

  8. Anafielle
    27 October 2010 at 4:12 pm #

    I think they’re trying to prevent people from AE tanking with WOG threat >.> Too bad, WOG was (will still be?) a nice tool for blowing holy power when we are way ahead on threat and survivability is more of an issue than damage dealing. Ex/sindragosa.

    I pestered MMO champ to put the SotR change on the list, but they pointed out to me that it might just be a tooltip change, not a nerf. It might be the same ability with the same scaling, and just the tooltip is altered. I don’t know, though.

    This nerf totally can’t go through until next week. I want another shot at a huge SOTR crit.

  9. towelliee 27 October 2010 at 4:36 pm #

    I’m so mad no one logged last nights HM’s!

    But I would assume WoG will be most powerful with an Eternal Glory + gbtl spec. I was using this spec last night during my Beta raids and I was procing EG like 4 times in row and healing myself for 120k+ in matter of seconds. Imagine when we can add an extra through DP.

  10. Shellac 28 October 2010 at 2:50 am #

    I did the same thing yesterday, but got 10 stacks (because i overaggroed the other tank with the insane hit) and blew the raid. I was not nominated to the: Hero of the day.

  11. Hubbabubble 28 October 2010 at 5:58 am #

    And the nerf is incoming – well, in the beta. They changed SotR to hit with a fixed AP rather than a % of AP in the latest build on beta. A couple of other interesting changes to Avengers Shield …

  12. Broh 28 October 2010 at 4:51 pm #

    did you see the other change? HS will now increase block value by 10%, not Block chance by 15%