ICC25HM: Festergut, like Brutallus dual-wielding Algalons

I must say, I am disappointed I didn’t face this boss back when the buff wasn’t at the absurd heights it is now. There something I’ve always found appealing about being reduced to a fine paste between the ulcerated knuckles of an infantile flesh giant.

To start, I apologize for skipping the three fights between this and my first ICC25HM strategy post–ie, LDW, Lootship, and Saurfang–but of those Lootship is a joke and a one sentence post seems like a waste of the tubes it could have potentially been printed on, and the other two I’ve yet to do. 10s hardmode, sure; not 25s. And I’m surely not going to write how to do a fight I’ve yet to do myself. What do I look like, a paid WoW writer?

Another sidenote: I can’t take credit for the subtitle to this post. I first read that phrase in this thread on the tanking forums way back in February and it remains one of the more hilarious descriptions of the fight I have ever seen.

So, what’s different?

  • Festergut hits like a Mack Truck
  • Raid-wide damage is much more intense
  • Putricide tosses Malleable Goo at players

First, let’s talking about this fight from the tank’s perspective. It hurts.

Sorry, I can be more descriptive. Thanks to this buff that Festergut will be stacking up to three in a rotation, by the time he gets to the third stack he’s going to be mashing you into hamburger. Lets look at a log snippet.

[20:53:19.080] Festergut hits Rhidach Parry
[20:53:19.954] Festergut hits Rhidach Dodge
[20:53:20.932] Festergut hits Rhidach Parry
[20:53:21.844] Festergut hits Rhidach 36036 (B: 2028)
[20:53:22.840] Festergut hits Rhidach 29806 (A: 2818, B: 2028)
[20:53:23.725] Festergut hits Rhidach Dodge
[20:53:24.743] Festergut hits Rhidach Parry
[20:53:25.649] Festergut hits Rhidach Parry
[20:53:27.131] Festergut hits Rhidach 31705 (B: 2028)

You might look at that and say, “oh 36k, that’s not that bad.” Check the times between attacks–he hits every 9/10s of a second.

Even with phase 3 being so ominous, the hardest part of the fight for your healers will probably be two stacks, when the damage is still rampant for the raid and the tank is being hit 60% harder. Try to avoid panicking and popping a cooldown early, you’ll need it very shortly.

When the third inhale happens and Festergut is rocking a 90% buff, you’ll probably need to rotate cooldowns. I’m a huge fan of using everything at my disposal: raidwall, an armor pot, bubblewall, my 4pc bonus, and external cooldowns. Don’t blow everything at once, obviously, but pay attention to the damage as it’s coming in and choose which card to play wisely.

Still, chug that Indestructible Pot ASAP. A healer will probably external cooldown you right off the bat (or, at least, mine do–they barely trust me to tie my shoes in the morning). Follow that up with a bubblewall, then close with popping a trink or the 20% absorb of your raid wall. With the buff at 25%, this should be pretty smooth sailing.

With all the excitement of this fight, it’s easy to forget the rest of the raid has a role to play as well. (Ah, the joys of tank checks.)

To start, position Festergut on the far left wall, facing the skeleton face, with the melee stacked behind him and the ranged in an arc behind that. Ranged needs to be conscious of Vile Gas, just like in normal. Don’t get that in melee!

As a whole, the raid will be most concerned with two things: beating the enrage timer, and dodging Malleable Goo. Failing at the latter will likely make the former impossible, because every time the Goo splashes on a character their casting and attack speeds are slowed 250% for 20 seconds. That is crippling in a dps check.

For melee, they should stack on the boss’ leg. Start on the left leg, diagonally left of it so the space in between Festergut’s legs are absolutely clear. Then when Goo is cast, strafe over to the right leg and stand right of that. Every Goo cast should be met with a strafe.

When spores go up, the way we handled them were ranged would stack on one spore in the back. Melee would get another one. And whichever spore was extra in ranged or melee would dash to the tank and stack on them. This way everyone got their inoculation and we didn’t have to worry about extra damage from someone getting two spores. The only downside is one Malleable Goo can hit all your ranged or melee when they are at their most vulnerable, so coordination and attention is so very key to make sure people more out of any incoming Goos.

The entire fight is much like normal: a dps check coupled with a tank check. Dodge Goos, don’t get crushed into kibble, and you’ll be golden. Victory in this fight is directly, inversely proportional to how many people get hit by Malleable Goo. If you’re missing the enrage timer, that is the likely culprit.

The lewt!

  • Belt of Broken Bones

5 Comments to “ICC25HM: Festergut, like Brutallus dual-wielding Algalons”

  1. BigFire 25 June 2010 at 12:44 pm #

    On my main paladin, I was able to tank HM version of him in in-guild raid. Tried to do this with my DK tank alt in a raid that also downed HM Rotface, and this is much harder. End up just doing the normal version.

  2. Kerriodos 25 June 2010 at 6:58 pm #

    3-inhales is, like you said, all about rotating cooldowns properly. Usually I have the other tank HoS me right after the 3rd inhale, then bubble, and get ready to DSac/Sindragosa trinket the Blight. Always make sure to use the unmacro’d version of DSac cause he doesn’t swing while he does it!

    Rinse and repeat for the next 3-inhale. Seems to work really well for us, because tanking never seems to be the cause of a wipe on that fight; usually it’s people missing spores.

  3. Anafielle
    25 June 2010 at 8:04 pm #

    I am totes “accidentally” doing this in my threat gear one day.

    Really. It’ll be an accident. I promise!

  4. Ralli 25 June 2010 at 11:04 pm #

    I tanked Hm fester on 10m, and I got yelled at because right after I lost threat I went and had a dance party with the ranged DPS. After the other tank had a couple stacks I went back over and gave him a five fingered hello.
    Ralli’s last blog ..UI journal #4: See-through is hawt. My ComLuv Profile

  5. Rilgon Arcsinh
    27 June 2010 at 4:58 pm #

    And I’m surely not going to write how to do a fight I’ve yet to do myself. What do I look like, a paid WoW writer?

    I love you.
    Rilgon Arcsinh’s last blog ..Identify This- My ComLuv Profile