Waste of a night?

We downed the Lich King on Tuesday, after extending the lockout, which means that while we could enjoy our hard-wrought victory, we also were completely locked out of ICC25 for the rest of the week. The question became, what the hell do we do on Wednesday?

When we formed the raid last night I threw up a ready check and put it to a vote: Yes for ToGC25, no for Uld25. About seven people chose the latter, the rest were for the former. So the die was cast and off we went.

(Theme of the night: Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos… er, Ulduar.)

Even 23 manning it (some decided to take the night off after our victory), we had no trouble getting through Beasts and Jaraxxus. Faction Champs was a huge pain, giving us just about the worst melee comp ever: the Warrior, the Ret Pally, the DK, the Rogue. Only adding the Enhance Shaman could it have achieved a perfect storm of ballbusting.

Took us a few attempts to down that, but it got done. Then on Twins we went back and forth between trying the door strategy, doing a few attempts that way, then the normal way, then finally killing it.

After that it was around 45 minutes before raid end and we kind of half-heartedly putzed around on Anub before calling it.

So, on the down side, we basically ran progression rather than taking a victory lap. I would have definitely preferred the latter. On the bright side, the heroic Solace and heroic Death’s Choice trinkets dropped, along with another piece that was an upgrade for someone. So, there was some value to be had.

I’m willing to call this a wash.

6 Comments to “Waste of a night?”

  1. Anafielle
    10 June 2010 at 11:01 am #

    We got about as lucky with gear as we possibly could have, considering! We got both the trinkets people were talking about, and that’s crazy.

    And it was damn cool to kill 4 new bosses ;)

    It’s really too bad we don’t have the time to work on Anub H 25. That is one hell of a fight, and I know it’s a level or two harder than anything else in there. Kind of like Yogg and LK, the gear isn’t going to help us one bit with the coordination involved in organizing add tanking and doing ice patch kiting.

    Considering we only have 2 nights a week to work with, I really hope we don’t go back. It was kinda fun to see it all with a night we had off anyways (and especially to 22 or 23 man most of it!) but with 12 new ICC hard modes to work on, that place is old and boring news.

    I know Rilgon mentioned the gear that is still BIS out of there, but considering the time we’d have to chop out…. anyways, I think it was a worthwhile night, but just the once.

    Did we get any progression pictures / screenshots? :)

  2. Kiez 10 June 2010 at 11:57 am #

    Always feels strange going back to TOTGC 25 after an ICC 25 clear but i like taking the raid back to get Heroic Solace and Death’s Verdict.

    Some moan, even though they are often BiS or second BiS, i feel sorry for the poor casters, never getting a sniff at Reign.

    Also, we’ve settled for a super easy mode on the twins, door strat, heroism at the start, Full out DPS on one of them, let one hunter sock, generally, unless you’re unlucky with the RNG (Two shields of the opposing color) you’ll get it every time, sometimes really easy.. getting the speed achievement.

  3. Antigen
    10 June 2010 at 1:46 pm #

    What boss addon is that on the top part of your screen? Some sort of timer mod?

    Also, it’s never a waste of a night if one of your DPS gets one of their BiS trinkets. At least it’s not to them.

    I’d do unforgivable things for that trinket.

    • Rhidach
      10 June 2010 at 2:09 pm #

      I hope it wasn’t a waste, guy spent all his dkp on it, haha.

      That’s DXE (Deus Vox Encounters).

  4. Guwwi 10 June 2010 at 1:54 pm #

    I would not call the night a wash, I enjoyed doing ToGC for the first successful time and the opportunity to drink heavily while raiding again.

    So thank you, for organizing it, designing our tactics and keeping us all focused.

    The only heartbreak I have is that obviously it was a trinket night, so I will be adapting the Vili tactic of hazing attrition until I get my H RoTD :P

    That and since Nordic didn’t get to blow all his DKP it’s gonna be awhile till I see 4 pc Sanctified, you Paladins are a plague,regardless of Spec.

    Seriously though, off nights are what they are, Particularly following such a triumph.

    The night after we down heroic Lich King though, that is a night we should spend clearing old raids because let’s face it, everybody wants to see Gulli exalted with all old factions.

    I will say that downing the first two bosses of BT definitely whetted my appetite to start working on my Deathsworn rep though.

    Hugs and Pugs


  5. Rilgon Arcsinh
    10 June 2010 at 4:43 pm #

    I don’t see how getting BIS gear (H-DV is BIS for Ret Paladins, Insanity cloaks are BIS for Hunters and Combat Rogues at the least, 2p T9 258 is nearly BIS for MM Hunters, Val’anyr is BIS for every healer ever) is a waste of a night at all. :P

    Hell, if you had more nights a week raiding, I’d tell you to do both every week. Warcraftier is starting to, since we’re going at least 10/12 Heroic in 2 nights now, and we raid 4.
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