Ugh, waste of a night
Last night held so much promise. On Tuesday we cleared the first four bosses of Ulduar25, leaving us an easy kill of Iron Council and then plenty of time to work on Kologarn. Instead… not enough people logged on. On Wednesday.
I’m not 100% certain but I suspect this has something to do with the fact that the last two weeks Kologarn has been our roadblock to further progression into Ulduar, and many people just decided they’d take the night off and avoid a difficult boss, then come back the next time to find us surely ready to tackle the T8 bosses.
If that’s the case, I mourn this guild, because apparently a lot of people had that opinion last night. Only 18 people came on for the raid.
And the next raid is scheduled for Saturday. I’m sure you can see where that is headed.
After the 25man raid fell apart, a bunch of us put together a 10man run together, which was very successful. We started with a few attempts at FL with one tower up (which wasn’t too awful, I think we could have downed it if we had devoted more time to it, but we wanted to get further into Ulduar, so it was counterproductive to spend the night on that, unfortunately.
After FL was downed normally we then proceeded to one shot every boss up to Thorim (who we downed after two wipes once we realized we had too much dps going into the hallway group) before we had to call it a night.
So, the 10 man was wonderfully successful, and we are awesomely positioned for Mimiron attempts the next time we go in there.
As for 25 man, er, not so much.
Do I regret passing on a ring that was actually a nice upgrade for me without thinking about it?
Oh well, I will square it with you when I win Titanguard next week.
25 man raids have been disheartening lately. We’re too strong for 10 man and can’t get the people to show up and commit to the 25 mans… Trapped in raiding limbo.
Hoping for the best in the future.