Getting caught up with recaps

There’s really not much to write about in terms of Ulduar raiding. This is going to be another lost week, but for different reasons than last week.

For one, we split off into two separate 10man groups on Tuesday, thinking that the more people we get in there, the better. That was a bad idea, because availabilities were inconsistent at best between the two groups, and both have only made it up to Kologarn.

It also did not help that Taunty decided to make a third group Tuesday night only accomplished downing Flame Leviathan and saving people to a fail group that could have run with the first two had they had a little patience.

Not to be completely negative, on Tuesday we also ran FL on 25man quickly to farm a quick Emblem of Conquest and some 226 loot. What should appear in the loot window was none other than:


Wisely, the GL passed it to Ildara, who is the healer with the best raid attendance and also is the best healer in the guild. No one deserved the fragment more.

So anyhoo, next week we are not taking any chances on Uld10. We’ve decided to form one “A-team” group that is made up of the best raiders with the best availability, with the sole purpose of getting as far as possible into the instance. Then, with some new loot and a whole lot of experience, we can go back to running two groups with much more success.

Tuesday is Day 1 for the A-team. I expect good things, but we shall see.

5 Comments to “Getting caught up with recaps”

  1. Hanster 28 April 2009 at 12:16 am #

    What is the mod you are using to display your loot frame like that? I know I had it before, but I can’t seem to find it.

  2. Cabo 28 April 2009 at 3:37 am #


    Could you tell me which addon you use for the lootwindow?

    Gl with the A-team ;-)

  3. HP
    28 April 2009 at 5:17 am #

    I hear you, it can be hard to organize 10 mans right since everyone makes 25 man raid days a priority, not everyone can make all the days the 10 mans raid and therefore more than 10 people will be saved to the same raid id. 10 mans can be more complicated to organize in a 25 man raiding guild compared to a 10 man raiding guild. I hope things work out for you guys.

  4. Rhidach
    28 April 2009 at 9:46 am #

    Thanks HP, I think it will work out for us.

    @Hanster/Cabo: I use XLoot for my loot window. I love how it looks!

  5. Logan 28 April 2009 at 10:18 am #

    Well, our guild is kinda coming back into business, a week ago our GM got his acc hacked, our guil bank got empty, our guild disbanded, and his toon deleted. Weird considering he is kinda obssesive with security and stuff like that ( he has a pc solely for wow, scans it daily with like 3 antivirus and antispyware programs), so far he got the toon back ( no gear yet), and the Gbank items and Gold).

    Obviously, we had some dropouts, and we have had some BAD attendance this week, hopefully thats the reasoin for our low attendance this week