Great news about the new prot libram
… You don’t have to get it!
Thanks Blizzard for making such a crappy libram that we get to save the 25 Emblems of Valor. Take that Holy/Ret chumps.
Paladin T8 Protection Relic — Increases your block rating by 136 [8.5% -ed.] while Holy Shield is active.
This is an upgrade to Libram of Repentance, I guess, but not much else. Personally I’m already block capped, so all that extra block rating would be pushed right off the table. It’d be a perfect waste of a relic slot.
And you can’t even argue it’d be a good starter item for tankadins, since it costs Emblems of Valor to get in the first place.
Very disappointing.
As a holy pally I’m a sad panda too. The new libram increases Holy Light spell power, just something useless considering this spell is already doing something like 60% overhealing most of the time.
Add to that that they changed one of the holy talents to give crit to Holy Light instead of casting it faster (thank you arena nerf).
And you get just another useless crappy libram none will use. I guess I’ll stick with my emblem libram from T7 … as I’mm stick with my T7 armor too, the holy T8 is just also too crappy crit wise.
sad sad pallies with patch 3.1
20 March 2009 at 8:05 pm #
(Thanks for stopping by Dreaming!) I agree, the Holy nerfs are going way overboard. This is just part and parcel of the continued attempts to balance the game around arena, no matter how badly it fudges up PvE.
awfull relic :S would be much better if they swap the block rating for block value?
Yes, we holy pallies are just as lucky, we get to save our emblems too!
…yay. No, really.
(You’re welcome Rhidach, I enjoy reading your blog, even if I don’t comment every time ^^)
I’ve tried to start a compilation of Holy Paladin gear in patch 3.1 & Ulduar (
Most of it (especially the T8) is geared towards spell haste and mp5 without any spell crit ; ;
And on the emblem side, well, all we should really buy is the new waist Girdle of Unyielding Trust ( The neck, Frozen Tear of Elune, is ok too but strongly inferior to one dropping in Ulduar.
So well … you’ll have emblems to buy arena gear or off-spec, if you’re Holy >.<
Why do I hate these arena balance nerfs. And to think they’re saying that they don’t want to implement different builds for PvE/PvP because the game is “complex enough” as it is …