Better Late Than Never Friday, 2/13/09

As part of a new regular feature I figured I’d take some of the Google keyword searches that brought people to this blog and answer the questions that they came here with. Obviously they are long gone, and that is why this post is Better Late Than Never.

quickest way to emblem of valor

There’s really no quick way to get Emblems of Valor, unfortunately. You should at minimum be sure to run Heroic Obsidian Sanctum every reset for 4 badges (9 if you win the Bag of Spoils), and the Heroic Vault of Archavon for 2. That’s 6 badges easy for, tops, an hour and half of work.

Moreover, a full clear of Naxxramas gives 16 emblems (3 for spider wing, 3 for plague wing, 4 for construct wing, 3 for military wing, 1 for Sapphiron, and 2 for Kel’Thuzad). So reasonably you can farm a good number evert week from there depending on how progressed your guild is.

Heroic Malygos drops 2 … good luck with that.

wow, how much hp does essence of gossamer give a bear tank

Well, I’m not a druid, so I can’t tell you how much our furry compadres get from this trinket, but I can tell you how much stam a pally gets from it. The Essence of Gossamer is +111 stamina, which for a paladin comes out (when talented correctly) to (111×10) x 1.14 = 1265 hp. This is also works out to 33 additional spellpower … just in case you were wondering.

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