Quel’Delar is a huge tease

(Image ganked from mmo-champ.)

When I first heard of this sword, my initial thought was “Tank legendary!” (I am prone to delusions). Then, reports of a quest to purify it in the Sunwell further piqued my lust. And, then I read the chain of datamined quests.

Somehow you get the hilt, and then a series of quests occur where you learn about the sword and how to reforge it. Materials are gathered, the ghost of either Uther or the Blood elf that wielded the sword at the Sunwell visit you, depending on your faction. You then go to the Sunwell itself and dip the blade into the sacred font, making it pure oncemore.

And then you give it to the Argent Cruade.

Efff. What a tease.

While I wasn’t expecting a Legendary forged through five-mans and old raids (even though it looks like you won’t actually have to raid the Sunwell), some kind of usable item would have been nice. A new Quel’serrar-esque tanking weapon perhaps.

Nope, another toy for Tirion. I hate that guy.