I was struggling today to think up something to write about. I did want to write something, but nothing particularly interesting was forthcoming. And then Meloree rescued me by pointing out this thread on the official forums Paladin board. In it someone asks if Ask Mr. Robot is correct in how it optimized their gear. Hilarity ensures.
There is a dwarf with a particular bone to pick with AMR, for some reason, and he relishes in trashing the tool to the face of Zoopercat, AMR’s proprietor. The dwarf’s argument (to use the term lightly) is that additional, non-gear stamina added has no value for tanks outside of those on the cutting edge of progression. Which is a rubbish sentiment. As he asserts,
Unless you are on heroics week two, the stam you get from gear, blue gemslots (hybrid gems of cours, never solid), and he few enchants that have stam on them is more than enough for you.
Blatantly untrue, but I’ll get to that in a moment. For the sake of entertainment, I simply must point out that best part of the thread, which is clearly this post from the angry dwarf. Glorious. I could be trapped under 7 feet of heavy snow after an avalanche on some remote mountain and sate myself for days on that post alone until the St. Bernards showed up.
But, I digress. Later on the cavalry arrived and brought some much-needed sanity to the thread.
There is a seldom discussed aspect of the stat that is rarely if ever taken into consideration by the vast and teeming multitudes of tanks, except by the EJ smart-set and Theck/Meloree alike, and that is how stamina interacts with healing.
Boss hits do not scale with how much health you have (outside of special circumstances, of course). As such, the more stamina you have, the more health you have, and the smaller percent of your total health a delivered hit will remove. If incoming damage removes too much of your health in a small window (a spike), your healers have to respond with their fastest, most expensive heals to get you back on two stable feet. The less stamina you have, the more dangerous spikes can be, and the faster healer mana will have to be spent to compensate.
Wrathblood delivers what should essentially be the end of the thread on this point.
There is, however, one other stat that helps against spikes of all sizes, making them hit for a smaller % of the tank’s health pool, making it kind of the universal defensive stat. That stat is, obviously, Stamina. If you are concerned about tank death due to spikes, and don’t have a perspective on gearing strategy, stacking Stam (after capping Hit/Exp) is a good all-around way of addressing the issue.
This is not to say that you should only gem stamina — it’s not that black and white, and gearing can be very subjective to a tank depending on what content they are tanking. But, nonetheless, there is definite value to the stat beyond what is on your gear by default and you should not let anyone, no matter how spittle-flecked, divert you from that fact.
Incidentally, I’m waiting to see if and when (and mostly if) the dwarf ever responds. Popcorn will be required, I hope.