Apr 8 2009
Stocking up for 3.1
3.1 is coming very soon (my money is on next week) and with it will come some wonderful changes to our class, as well as the long-anticipated new raid dungeon in which much blood and tears (and consumables and repair gold) shall be shed.
So you don’t get caught unawares or smacked hard in the face by the laws of supply and demand, I suggest grabbing the following things in advance so you’re ready to go on Patch Day.
- Glyph of Lay on Hands: This glyph is awful for us now, but in 3.1 it’ll change to slice 5 minutes off the cooldown. Considering how terrible our Minor Glyph choices are to begin with, this is an excellent choice to fill one of those slots.
- 2 Ink of the Sea (or 5-10 Northrend Herbs) and 1 Resilient Parchment for Glyph of Divine Plea. This (very mandatory) glyph will be taught by the trainers so any Inscription buddy of yours will be able to whip it up on Patch Day. Might as well supply your own mats.
- 7 Lichblood, 3 Crystallized Life, 1 Frost Lotus, 1 Enchanted Vial will now get you 2 Flasks of Stoneblood (buffed to 1300hp!) in 3.1. If you buy mats for flasks do so now before prices skyrocket for the new raid.
- 4 Abyss Crystals, 8 Greater Cosmic Essences, and 1 Titansteel Bar for the new enchant Blade Ward.
- Progression is a hungry man’s pursuit and as a tankadin you’ll need lots and lots of Dragonfin Filets. Start fishing now and keep the raw fish on a bank alt or something waiting to be fried up.
- This may be wishful thinking, but you never know, you might pick up an upgrade or two those first few nights (especially if your guild goes right into 25 man). Keep a few Solid Sky Sapphires, Enduring Forest Emeralds, and Thick Autumn’s Glows in the bank now while prices on raw gems and cuts are low.