Need more fury

Over at Blessing of Kings, there’s a great post responding to a question about Righteous Fury. I just wanted to get my 2 copper in.

Righteous Fury being a buff is by far the most irritating thing I have to keep track of while tanking. This is more so now that seals are 30 min long and I don’t have to sacrifice GCDs to them in-fight.

Where RF really grinds my gears is in a situation where I’m in the middle of a fight and for whatever reason forgetfulness takes a hold of me and I don’t notice that the buff drops off. Suddenly it’s “crap, why can’t I hold aggro?” Followed by “oh crap oh crap.” And then there goes a quarter of my mana mid-fight.

Now mind you, this doesn’t happen a lot, or really ever, but when it does happen it can cause huge problems.

The other annoyance with RF is in raids I tend to click it off on boss fights where I don’t have to worry about the warrior MT going down and I just want to get my measly 1700 dps in without the worry of ripping aggro. Case in point, last night for Thaddius I clicked it off before we started Fuegen and Stalagg. Both go down and we jump to Thaddius’ platform.

The warrior MT misses the jump and lands in the slime. Not good.

I run in to pick up the boss, completely forgetting RF is off.

Immediately I notice that the ret paladin has a HUGE aggro lead on me (gogo retadin burst) and then that’s when it clicks, Righteous Fury. I turn on the buff, nuke my mana bar, and after some fancy taunting I regain aggro and take the lead.

Anyway, moral of the story: I’m lazy, forgetful, and hate to watch my mana bar get nuked. Blizzard, please act accordingly.