I know there’s a certain lack of glory in offtanking. To some it’s the shit job that the newbie takes, to others it’s where the lesser geared tank gets shuffled. To me, however, it’s the tank role with the most excitement. Any meathead can sit in front of a dragon and get pounded in the face. It takes a special kind of knuckle dragger to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, tossing off taunts like beads at Mardi Gras, and keeping the healers alive so they can in turn keep the aforementioned meathead from expiry.
In just about every raid that Demogar (the warrior tank) and I deal with, I always quickly snap up the offtanking role. Golems on Ignis, adds on Freya, Icecrown Guardians on Kel, Mistresses of Pain on Jaraxxus. You name it–I’ve rounded it up, kited it, and consecrated it down.
Why do I do it… lack of confidence? My gear not measuring up? Nope, I’m a masochist and I enjoy the adrenaline rush of keeping some ancillary mob under control. And my gear’s just fine, thank you.
If you constantly get stuck in the OT role, don’t despair. Remember, the attempt depends on your success much more than the MT. You’re the one tasked with doing the grunt work, he’s just sitting there getting made into mincemeat. And if he dies? You swoop in and save the day while he has to suffer the indignity of a battle rez. And if you die, well, there goes everyone with the highest global aggro–goodbye to the healers.
The maintank may in the end get the fortune and glory, but the offtank is the one that invariably carries the day. It’s a thankless job, but someone has to do it.
Of course, this all assuming there are adds. If this is Loatheb or Hodir we’re talking about, just switch to dps and have some fun smashing in faces for a change of pace.
I know there’s a certain lack of glory in offtanking. To some it’s the shit job that the newbie takes, to others it’s where the lesser geared tank gets shuffled. To me, however, it’s the tank role with the most excitement. Any meathead can sit in front of a dragon and get pounded in the face. It takes a special kind of knuckle dragger to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, tossing off taunts like beads at Mardi Gras, and keeping the healers alive so they can in turn keep the aforementioned meathead from expiry.
In just about every raid that Demogar (the warrior tank) and I deal with, I always quickly snap up the offtanking role. Golems on Ignis, adds on Freya, Icecrown Guardians on Kel, Mistresses of Pain on Jaraxxus. You name it–I’ve rounded it up, kited it, and consecrated it down.
Why do I do it… lack of confidence? My gear not measuring up? Nope, I’m a masochist and I enjoy the adrenaline rush of keeping some ancillary mob under control. And my gear’s just fine, thank you.
If you constantly get stuck in the OT role, don’t despair. Remember, the attempt depends on your success much more than the MT. You’re the one tasked with doing the grunt work, he’s just sitting there getting made into mincemeat. And if he dies? You swoop in and save the day while he has to suffer the indignity of a battle rez. And if you die, well, there goes everyone with the highest global aggro–goodbye to the healers.
The maintank may in the end get the fortune and glory, but the offtank is the one that invariably carries the day. It’s a thankless job, but someone’s gotta do it.
Of course, this all assuming there are adds. If this is Loatheb or Hodir we’re talking about, just switch to dps and have some fun smashing in faces for a change of pace.
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