Wow, I haven’t done one of these in a long, long time. To be honest, this is just filler to cap off the week. On Monday I’ll have what I hope will be a very informative post on tanking strategies for heroic ToC 10, so that will be something of substance to look forward to. As always, I’d appreciate any additions or corrections to any answers I give in the comments!
breastplate of the white knight gems
Let me list them in order: Solid Majestic Zircon, Solid Majestic Zircon, and Solid Majestic Zircon. Ignore the bonus, you’ll lose too much stamina trying to get it.
vindication, paladin, worth it?
Absolutely! Vindication is hands-down a mitigation talent and a must-have for any serious paladin tank. I’m a big fan of self-reliance, and I don’t trust any raider to keep up a debuff I can do myself.
does vindication work on raid bosses post 3.2.2
mark of the relentless or the leviathan’s coil
I would choose the Coil for when you’re dealing with more physical damage (the armor) and the Mark when dealing with more magic heavy fights (more stamina).
shadow strike timer burrower
Every 30 seconds the adds will both pick the farthest player from them and target them for a shadow strike. Interrupt all the burrowers to prevent a one-shot of the target.
0/58/18 paladin spec
When I first saw this query my thought was, “how the hell did this person add up 76 talent points?” Then I realized that they were talking about Cataclysm when we’ll all be level 85. If I had those five extra points now, I would probably put them in Seals of the Pure for a nice threat boost. I think that’d work out to more tps than 3/3 Sanctity of Battle and another 2 points in Conviction. I can’t see anything mitigation-wise that would be a better fit for them.
2% magic reduction meta
Very, very situational. I can count on one hand how many fights that might help in, if at all. Not worth it except as a very narrow gimmick.
245 tank libram of valiance up time
According to the log I did the other day to test Quel’Serrar, 98.3%.
3.2.2 pally tanking with spell power weapon
No, no, a thousand times no. You’d get more threat out of a dps one-hander with a high dps number than a spellpower weapon. Spellpower is dead, get with the times.
anub’arak solo tank adds interrupts
I do this for 10-H and 25-N. It’s totally doable. Having a lot of block value helps significantly.
best prot pally weapon enchant 3.2.2
I’m partial to Blood Draining for the survivability aspect. If you’re hurting for threat, I would recommend Accuracy.
can a paladin interrupt hammer of justice coliseum twin
Yes, assuming the shield is down. Holy Wrath is a better choice for this, though. (Damage and interrupt in one!)
do prot paladins need alot of hit rating 3.2
I am a vocal proponent of hit rating. I strive to always run as melee hit capped (though I don’t gem or enchant for it). There is nothing better than hit to ensure a steady, consistent stream of amazing tps.
fresh 80 tankadin what libram should i get?
Libram of the Sacred Shield! You can easily nab it after 4-5 heroics.