Tag Archives: glyphs

Two down, none to go


Only cost 300g and had to get a guildee to buy it off the Alliance AH, but 3% damage reduction is worth it dammit.

One down, one to go

Just bought Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous for 99g on the AH. Score.

This is getting old(uar)

Still haven’t set foot in the titanic prison/city yet. Grrr. I think this patch picked the worst possible week to drop, and by worst possible, I mean most inconvenient to me. Clearly none of you matter in this calculus. So there.

Last night I logged on around 7 server just to start playing around with all the new doodads that the patch hast wrought. I bought my fancy dual spec and started putting points into Ret, but then realized I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and put the whole matter on the back burner. I’ll do some research and come back to it.

Naughty secret: I’d like to make my second spec a dps sword and board hybrid. Dare I dream? Yes, I know it’d be awful.

In any case, after that I hearthed back to Dal and flew off to try the new fishing daily. I have a love-hate relationship with fishing dailies right now, the Outland one being completely unwilling to give me the Captain Rumsey’s Lager recipe after a solid year of attempts.

Supposedly this new daily can also give the recipe, so at least that ups my chances.

Following that it was finally time to check out the Argent Tournament. I picked up the dailies and collected a chunk of Aspirant’s Seals. I’m itching to start collecting Champion’s Seals so I can save up for the Argent Hippogryph (so help me god if there’s no walking animation…).

Argent Tournament looked like a lot of fun, but it was getting old being challenged to a duel every 7 seconds as I was running around looking for the training guys.

Also checked the AH last night, and surprise surprise no Glyph of Divine Plea or Glyph of Hammer 0f Righteousness. Thanks to the RNG it’ll probably be some time before those two make it into the general economy. I don’t care about pricing, but I’m also not going to pay more than a few hundred gold for those.

And lastly, once again, I wasn’t able to hang around long enough for the Ulduar raid. My time will come tonight though, I have the whole evening dedicated to raiding and all the bugged-out Ignis attempts I can stomach. Plus 25man this weekend, for good or ill.

I’ll report back tomorrow on how my first night in there went.

The waiting is the hardest part

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to jump into Patch 3.1 last night, but apparently I didn’t miss much. The server itself didn’t come back online until like 7:30 eastern, and by the time my guild got its 10-man expedition into Ulduar, the raid server collapsed like a wet cake, stranding the GL’s toon in the nether between instances.

I’ll be able to hop on tonight to finally play with my new spec, buy dual speccing, and start hunting down the enchant/glyphs I need. I heard from a few people, Logan in the comments on another post among them, that Glyph of Divine Plea is impossible to find right now? If so, grrrr.

I hope Ulduar went well for anyone that managed to get in there.

I’ll report back tomorrow on what, if anything, I accomplish tonight!

How I’ll be glyphing next patch

3.1 is bringing some welcome changes to our glyphs, finally making more than a few actually useful for tanking. Here’s how I’ll navigate this brave new world of glyphing when the next patch drops:


  • Glyph of Divine Plea — Pretty much mandatory at this juncture. 3% DR is nothing to sneeze at.
  • Glyph of Seal of Vengeance –  SoV is our primary tanking seal, so the extra threat/mitigation of the 10 expertise skill is something we’ll just about always have up.
  • Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous — This one I’m dropping Glyph of the Righteous Defense for, because after some hefty soul-searching I decided that I’d rather have extra threat in situations with four or more mobs over an addition 8% chance to hit on a taunt that I now have a backup for.


  • Glyph of Blessing of Kings — A helpful mana saver, and considering how generally bad our minor glyphs are this’ll at least get some use.
  • Glyph of Lay on Hands — Definitely looking forward to this one. Remember the days when LoH had an hour cooldown? Now it can be as low as 11 minutes. Signs and wonders, my friends, signs and wonders.
  • Glyph of Sense Undead — Eh, like I’m never setting foot in Naxx ever again. And Northrend is still crawling with undead.

I feel dirty

My mage alt is a scribe, and I’ve been selling the glyphs that I’ve been making as I level Inscription. One of the glyphs I put on the AH was the Glyph of Consecration, which, as we all know, is a terrible glyph.

So I’m greedily pawing through various “Auction Sold” letters on this alt yesterday and I got the gold from selling said godawful glyph. From the name of the character that bought it, I could tell the unlucky purchaser was a tank.

Even though she’s only lvl 37 (as I discovered via the Armory), I feel compelled to send her a tell to implore her not to use the glyph and perhaps offer to sell her a better fitting one. Anything to alleviate my guilt over enabling this budding tank to trod the dark path.

Anything except a refund… I have a business to run after all.