Our raid week post-5.2 was a familiar tune for most normal-mode 10man guilds. We rolled the seemingly undertuned Jin’rokh, and then found ourselves banging our heads against the wall of the seemingly overtuned Horridon. (I guess Blizzard agrees, that encounter was hotfixed yesterday.)
Not much to say about about the Throne of Thunder otherwise, for obvious reasons. I guess I can state that I perversely enjoyed the trash after Jin’rokh. It felt like something out of a platformer game: avoid the unkillable guys with the lamps, don’t get blown off the bridge, somehow kill the banshees before they melt your raid. Initially terrifying, but a small and welcome challenge from the usual “stack up and AoE down” style of trash.
Now, if the rest of the raid has similarly gimmicky trash — well, then it can go straight to hell.
We definitely began to feel the effects of our post-Un’sok race-to-the-finish before the patch hit and the Ahead of the Curve feats of strength were yanked away. As of the patch dropping, we had only killed Un’sok, Grand Empress, Protectors, Tsulong, Lei Shi, and Sha of Fear once each. With a four hour raid week across two days, we just constantly extended the lockout and worked our way through each boss.
This was great for our immediate goal of finishing the tier before the tier was unofficially finished, but it was terrible for the long-term goal of gearing up a raid. We finished 5.0′s raid offerings with at least exactly the gear loadout we needed to complete those fights. But once we started on Throne of Thunder, it became obvious that the numbers were not in our favor.
So last night we decided, instead of just throwing our corpses at Horridon some more, to dodge back to Terrace and Heart of Fear and clear the former and get as far as we could in the latter before time ran out. Hopefully some needed upgrades would follow. Side note: Those nerfs are very noticeable. Ho-boy.
Anyway, I picked up a new pair of boots from Protectors and the cloak that I’ve been coveting for quite some time from Vizier, so I was a happy camper. When I went to socket the yellow gem slot in the former (and this is where the title comes in!) I was just shy of hit cap, so I figured I’d use the hit/stam gem. When 5.2 hit, I noticed that all the Nimble Wild Jades in my gear had been converted to Confounded Wild Jades, though I didn’t think much more of it.
Then, last night, I went to try to cut one of those gems and found myself, er, confounded. Even a quick jewelcrafting research wouldn’t teach me the pattern. Obviously, Blizzard had cut the gems from the game – for obvious reasons, hit and stamina are both blue, and the gem shouldn’t have existed in the first place! — and I was slow to get the memo.
A little obvious in hindsight, perhaps, that it would be removed. I should have prepared accordingly and stockpiled a few stacks of them like some mad apocalypse prepper. It was a really handy gem cut.
Regardless, I wish I had an uncut Confounded in my bags or bank. I like to hold onto obsolete crap like that.