The die is cast

And so it was, my guild is recruiting.

This has been a long time coming for sure. Reading my raid recaps (when I’ve been in a good enough mood to do one) you could see how poor attendance has been lately. In the last month we’ve been on the razor’s edge in terms of whether or not our 25mans were going to go off. Despite having about 30 geared raiders, from night to night 6-8 decide to take the night off. If one or two were doing this, that’d be fine, but that huge a number makes raid unpredictable. Moreover, would it kill people to give some heads up that “hey, I can’t make raids next week”?

Two weeks ago when this problem first cost us a raid night it was obvious that the only real solution was to recruit, but I held off because I knew we had the people, they just were taking nights off en masse. So we shortened the raid week to two nights, though a bit longer, to make raiding less onerous on everyone’s schedules. That seemed to help a little, but now it’s plain to see we can’t ignore the root of the problem anymore. It’s time to shut up and do the hard thing and bring more dps into the fold and acclimate them into the raid core.

I’m currently attempting to find five or so new dps for the guild, qualified folks requiring minimal gearing so we can get back on track and get the progression train rolling again. We’ve been stuck at 7/12 for a while, giving Putricide the stink eye, and we really need to make good on our threats.

Wednesday was the straw that broke the camel’s back. We spent all Tuesday night literally mopping up all farm content as quickly and efficiently as possible: first four bosses, Festergut, Rotface, Blood Council, all one shots. Hell, we even killed Svalna in the Dreamwalker hallway for the free Emblem of Frost. Then we went and did Toravon and the raid weekly for good measure.

And then Wednesday only 23 people showed up for progression.

30 minutes past raid start it was becoming obvious that ICC-25 wasn’t happening, and as a back up plan I told everyone to hang tight and I’d carve out two 10man groups so we could at least get something done in ICC-10. I spent a good ten minutes huddled over a pad of paper and a pen, sweating profusely, and trying to expertly craft two balanced groups that could equally complete ICC-10 content. I thought I did pretty well, passed off the group two list to an officer for him to invite for and lead, and then went to Icecrown to start mine.

A few minutes and it occurred to me (by way of healer complaints in /o) that group two didn’t have Replenishment. Total facepalm, didn’t even enter into the equation for me.

I’m doing my best, dammit

Apologies in advance if this reeks of QQ.

On a side note, the common denominator over every moment I’ve spent raiding over the course of the last month has been unmitigated stress. Demogar, the guild leader and my brother tank, has been spotty in attendance since he got his new job, for good or ill. It’s fallen on me to pick up the pieces when he isn’t there; this normally isn’t so bad, but I’m not cut out to be the leading type, I just kind of keep getting stuck with it.

I like to think of my situation in very “Charge of the Light Brigade”/Cincinnatus-esque terms–I hate raid leading but I will shoulder the burden to that the raids can actual happen. I take the tank gear, I bear the “Co-Guild Lead” rank, it’s my job.

I was mulling around these feelings in my head when two posts popped up on twitter. One at The Hunter’s Mark, which then spawned one by Wrathy. Both touched on raid leading and the philosophies and difficulties there of.

The common thread between these two are “you rank and file don’t know how good you have it, do your job and stop making mine so hard.” Money quote from Lass’ post:

My point is, raid leaders have to do everything the average player has to do… for 25+ other people and themselves. They also have to work out the logistics of scheduling and populating raids, which doesn’t sound difficult on the surface, but if you’ve ever tried throwing a PuG raid together, you sort of get a feel for what it can be like to do that every week. You get about a dozen people whispering you back and forth constantly, asking what gear set to bring, what spec they should use, who else is going, what bosses they’ll be focusing on, what the strategies are, what loot will drop, etc etc ad infinitum.

I completely agree. For that spotty 30 minute period on Wednesday when the night’s events looked in doubt I fielded a slew of whispers from various people asking when invites were going out, why weren’t they out yet, what were we going to do, and boy does it suck that we aren’t raiding.

Yeah, no kidding guys, believe me, I feel the same way.

If you’re not one of the lucky few that have taken it upon themselves to shoulder all this torture on your behalf, then please be kind to your raid leaders. All you have to do is come to raid and worry about if some piece of gear will drop that you want, and whether you personally are having fun.

I, and my many self-medicating cohorts, must worry about a panorama of things: is everyone having fun, why hasn’t that boss died yet, does anyone need go soon, who do I have to replace them, are we spending too much time between pulls, is the dkp addon working, is anyone afk, how are we going to do CC on this Blood Wing pull, what made us wipe on that boss, why is that hunter doing so little dps, what can I do to make people stack better, and so on and so forth.

I’m doing my best, dammit, to make sure the raids happen and the bosses die and the purples flow like wine. All I request in return is that everyone shows up. Is that so much to ask for?


The ten man I put together, however, was awesome. 10s as a rule tend to be more fun due to fewer personalities clashing, the ability to be more selective with whom you take, and a more casual atmosphere. Less seems to be at stake in ICC-10 when you’re a 25man guild.

My run was neck and neck with the other group up until Putricide when they had issues downing him while we wiped a few times at 1%. On the third try we smoked the Professor and continued on to eventually down Blood Council and the Blood Queen (a very messy one shot as you could see above).

We’re continuing the run Sunday night at Dreamwalker. I’ve got high hopes to see the LK fight, I think we can do it.

As for the other run, they killed Putricide on the fifth or so attempt, which is a bit rough, but on the bright side now 20 people in guild have killed Putricide in some format, as opposed to 10. This is knowledge we can parlay into the 25man encounter.

You know, if we can ever get the group together.

One step closer

Last night was heroic 10man night, which has quickly become my favorite night of the raiding week. Small group, more relaxed vent, loot I can use, a nice challenge; all factors that add up to heroic ToC-10 being a great time. Last night was no exception, even with two folks that have never seen an Anub kill, we were clearly on fire.

During Beasts we unfortunately wiped on Icehowl because we had two instances where the yeti hit someone that didn’t strafe fast enough. Once we regrouped I was forced to teach some folks how to strafe and imparted the wisdom of Stoneybaby’s awesome “Small Points” post. The next time we downed Beasts when everyone was on top of their game for the furball.

Jaraxxus was generally easy and we one shot him. Then on Champs we had what was probably the easiest comp ever: Enhancement Shaman, Rogue, Holy Priest, Tree Druid, Warlock, Mage. Burnt down the Shaman first, then the Rogue, then the Warlock. After the scariest dps was dead we doubled back and finished off the two healers, then put the Mage out of his misery.

Twins were similarly easy. (No boots, though, makes me a sad pally.)

As you can gather, I think it’s fair to say we’ve got the hang of the place overall.

When we dropped down to face Anub we were at 49 attempts on the clock. Mad Skill was so close we could taste it.

However (and not really this person’s fault) we brought a new guy that night who really hadn’t seen an Anub kill and had to learn our two-heals/north-south strategy on the fly. Two wipes later and I’ll admit I was getting very stressed. I felt that progression kill slipping away from us.

47 attempts left, third try on Anub and we executed the strategy perfectly. People ducked and dodged as needed, adds died fast, and Anub as well in short order. The “A Tribute to Mad Skill” achievement flashed on our screens. No 245 Ardent Guard, but I was still jubilant. It was a great victory for the guild.

Considering that each wipe that night was either due to (1) dopiness, or (2) not knowing the fight. Both easy things to overcome. Insanity will be ours very soon, I’m sure.

Now, to step back a bit from the warm glow of victory, let’s talk a little drama. There are some malcontents in guild that were complaining that they weren’t being taken to the heroic 10man and that only the “Inner Circle” was being invited. I need to address this–er, heroically, where they’ll never read my response. Their complaints are hogwash.

For one, to address the more explosive “Inner Circle” charge, we’ve rotated in folks every week to the point where we’ve now taken at least 20 different people in there. And we’ve invited others who were not able to go. There is no Inner Circle being taken week after week.

Anyone who’s done this raid will I’m sure sympathize that you can’t carry someone doing 3k dps through it just to be “fair”. I’m a bit of a black-hearted jerk perhaps, but my position is you have to earn your spot in a top-of-the-line run by being the best at your role. The reason that some people aren’t being invited is because they can’t perform at the level needed to succeed in there. We issue invites based their performance according to logs from that week’s 25man raid.

Do 6k dps and you’re probably going to an invite. Do 3k and spend more of the raid disconnected? Not so much.

There’s a part of me that feels bad about having to exclude folks like this, but on the flip side I have a responsibility to the guild and the other 9 people in that raid to give them all the tools they need to succeed. An underperforming remora of a raider is not going to help bring any success.

Weekend notes

1. Saturday I had the day mostly to myself so I decided to get a jumpstart on making my eventual Troll Druid (woohoo race changes). I rolled the Tauren Druid that morning and by the end of the night I had him at level 21. One thing that really struck me in that period was how much Druids suck for the first twenty levels. Level 1-10 is basically Wrath… Wrath… Wrath… ok… more Wrath.

Then when I got Bear Form I decided to do the next ten levels like that, since I already had the Shadowcraft BOAs equipped. So instead of Wrath spam, it was Maul spam.

It wasn’t too bad, I basically headed over to the Ghostlands and burnt through the next nine levels or so in five hours, basically spending most of the time aoe tanking groups of mobs during quests.

One hilarious mistake I found myself doing a lot: I was trying to solo Knucklerot at lvl 19 and I was doing really well, but at like 30% health I warstomped to stun him, shifted to cast hots on myself, and then… er, ran out of mana and couldn’t shift back into Bear Form. GG nub.

Once I got Cat Form however, the fun really started. Lots of fast hits, a cool looking appearance, and stealth. Boy howdy, I’ve always wanted a character with stealth.

I’m looking forward to getting this guy to 80 asap and then sitting on him until Cataclysm comes out. I doubt I’ll do much raiding with him this xpac.

2. Had some guild drama hit this morning, hurray. The fail DK tank that I’ve mentioned a few times in these pages finally flew the coop. There’s nothing really funny about what brought us to this point, nothing I can document for teh lulz here, which is unfortunate. Just long story short: Failtank got too big for his britches, and combining that with an attitude of “I’m the best, everyone else sucks” with nothing to back it up… it wasn’t meant to last.

The worst part of all this was he took a really good healer with him that I guess he was in a relationship with. I’m not really sure what their deal was, but she was really nice, so I mourn her passing, so to speak. Failtank on the other hand can get pound sand for all I’m concerned.

On the plus side though, no one seems to care in guild. I was worried he might bring other folks with him, but surprise surprise, no one cared much for him.

3. Finishing up Heroic 10man tonight. I’m not sure what to expect in terms of the last two bosses (I hear Anub is intense) but I think Twins will be ok. I would really like to clear the place out tonight (I honestly think we can do it, I just don’t know if we have enough time to get the needed attempts in with 2.5 hours for the two bosses). That may be me being pessimistic though. (What, me? Nevar!)

In any case, if anyone has some pro-tips for Twins and Anub I’d be much obliged.

Mmm ketchup

I have a lot to catch up on, so I’ll try to keep it fairly concise. In the week since I last posted we only raided Ulduar 25 this past weekend. The Saturday start was something of a disaster, as over the last few weeks raiding attendance on weekends has been unmitigated crap. Despite not having our usual 25man raiders we managed to down FL, Razorscale, and XT. Not only that, but we started the night by one shotting Malygos and 20 manning 1D Sarth.

I told you all, sometimes I don’t get my guild. And I mean that in a good way.

Of course, then on Sunday we downed Iron Council and spent the rest of the night wiping on Kologarn.

In any case, after the experience of this weekend we decided to switch 25man raids to weekdays (specifically Tues/Wed) to take advantage of having almost 40 people online on those days while barely scraping 25 on Sat/Sun. Keep in mind though not 3 months ago we switched 25man raids to weekends so we’d have more raiding time. How things change!

Now last night was the start of the raiding week, so to capitalize we started off with Emalon25 ( who is soooo easy now that they nerfed him), and then headed into Ulduar. We one-shot FL and what does he drop but this awesome and probably over-budgeted ring. I promptly snatched it up, finally replacing my Titanium Earthguard Ring.

Has anyone noticed that when you down FL your raid still stays in combat? I don’t know if this is a bug or not, because it’s happened the last few weeks. Apparently some random dwarves stay up and just run around after FL goes down, locking us in combat. A DI will typically take someone out of combat, but only for a short while. Right now our only relief seems to be running out, which is a huge pain considering you can’t use teleporters while in combat, and the distance between FL and the entrance is vast.

Anyhoo, after FL we marched over to Razorscale and quickly one-shot her as well. The fight is always a bit surreal now that it’s been nerfed/tuned down a bit. I still remember the ungodly hell it was the first week in Ulduar. So glad this was changed.

After that we went on to down XT after a few attempts, who dropped the Signet of the Earthshaker. Demo didn’t want that, so I took it as well. It’s got a nice amount of stamina and defense, and the block rating will give me some flexibility with gear so I stay block capped while maximizing avoidance elsewhere.

And then after XT we went over to Ignis and downed him after a few tries as well.

So first night and Siege of Ulduar is cleared! That means we have a nice, full night of… er, Kolo wipes… ahead of us. Crap.

Um, but I digress. Let’s back up a sec for some hilarity.

While we were clearing trash to FL there was some unrest in gchat from some dps who were sore they weren’t being taken to Ulduar. Mind you, they weren’t skipped intentionally, just they weren’t invited that night. By the time we got to FL though, one of the sore dps typed this into gchat accidentally:


Oops indeed.

He left the guild immediately after, though he was probably about to get kicked.

It’s kind of a shame, the guy was decent dps even in bad gear. He probably would have been really good in time and with some better gear.

Speaking of further drama, one of the issues bubbling just under the surface concerns two new members we picked up two weeks ago. These two came from the best Horde guild on the server, and for that reason I shall call him Captain [AwesomeGuild]. Now C[AG], I have been informed, is by virtue of his previous guild membership apparently some kind of WoW god. And we are but lowly mortals that walk under this bestriding colossus’ legs.

Because C[AG] was in [AwesomeGuild], suddenly he’s being consulted for every progression boss fight, despite the fact that he joined us two weeks into Ulduar’s release, so I doubt he’s seen more of the place than we have. Case in point, on Kologarn last week we wiped a few times, so offerings were brought to this Ye O Mighty Oracle, and he revealed that a druid main tank would be in order because druids have more avoidance.

Er, wut?

Unless something has changed significantly recently, wasn’t the whole point of druids that they don’t have much avoidance? Don’t they only have dodge as an avoidance stat?

I think this guy’s full of it, and some people are just stroking his ego. To make it worse he has all the personality and charm of any random leet kiddie you might encounter in WoW. For example, a guildee asked in gchat the other day which of two pieces was better for him. Both were similar, but one had hit and one had crit. C[AG] says in guild “HURF DURF HIT CAP OR NOT HIT CAP”. Granted, the answer was obvious, but there was no need to be such a dick.

And frankly, anyone who uses the word “brah” unironically is suspect.