Aftermath from 3.0.9

Since the patch came out Tuesday, there’s been some questioning of Seal of Righteousness since the glyph for that ability was changed to offer a 10% damage buff. Would it be possible that glyphed SoR would be better than Seal of Vengeance/Corruption for tps generation?

The fine minds at Maintankadin did some number crunching, and as far as I can gather from this thread, it seems like the jury is still out on this. The two abilities come very close together in tps, yet with SoV/C still prevailing.

However, if one was expertise/hit capped, then with a high dps weapon (like Broken Promise) and frequent use of Hammer of the Righteous, SoR would come out on top. With Reckoning talented into this would give SoR more tps generation capabilities as well.

They haven’t settled this definitively, however. I’m looking forward to see what they come up with for the final numbers. It’d be nice to have some leeway in which seal to choose while tanking.

Patch 3.0.9 inc? And more raiding nonsense

First things first, according to mmo-champion (and this could just a rumor, mind you) the 3.0.9 patch is supposedly dropping on Tuesday and will include an extension of all seal durations to 30 minutes. This would also be the patch that will be nuking Divine Plea’s utility for holy paladins.

Nominally this won’t hurt tankadins all that much, but the Divine Plea change is going to kill the usefulness of judging light in a raid while DP is up. In any case, the seal change is welcome albeit unexpected. Though it makes some sense, to reduce a major mana inefficiency for holy paladins and make it so they don’t have to recast a seal every two minutes to get the benefit from a glyph.

Anyways, moving on, I did some raiding this weekend, including a very fun drunken Naxx10 Friday night. I’m currently coping with the fact that as the only raiding paladin the guild has right now, the last two times I’ve been in Naxx I’ve left with only holy gear (e.g., Libram of Tolerance). /cry

Half the reason I keep getting screwed on loot is my terrible luck. I can get the stuff to drop, but when it comes to winning it… that’s where the process falls apart. For example, last night in 25 man Naxx, the Inexorable Sabatons and the T7.25 leg token dropped off of Gluth.

Guild policy right now is to do T7 first, and then normal loot. They didn’t, so rather that using my one main spec winning roll on the boots, I held on for the legs token. The warrior tank won the boots on a free-for-all off spec roll and then I went on to lose the leg token as well. It was such a tease too, a priest rolled a 4, I rolled a 28. Two seconds pass, a few congratulatory tells roll in, but oh boy did I know better. A warlock then rolled a 98. Denied.

Eh, c’est la vie. I’ll get all my T7 eventually, mathematically. Hopefully.