Trinkets, yes, pretty trinkets
3.3 will bring a pack of new trinkets for use to jam into slots 13 and 14. Like most batches of new items, some are good, some are bad. Let’s take a look at them and assess:
Corpse-Tongue Coin (and Heroic version)
Drops in the 25man Gunship encounter.
I’m sure many are going to look down at avoidance stats in light of Chill of the Throne, though you should not. Even though we lose a huge chunk of dodge while in the Citadel, avoidance is still a worthy stat. Icecrown gear is pretty heavy on armor, and it seems Blizzard is trying to push mitigation on us in lieu of the avoidance we’re sacrificing. Likewise, 5712 (or 6426) is a powerful amount of armor.
Using the 11:1 armor to stamina equivalency (in regards to purely physical fights), the proc is worth 519 stamina when you need it the most (at under 35%). This proc alone makes this trinket awesome for physical damage-dominant fights. Not so much if we’re talking more of a magic damage fight, like Sindragosa.
I would definitely use it… possibly on most fights. Even in a high magic-damage fight, the proc is that intense.
Unidentifiable Organ (and Heroic version)
Drops in the 10man Gunship encounter.
I hate ramp-up effects, and this trinket is no exception. Maxed out the effect is worth 240 stamina, which is great, but two big caveats: (1) it’s possible to go into a lucky avoidance streak and lose your stack (especially with a 60% proc chance, that’s double RNG) and (2) this trinket is nigh-useless for offtanking. Sure, the armor is great, but if you’re not getting hit by melee attacks with enough consistency to guarantee and ever-increasing stack, you’d be better off with the Glyph of Indomitability.
MTing in a melee-heavy encounter is another issue altogether. Then it’s ok, but depending purely on how often the proc is up and how high it gets.
Corroded Skeleton Key
Purchased for 60 Emblems of Frost.
/drool, is all I need to say about this. 228 stamina is amazing and the one-use effect is nice for moment when you’re expecting a big hit. This will definitely be welcomed upgrade to my Heart of Iron. Even better, it’s spectacularly easy to obtain.
A must have for sure.
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