
CTC Calculator

[ Download CTC Stat Calculator.xls (v1.3.5) ]

Basically, the way it works is you go to your armory page and fill in the Dodge and Parry fields with your dodge and parry ratings in section 1. These come by hovering your mouse over the dodge/parry numbers, where it says “Dodge rating of x adds y% Dodge chance”. You want that x number. To start, I have my current numbers for both plugged in by default to prevent half the sheet being !#DIV/0 errors.

Once those are set, in section 2, plug in the various mitigation/avoidance stats from the piece you’re evaluating. The sheet will calculate your current level of diminishing returns affliction and then use that to figure out how much CTC the item is worth to you.

If you want you can also put negative values in the boxes to represent the stats your losing from the piece you’d be replacing. Section 3 provides the avoidance and mitigation (and total CTC) from the piece/stats you entered. If you just wanted to evaluate a piece of gear, you can stop here. If you want to work out your total CTC, you can continue.

In section 4,  you can enter your strength value from the armory and enter a 1 in the appropriate box for any buffs you have available. The value of each buff will be calculated out. Entering two food buffs at once will provide a warning, be careful you only choose one.

Then, in section 5, give your block percent and figure out your total CTC including base dodge and parry and miss chance. If over block cap the sheet will tell you how much extra mastery you have and convert it to stamina/HP as well, for regemming purposes.


1.3.5: Fixed a really dumb error. Didn’t change a formula downstream when changing dodge and parry over to needing ratings. So sorry for that!

1.3.4: Changed the dodge and parry inputs to ask for ratings, rather than undiminished percents. Should make first use of the sheet more intuitive.

1.3.3: Added the conversion of overflow mastery to stamina and HP. If you have Kings/Mark enabled under buffs, the HP conversion will gain the appropriate boost to reflect the extra 5% stamina.

1.3.2: Added a new feature to section 5, showing you how far over/under the block cap you are as a percent. Then, if over cap, will tell you how much mastery rating you can safely shed so you don’t waste any itemization. Many thanks to Starmartyr for the suggestion!

1.3.1: Removed any deprecated remnant agility formulas, added reforge to mastery field, renamed “Threat Stat” to “Reforge” fields for simplicity, added buffs(!), updated total CTC number to take buffs into account.

1.2: Sheet up dated for Patch 4.2, and removed contributions from Agility to Dodge, changed Strength to Parry Rating conversion to .27 per point of Strength, and boosted Base Dodge to 5%.

1.1: Several corrections made to formulas. Thanks to Gameldar and Dilly for those.


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  1. ICdeadppl
    September 8, 2011 at 6:13 pm #


    I think there’s a problem with the spreadsheet. The one I downloaded is picking up a number in E25 when I have entered 0 in section 2 for Dodge, Parry & Mastery

    • Rhidach
      September 9, 2011 at 7:58 am #

      Yeah someone tweeted me this morning about that. I uploaded a new, corrected version (1.3.5). So sorry about that!

    • Omen
      September 10, 2011 at 3:21 pm #

      In section 4, Would it be possible to add Mixology “Elixir of the master” box, aswell as a default “Elixir of the master” which already exists

      • Rhidach
        September 14, 2011 at 8:24 am #

        Sure, I can totally do that.

        • Omen
          September 15, 2011 at 5:12 pm #

          That be great Thanks

  2. Catu
    December 7, 2011 at 3:16 am #

    Will you be updating this for 4.3?

    • Mythoos
      December 15, 2011 at 1:00 am #

      Do you find something that needs to be updated?

  3. Faustamort
    March 15, 2012 at 3:05 am #

    Does Parry from Strength not contribute to the CTC cap, am I missing something, or are you missing it? So far I’ve tried to manually calculate it by adding it in to the Parry box in section 1 (minus 181 Base Strength), but I’m not that this is correct. It certainly seems to make quite a bit of difference.

    • Rhidach
      March 15, 2012 at 10:25 am #

      There should be a field where you put your strength in. Use that, don’t try to calculate the contribution to parry manually.

      • Kieble
        March 21, 2012 at 6:13 pm #

        I think what he was talking about, is that you don’t use a base (str*.27) = parry from strength. However, this may be calculated in your parry from the character sheet perhaps? So it’s already been done when you enter in your parry.

        Also, why are the str buffs like Horn of Winter added, then divided by the 600 number? Wouldn’t it be (Horn*.27)+((Horn + Str)* 1.05 for MOTW) = parry from str buffs?


  1. 4.3 – Prot Paladin Gear Review with CTC Calculations « Guarded by the Light - January 5, 2012

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