Apr 28 2009

Calm before the storm

Sorry for the lack of posting today. I honestly cannot think of anything to write about. Most of my day has been spent thinking about the awesomeness potential of tonight’s raid, assuming it goes according to plan and we get the A-team formed and in Ulduar at a good time.

In any case, I shall be posting some good stuff tomorrow.

Apr 3 2009


Apologies for the light posting these last few days. I’ve been slammed at work and haven’t had much time to think about, let alone post, anything remotely interesting (hence that lame abortive April Fools “joke”).

I’ll write some stuff this weekend in advance so I can post next week. Fill up the chamber in advance, if you will.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mar 3 2009

Oh, withdrawal

I’m current trapped at a conference my company puts on, and haven’t been on WoW since last Monday. The withdrawl may or may not be killing me.

I won’t be home and thus able to log in until this Friday.

… I don’t think being this long away from WoW is healthy.

Feb 17 2009

Like a broken record

Alright I really need to stop talking about loot. This blog is starting to resemble a LiveJournal-esque cavalcade of exuberant bragging. Not really the direction I wanted to take it!

Here’s my to do list for the near future:

1. Tank etiquette tips (probably a series)

2. Gemming guide for tankadins

3. Best-in-slot gear guide

4. Enchants guide

5. A guides tab up above when I have enough guides

I’ll post a raid summary of what went down last night in a bit. And, annoying loot wooting will be kept to a min.

Jan 29 2009

Azeroth Passing Me By

Wow a month away can change a lot. Well, that’s not completely accurate. I only took a three week break (to play Fallout 3 mostly, and the abominable Tomb Raider Underworld), but my sabbatical from the blog was a bit longer.

So, what has changed since the last time I posted here?

Well, for one, my poor pally heart was cleft in twain when Titanguard was removed from 3.0.8. I feel like the Ancient Mariner, doomed to wander the world forever with Potency hanging around my neck.

On a more personal level, the guild I’m in has changed rapidly in the last month. We picked up about two more tanks and a Paladin healer decided to respec to tank as well. This means that, despite my primary rival being gone, I have a lot more competition for tanking spots now.

Normally this wouldn’t be so bad but it gets immeasurably frustrating when attempting to tank a mob and having to play taunt tennis with some mouth-breather who has a bigger ego than aggro-generation capabilities.

And considering the other tankadin apparently has absolutely no idea what he’s doing–he didn’t pick up Touched by the Light, for example–holding onto one mob is quickly becoming an exercise in futility. Here’s a hint for you buddy: tanking consists of more than taunts and white damage.

Ugh, but I digress. How about some good things?

I picked up some great iLevel 213 gear, like my shiny Valorous Redemption Breastplate (how I loves it), Heritage, or the Bindings of the Hapless Prey. And I’ve currently got my heart set of the Val T7 shoulders (be it by loot or emblems) and Hero’s Surrender. Both are easily accessible at the guild’s stage of progression.

Guild looks like we’ll have Naxx25 cleared this week for the first time, or if not then next week. Everyone’s making great progress.

Dec 19 2008

Hello [Azeroth]!

I originally thought to change the default title that Wordpress always adds to your first blog post, but, you know, it seems very appropriate in this case. Welcome to my new blog.

I’ve been mulling creating this site for some time now–at least since September when I came back to the game after a summer-long hiatus. What brought me to finally take the plunge? Eh, for starters I realized that having already leveled to 80, I missed some pretty good blog fodder for posts, so I might as well get gittin’ while the gittin’ is good. So to speak.

I’ll be writing about a wide-ranging assortment of topics from Paladin tanking to general Paladin news (ie. whatever nerfs Ret manages to inflict upon the rest of us) to even more general WoW news.

Also, I’m currently suffering from the Great Comcastic WoW-Outage of ‘08. And in a huge snowstorm, no less. Awesome.

While I desperately await my fix, I’ll plug away the requisite posts: my spec, my gear wish list, etc. Coming shortly.


Anyways, stay tuned. Subscribe if you’d be so kind. I swear it’ll get interesting around here.