Halion is a different ball game. Something I don’t think many guilds were expecting, or prepared for. The rumors abounded that he was EZ mode, a quick walk in the park, easily dispatched. And then after the Ruby Sanctum was released, word started to trickle out about trash you had to actually CC (horrors abound!) and mechanics that couldn’t be steamrolled in the usual sense that we were accustomed to. OS 2.0, this was not.
The trash just by itself I could write a blog post on. If you’re not using some good ol’ fashioned crowd control, you will get stomped by the Commander packs. Basically, the way you handle trash is this:
- Assaulters get pulled aside by one tank and saved for last. They cleave, so dps and heals cannot stand in front of them.
- Invokers need to have dedicated interrupters on them. Their blast waves hurt. Focus these down first.
- Commanders need to be CC’d the duration of the pull. Start the pull by having a druid Hibernate one at range, and then grab the Assaulters and Invokers as they rush over. have druids keep Hibernate up.
We wiped a few times on trash because we got careless and thought we could AOE faceroll it down. Don’t make the same mistake.

Baltharus the Warborn
Mark this guy before you pull, since he has a mechanic of making copies of himself. When he attacks a tank he puts a stacking debuff on the tank that reduces the healing you take and increases the damage Baltharus does. And then, to top it all off, he has a Whirlwind where he’ll attack much, much faster. Combined with the debuff, you could be in trouble. Strategies I’ve seen recommend a tank swap on Whirlwind, but honestly it didn’t give me too much trouble. I was okay just using a cooldown.
OT picks up copies, dps stays on the marked one, everybody wins.
Saviana Ragefire
The easiest of the three mini bosses, for sure. Have a Rogue equip Anaesthetic Poison and you completely negate the enrage mechanic to point where you’ll ask “did she ever enrage?” If she does get an enrage off, she’ll splash crazy fire AOE on your raid and probably kill them all. When she goes up in the air, spread out. If you’re MTing and get hit with the Conflagarate, have the OT pick up Saviana until the effect wears off.
General Zarithrian
We did not do this guy correctly, at all. I tanked him by where he stood, Anafielle picked up adds. Once my stacks got to three and I had 60% of my armor gone, I just taunt/bubbled to clear my stacks and hold him. Then the second time I called for Ana to grab him but died before she could. Adds swarming everywhere, dps ignoring them for some odd reason. I get brezzed, pop back up, start grabbing adds. Trying to encourage dps to kill them, but someone shouts “BURN! NO TIME!! AAGGHHHH” and I die on the inside.
I continue to grab adds, eventually tank swap with Ana, and with about 20 adds up and half the raid dead he drops.
The way this should be done is tanks swap at about two stacks of the armor debuff, and ranged burns down adds immediately. Because the adds are casters, they don’t need to be tanked, per se, just controlled. Playing taunt tennis with the dps will suffice.
Anyway, once we stumbled through that fight it was time for Halion.
Yes. Halion.

First things first, I split up my tanks, heals, and dps into two groups: Fire Team and Shadow Team. Mostly this plays out in P3, but it’s important to be prepared.
This guy’s got three phases of fun. The first phase the Fire Tank grabs Halion and positions him so his side is presented to the raid like a juicy steak. People take care not to stand in front of or behind the boss, standard dragon rules apply. Especially with a scorching flame breath.
Meteors will come down on spots marked with a pulsing orange rune, making a giant flaming X much like Marrowgar’s coldflames. Don’t stand in those. There’ll also be a debuff called Mark of Consumption which stacks as time progresses and it is not dispelled. The person with the Mark has to run out of the raid and drop it as far as they can.
At the 75% mark, Halion disappears into the Twilight and the raid should follow through the portal. Because of the way phasing works, if you click the portal while close to the middle, you’ll immediately aggro Halion upon transitioning. So, be sure to run to the wall next to the portal, then click it, so you won’t aggro on entry. Get yourself in position and engage, as you want to keep Halion dead in the center if possible.
There are no meteors in the Shadow world, but there are two spinning orbs along the perimeter of the battlefield. Every 30 seconds they’ll create a beam which will invariably kill anyone standing in it. As the tank you have the most important job of the fight here, with the success of this phase resting on your shoulders. You need to spin Halion so that the beams will always pass diagonally through his body, giving your raid a safe spot to stand in.
The way I did this was level my camera off, and try to keep the orb behind Halion visible over his right side. That way the left was generally clear for melee. Something I found (thanks to Purraj for suggesting it) very helpful was turning on RP walking so that I was turning the boss at the same speed that the orbs were revolving.
Rotating is rough on your raid because they need to constantly stay moving and be always cognizant of where the beam could be. If they get trapped by the beam they might end up in front of Halion’s face or tail, and that’d be trouble.
In phase two, there is also a shadow version of the Marks of Consumption for the raid to deal with. Don’t let someone get trapped by a beam while dropping off their mark.
Once you hit 50%, portals will open again and a Halion will appear in the physical realm. Fire Team goes through the portals and the Fire Tank picks him up. At this point, there’s a “corporeality timer” up at the top of your screen. You want that number between 40% and 60%, though preferably on 50%. Your two teams just need to, like Stalagg and Fuegen, keep their dps balanced and not let one side surpass the other.
In phase 3, Meteors, Marks, and Beams continue apace. Just keep dps consistent, sweat like you’ve never perspired before, and eventually you’ll get him down.

Ultimately, this fight is all about the shadow world and rotation. We found that was the hardest part of the fight. Once I stopped screwing up rotating (honestly, something about me and dragons that need to be moved just does not mix at all) and got a good pace going, we went from wiping at 30% to easily killing him.
Good luck in there, it’s no cake walk!
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