Blood Beast Control on Saurfang 25H
Hello everyone. Anafielle takes over the blog yet again, inflicting yet another novel of a post upon Rhidach’s unsuspecting readers! Ha ha! The ursurper tank strikes again! So let’s talk about Saurfang 25H, a fight that’s been very much on my mind lately, even though Enveloping Shadows has supposedly had it on farm for weeks.
Flashback to the First Kill: July 27th
Our first Hard Mode Saurfang kill occured about a month ago, when Rhidach was gone, an odd week when I found myself main tanking a raid I was still getting to know. Without Rhidach there, I was hoping to very quietly main tank while someone else Raid Led – after all, the main tank doesn’t have to be the raid leader, right? Yet I reluctantly found myself in the driver’s seat. Saurfang was, at that time, progression. I had taught two separate 10 mans how to do this fight on Heroic, so I was without a doubt the resident expert. I also have more than my fair share of “Well, if no one else is going to do it, I sure as hell will” in my personality.
So when we got to Saurfang, I took the lead. We killed him, and it was a point of pride for me that we progressed without Rhi. Many gloating messages and kill screenshots were text messaged to him that night. I do so enjoy misusing peoples’ phone numbers.
Rhidach eventually got his revenge. Somehow Saurfang has remained my job regardless of whether Rhidach is there. My illustrious cotank leads the entire rest of the raid, but when we get to Saurfang, he just waits for me to step up. I envision him sitting back and relaxing when we get to that 4th boss, cracking a beer and calling for his girlfriend to bring him a sandwitch while he lets his overworked and underpaid offtank do all the work for a moment.
I guess part of raid leading is delegating, and Saurfang gets delegated to me! Well, I’m not complaining. Much.
Blood Beast Blues
We’ve killed Saurfang every week since that first kill without too much trouble. So, technically, he’s on “farm.”
However, every kill is messy – and I mean 6 or 7 marks messy. We’ve even wiped a few times. This is the least “farm” fight of any of our farm fights, and that includes more recent kills.
This is totally unacceptable to the relentless perfectionist in me. Beasts are not being CC’d enough and they are not dying quickly enough – leading to dead ranged and thus Blood Power, or ranged who have to kite towards other people, which leads to Blood Nova, which leads to Blood Power.
So, I sat down this week to overhaul my strategy. This meant pulling out my Raid Leading notebook (yes, I keep a notebook next to my desk) and taking a good look at my list of Blood Beast Control Methods – a list of stuns, slows, snares, immobilizations, and general tactics to keep those beasts away from the ranged.
Blood Beast Control: A List
If something on this list is wrong, for god’s sake, comment and let me know. I don’t have every single stun, snare, slow, or tactic for this fight memorized. A great deal of thanks goes to my twitter feed for helping me out with tactics I didn’t know of & clarifying things for me. The idea is to build a useful list for everyone, and here’s my start. I’ll edit as people comment.
- Boomkin: Typhoon
- Ele Shaman: Thunderstorm, if de-glyphed (every other spawn)
- Fire Mage: Blast Wave, if specced
- Mage: Slow, if specced (single target)
- Shadow Priest: Mind Flay (single target)
- Shaman: Frost Shock (single target)
- Hunter: Concussive Shot (single target)
- Frost DK: Chillblains, if specced (AoE)
- Hunter: Frost Trap (AoE)
- Shaman: Earthbind Totem (AoE; can be specced to immobilize)
- Fury Warrior: Piercing Howl, if specced (AoE)
Stuns / Ways to Immobilize
- Desto Lock: Shadowfury (AoE)
- Prot Warrior: Shockwave (AoE)
- Prot Warrior: Concussion Blow
- Paladin: Hammer of Justice (every other spawn)
- DK: Chains of Ice
- Fire Mage: Dragon’s Breath (AoE)
- Druid: Roots
- Frost Mage: Frost Nova (AoE)
- Tailoring Nets
Random Other Stuff
- Melee can taunt beasts back towards them.
- Hunters on two sides can trade Distracting Shot.
- Rogues can stick a crippling poison on a weapon, trade it in and Fan of Knives.
- Warriors, Feral Druids and Demo Locks with Felguards can do a difficult-to-pull-off intercept-type stun.
Our Strategy
In general, I like to assign 1-2 knockbacks per spawn, some way to AE slow them all (plus as many single target slows as I’ve got), and lots of stuns to keep them immobilized. A new tip I’ve learned from Matticus: Ranged DPS on the right side should prioritize the left beasts, and vice-versa, so the beasts have a little bit further to run.
I could not imagine doing this without a boomkin – preferably, more than one boomkin – for Typhoon. Ele shammies usually glyph out of Thunderstorm’s knockback; they should reglyph for this fight. Ellies will also only be able to knock back every other spawn; Boomkins can handle every wave.
There are a number of ways to AE slow all the beasts, which is critical. Our Frost DK has a Chillblains offspec and uses it on this fight to slow every beast by 50%. We raid with a shadow priest and 2-3 mages, and I also assign each of them a specific beast to slow.
Pally stuns are excellent, although pallies will have to trade off. Generally Rhidach and I get one beast, and our two DPS pallies stun another beast. Chains of Ice is also great, although it’s a bigger DPS loss, especially for a frost DK. Obviously having beasts snared is far more important than DPS, but I like to keep these things in mind.
Very important: stuns are safe in melee range; snares which immobilize are not. If the beast is unable to move yet active, it will eat a melee regardless of who is at the top of its threat table. Pally stuns and Prot warrior stuns are safe, and Chains of Ice is safe too because it’s just a glorified slow. But nets, Druid Roots, and talented Earthbind Totem are not safe in melee. You can still use them, but use them outside of melee range.
Taunts should be used effectively. Hunters can Distracting Shot a beast that’s far away, and melee & tanks can taunt a beast getting too close to some ranged. I end up taunting a fair bit, which occasionally bites me on the ass if the beast makes it all the way back to me without dying.
We’re changing things up tonight. One of our healers is going boomkin, and everyone has decided not to move near as much to keep that vital 12 yard separation between the ranged. This means those beasts are just going to have to be flawlessly knocked back, stunned, slowed, and killed before they get to a single ranged or healer. I have faith it can happen, especially considering we are working under a 30% buff. And damn the haters, I don’t care if we wipe until it’s right.
I’ve gotten a little bit of flak for complaining about a farm fight, but I don’t care – even a farm fight should be done correctly.
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