But truthfully, I’m very proud of the guild for killing Ragnaros for the first time. Despite my disappointment of not being there.
Still, what more can you say about the nerfs that we were able to down him — as sloppily as they did — on the first try of the night? … I suppose it was also the eighth try of the week (or so), so perhaps it’s not that dire.
But, whatever. Heroic modes next week. Woohoo.
My guild went from 4/7 to 6/7 last night. The nerfs felt a bit over the top on the early bosses, but breezing past Alysrazor, who we’d stalled on for weeks, made the differences really stand out.
That’s a really funny screenshot, even if sadly you couldn’t be there. I did like the Twitter commentary though. :D
Haha thanks, I enjoyed livetweeting that. Totally spur of the moment as I sat there, listening to Mumble, and thought “goddammit, they’re going to one shot him, I hate those bastards so much.”
*hug* We had a 4% wipe last night because the tanks ran away from the healers while dodging meteors (whoops). Your comment about all of the raid being dead along with Rag was very amusing!
Good luck on Heroic modes next week! I’m hoping we’ll get started on ours too!
Miri\’s last [type] ..Welcoming the Boozekin
Thanks! Good luck to you as well :)
This post goes really well with a properly-aged Syrah and Celine Dion’s cover of “All By Myself.”
Also, my fist in your face.
Last week Rag went smoothly. This week we had two meatballs drop right on the tank/melee/tank-healers pile. I’m not sure which I prefer: getting dropped or other people constantly dragging them over our pile.
Joe Ego\’s last [type] ..Notes For Any Other Class Learning to Paladin Heal
Meatballs! I’m stealing that.
We managed to down Rags pre-nerf and the post-nerf difference to most bosses is immense.
Heroic mode now is the only thing worth doing, because we can clear all 7 in 3hrs with time to spare. We did that twice this week with two separate groups. That leaves 2 raiding nights with naff all to do, so hard modes it is. :/
Sar\’s last [type] ..Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!
That said, I personally haven’t got him yet. Tuesday night will sort that though. Alt/offspec night ahoy!
Sar\’s last [type] ..Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!