Tanking Circle questionnaire

I was tagged by Orvilius to take a crack at this, which was something his healer buddies originally crafted. This has already been answered by Miri and Achloryn, so I guess it’s my turn!

1. What is the name, class, and spec of your primary tank?

Rhidach, a protection paladin (0/31/10). He’s been my main since September of 2007, when I came back to WoW after my first hiatus from the game.

2. What is your primary group tanking environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans)

Raids mostly. I’m pushing myself into running heroics again for the valor points, but it’s so painful. I ran Prot in battlegrounds a few times in Wrath — I loved Isle of Conquest.

3. What is your favorite cooldown for your class and why?

Definitely Guardian of Ancient Kings. Or, as I affectionately call him: Bananaman. 50% damage reduction, can’t beat it! Plus a little buddy that follows you around for a chunk of time.

4. What tanking CD do you use least for your class and why?

Lay on Hands. I try to save it for the best moment, which seldom comes, or I’m too dead to benefit from it thanks to my own inaction.

5. What do you feel is the biggest strength of your tanking class and why?

Hrm, I’m split between two choices. One is our impressive cooldowns toolbox, which is vast and can cover varying degrees on incoming damage (not to mention the flexibility afforded to Divine Protection with the glyph, I love it!) The other is our various Hands and thus our raid utility.

6. What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your class and why?

No gap closer! I want a Holy Leap, dammit. It legitimately does make us the weaker choice for a tank on some fights — like, Al’Akir for example, thanks to his electrocutes. Many Cataclysm fights seem to be designed around mobility, which is something we sorely lack.

7. In a raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best tanking assignment for you?

I’m more comfortable wrangling adds, it’s when I feel like I’m in my element. Truthfully though, I’m probably better suited for bosses thanks to block and my stable of cooldowns.

8. What tanking class do you enjoy tanking with most and why?

Probably a DK, because I know he can’t out-threat me on adds. :)

9. What tanking class do you enjoy tanking with least and why?

Warriors. ‘Nuff said.

10. What is your worst habit as a tank?

I move around way too much. I’m a very jittery tank. Which often translates to too much movement and can lead to me LOSing a healer if not careful, or pulling a boss too far away from some beneficial puddle he just dropped (like Arcanotron).

11. What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while tanking?

People attacking a target other than my own and then wondering how they pulled threat. GEE, I WONDER.

12. Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with others tanks for tanking?

I think mine’s a little overpowered compared to other tanks, especially with regards to cooldowns. Which is why I found the whole sturm und drang over the Holy Shield buff to be hilarious because it’s only making us even more powerful.

13. What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a tank?

World of Logs to check what my primary damage sources are and what my damage intake looked like, Visual Combat Table to see what my CTC is on the fly, Skada’s death meter to see what killed me after every wipe.

14. What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your tanking class?

That it’s faceroll/easymode. Was somewhat true in Wrath, but Cataclysm really shook things up. Paladins are much more complex now. I love it.

15. What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new tanks of your class to learn?

Cooldown management, and getting a handle on which tool is best for each situation.

16. So, how about that whole vengeance mechanic, eh?

I’d rather have to think about threat. I don’t like how it’s been completely removed from the table. I guess that’s great for survivability, but, eh.

17. Stamina, Combat Table Coverage, or total Damage Reduction?

Stamina right now (in the sense that I’m going dual stam trinks) as I’m starting Firelands. However, with dual mastery trinks I’m less than three percent from 102.4%… so close! Still, I’m not prepared to make that sacrifice just yet. A few more 378 pieces and I’ll go whole hog. Especially once the fights become more familiar and I’m more comfortable with my survivability.

18. What tanking class do you feel you understand least?

DK tanks, hands down. I’m not sure what keeps them from getting squished constantly.

19. What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in tanking?

I use WeakAuras for buff/debuff/effect notifications and Visual Combat Table (as stated above) for tracking my CTC. I have a slew of macros I use for various abilities, my favorite of which is the Divine Shield clearaura macro.

20. Do you strive primarily for balance between your tanking stats (stam, mastery, avoidance), or do you stack some much higher than others, and why?

My gemming is hybrid right now, so mastery and mastery/x gems to hit all the sockets. My trinkets are stamina trinks. I think that qualifies as balanced, for now. Like I said, I’m chomping at the bit to blockcap. I’ll see how long I resist.

For who to tag… I choose Chasey of Judging Chasey and the trio over at Sacred Duty. At least one of them should be willing to take a crack at this.

2 Comments to “Tanking Circle questionnaire”

  1. Button 14 July 2011 at 12:42 pm #

    At number 9 – nuff said? As a wartank, you have only piqued my curiosity. What do you have against us, sir? :P

    • Rhidach
      14 July 2011 at 1:41 pm #

      Mostly that you count Vosskah amongst your numbers! haha

      I’m really just perpetuating the feud. Otherwise I think you fellas are fine tanks.