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Lightly singed by our first week in Firelands

Who was it that said “the first casualty of war is planning”? Because that guy had our number. Poor Zilga went to the trouble of doing all this research on the early fights of the Firelands and the very first one we get to — Shannox — was a complete clusterfrak thanks to the last-minute change making him untauntable. Coping with that and formulating a new strategy cost us Tuesday, though we managed to knock him over Wednesday.

I’m getting ahead of myself, though, there’s still a mountain of trash and about a thousand BOEs between the first pull Tuesday night and the last one on Wedneday.

For starters, can I emphasize how much I love the Firelands trash? Actually, I’m exaggerating a tad. I love how quickly they die and how little (ie, non-existent) the need for CC is. The flip-side, however, is that there’s so-goddamn-much of it. Trash as far as the eye can see. And worse, to bring forth the first boss we fought, you need to clear a huge swath of it.

On the bright side, some of the trash is interesting. I love how the Corehounds attempt to eat the tank, or the spinning turtles which are oh-so-fun to kite around and guide into unwary dps or healers. That latter choice might be a bad idea, however, if you want to live through the boss fight.

Not really knowing how the place worked we initially kept clearing our way to where Shannox’s icon was on the map. Not seeing him, we cleared some more, having some hilarious zero-day wipes. For example, that pack of Flamewalker summoners. We kill their protector and heal back up and began to wonder why we were still in combat. Suddenly, the summoner finished charging the elemental, who promptly exploded and killed us.

So that’s how that worked …

Going up against Shannox was an exercise in patience, as our carefully laid plans quickly went agley. We had to rethink things on the fly, in addition to me quickly deploying some speedy strat-fu to find tips on how to handle an untauntable fight. Tank swaps were out; we learned later — much too late — the key was to keep Riplimb and Shannox apart. We basically spent the night learning what not to do.

Wednesday was a much different affair. After spending about 45 minutes clearing trash and compelling Shannox to finally appear, we hit him with our first attempt and got him .3%. That was a heartbreaking wipe, nearly a one shot, which would have been incredible.

Alas, we then did another six, long attempts and even suffering a trash respawn. Each attempt was foiled by some flavor of tank death, mostly due to us still figuring out the lay of the land and distances between tanks, healers, and everything in-between.

Thankfully, on attempt number seven we finally finished him off. I noticed that from how Shannox’s corpse was laying, it looked like he had bashed his head open on a rock. “Well, that’s what happened,” Sheepin countered, “he slipped and fell during the fight and killed himself on a rock.” I like it.

In any case, loot was distributed and we continued on our merry way, somehow weaving between trash and making our way up to Rhyolith’s plateau. Karr the Invincible was slightly anti-climactic. I was expecting him to do something that lived up to his name. Possibly involving his baby Magmaws that were sunning in the lava pits. But instead, he just toppled over with only a few volcanos to show for it.

We got to Rhyolith with only about twenty minutes left in the raid and put some learning attempts on him. Thankfully this one did gel with what was reported from the PTR and overall doesn’t seem to be a very difficult encounter. We’ll have to see how it goes when we have more time for it next week.

Kind of a slow start to Firelands, but we’ll pick up the pace. I’m happy just having new content to run.

Before I forget: I’ll be in the Great White North (aka, Buffalo, NY) next week so I will not be doing any posting. I will however, as always, be puttering away on Twitter. Good luck to everyone hitting Firelands this weekend/next week!

June 30, 2011


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  1. Antigen
    June 30, 2011 at 1:33 pm #

    Holy hell, is that the Blizzard version of the foot meter? That beats the hell out of Pitbull’s little purple bar…

    And I honestly have no idea how you get away with so few buttons on your bars.

    • Rhidach
      June 30, 2011 at 1:39 pm #

      I keybind and hide anything that doesn’t have a cooldown (like exorcism) or I don’t care about the cooldown of (like consecration).

  2. Zerbe
    June 30, 2011 at 1:36 pm #

    Neat unitframes, what are they if you dont mind me asking?

    • Rhidach
      June 30, 2011 at 1:40 pm #


      • Zerbe
        June 30, 2011 at 1:52 pm #

        Ahh, oUF, I’ve thought about using it before, but never took the plunge.

        • Rhidach
          June 30, 2011 at 1:53 pm #

          I resisted for a while too, but it’s honestly not that bad. The biggest pain is making changes directly to the LUA file rather than an in-game interface. But it looks so perdy, so I think it’s a fair tradeoff.

  3. Jason
    June 30, 2011 at 2:18 pm #

    We decided to try Beth’tilac first (she has my shield upgrade). Since we do 10-mans some of the trash required CC on the way to her lair (the spinners and hounds fighting eachother for example). We got the impression through the strats from the PTR that she wouldn’t have nearly the number of adds she did while up in the web. After a few failed attempts and some trash respawns we decided to farm rep. Hilariously we spawned Shannox without realizing it and proceeded to get our faces eaten off. We managed to get the pattern for the leather caster boots and the BoE caster dagger off the trash, so all in all it was a good first night for us.

    • Rhidach
      June 30, 2011 at 2:46 pm #

      I’m really interested in seeing Beth. I’ve heard from some she’s difficult, a cakewalk from others. It’ll be nice to see for myself.

      • Kerriodos
        June 30, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

        RE: Beth’tilac; Definitely very easy. We had an easy two-shot, that would have been a one-shot if we’d known the add spawn points. Just work out your web rope order (Holy Shield is awesome for tanking her up top, FYI), communicate when you’re going up and split your DPS well, and you wont have a problem.

        • Imakulata
          July 1, 2011 at 2:32 am #

          The add handling is the most difficult part so I’d say the difficulty depends on the composition of your raid. If you have enough classes with good AoE DPS and slowing abilities, it’s easy; if you don’t, it’s difficult. Also, she tends to go down just after a couple of small adds spawns so they need to be controlled or she heals up.

  4. TheGrumpyElf
    June 30, 2011 at 2:35 pm #

    Sounds like you had a decent night over all. My guild did the zero day trash run and spawned Shannox and decided that we did not want to die just yet and we reset.

    Congrats on getting Shannox down.

    Can’t wait to get into it, it really looks like a good raid just from a trash standpoint at least. So glad to have fun and easy trash. Except those turtles, we suck at those.

    • Rhidach
      June 30, 2011 at 2:45 pm #

      Sounds like you’re not knocking near enough dps off the ledge!

  5. tilt
    July 1, 2011 at 7:07 am #

    We moved on to Beth’tilac after Shannox (25 man) and got stuck with the hole of DCs. Basicaly when you fall through the middle hole you get DCed and can’t log back in until a wipe. Overall the fight is easy IF you have the DPS for it. The spiderlings swarm fast on the add tank (me in this case) and you need to be on your toes to keep the small spiders from the Drones you’re tanking.

    P2 just comes down to if the DPS can kill the boss before the healers OOM and let people die.

    • Joe Ego
      July 1, 2011 at 10:05 am #

      I just heard of that DC issue last night. The only problem we had was dropping down late in the Devastation cast which causes the threads in the hole to despawn, leading to a lot of fall damage.

      We only had 2 dps (25 man) going up, so Beth came down with quite a bit of health. The burn was getting scary near the end. We had a very welcome and well timed feral Tranquility and just 2 or 3 dead on the kill.

      • Califax
        July 5, 2011 at 10:45 am #

        We had a good first week in Firelands after killing Shannox we went for Lord Rhyolith [Easy fight mainly a “get out of fire!” fight and good DPS and communication to “drive” the Boss around the volcanoes. After about 4 hours of attempts in 2 days he finally died and cough some purples.

        For our 3rd Boss we decided to go for Bethilac…
        OMG… that fight is intense in 10 man… I would say its a bit over-tun for 10 man.

        The main concern and basically the challenge is to control and kill the adds efficiently while trying to do the most damage possible to the boss in phase 1, without crippling yourself downstairs for lack of DPS on the adds.

        Practically trough all the encounter its incredible difficult for healers, tank damage is absolutely ridiculous sometimes, specially phase 2.

        For phase2, when she got down to the ground, she was at about 83%, we decided to go for the “Chimaeron” strat and just burn her asd fast as possible by only using 1 tank [me] the stacks from the Widows Kiss go up to 10 then in about 20 sec they fall off, so is not too bad to solo tank her, but If I die the other tank was ready to to taunt and use chain cds [which he should have all available]. I died when she was at 15%, then my trusty DK taunted used chain CDs and we finally killed her.

        Its definitely a hard fight for healers, but extremely rewarding when you kill her!!!

        *** she also dropped the tanking sword, so it was a bit more rewarding for me :D

        so, how was your first Firelands week for the rest of you all?

  6. Zilga
    July 7, 2011 at 12:48 pm #

    Hey! That’s a picture of me! I didn’t even notice!