I’ve seen some confusion over the latest hotfix in some quarters, so while this may be old hat to some, I figured it’d be worth dispelling any confusion. Specifically, the hotfix to Hammer of the Righteous is:
The area-of-effect attack of Hammer of the Righteous no longer has a chance to miss secondary targets when the primary attack hits the paladin’s target. If the primary attack of Hammer of the Righteous fails to hit the target due to miss/dodge/parry/block, no enemies will be affected by the area-of-effect attack. Rogues who are under Cloak of Shadows, however, are able to resist this damage.
So, for example, here are two HotR attacks from last week, one with hits across the board and one with a splash missing so you can see the process:
[22:15:52.812] Rhidach casts Hammer of the Righteous [22:15:52.812] Rhidach casts Hammer of the Righteous on Aberration [22:15:53.069] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration 589 [22:15:53.069] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration *4861* [22:15:53.069] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration 3448
[22:15:56.075] Rhidach casts Hammer of the Righteous [22:15:56.075] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration Miss [22:15:56.075] Rhidach casts Hammer of the Righteous on Aberration [22:15:56.209] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration 599 [22:15:56.209] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration 3466
If the single target portion of HotR hit, there was a second roll for the area of effect portion for a target. Likewise, if the old HotR missed its single target portion, the area portion would miss as well. But now, they’ve cleaned up how HotR works so that if HotR hits, everything hits. Misses continue to affect the whole kaboodle of the attack.
This is a very good change, it was a little batty beforehand, and the double RNG affecting the splash damage was silly.
Now the way it should look moving forward is:
[22:15:52.812] Rhidach casts Hammer of the Righteous [22:15:53.069] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration 589 [22:15:53.069] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration *4861* [22:15:53.069] Rhidach Hammer of the Righteous Aberration 3448
Nice and clean.
Hopefully this clears things up for some folks!
Just got our first attempt, and subsequent kill on the second, of Halfus, and with our comp, I tanked Halfus and the whelps first off, while the OT pulled the other two dragons one at a time for the DPS death squad.
Given the fix to HotR and the current gearing of little Hit and Expertise, I found that targeting the whelps during my alone time all but eliminated the sheer number of misses I would have seen had I focused on Halfus. Since they are lvl 87, my miss, parry and dodge chance was significantly improved targeting them, and since it is now an automatic splash hit when the targeted mob is successfully hit, Halfus get’s his share without running the risk of a larger chunk of misses, et al…
I suspect this could work on other fights (if there are any) where we get sufficient time to build a little threat on a “secondary” primary target…
Curse you Rhidach, you keep giving me Paladin altitis while I’m trying to gear up my ‘Lock for raids. >:V
This is an interesting change though, and as Hubba noted, it also means you can get some nice peripheral threat generation from pinging it off adds to reduce your miss chance. I’m gonna have some fun playing around with it, let me tell you.