This is going to a brief post. A tribute to a fellow blogger who has provided me and hundreds of others with critical Cataclysm dungeon information when we most needed it. Ladies and gentlemen, tanks and non-tanks, I present to you the four most useful webpages in my life over the last four weeks or so.
Cataclysm Dungeon Cheat Sheets at Sword and Board
- Part One (Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides)
- Part Two (Stonecore, Vortex Pinnacle)
- Part Three (Grim Batol, Halls of Origination, Lost City)
- Part Four (Shadowfang Keep, Deadmines)
Credit: Vosskah and Idkittens at Sword and Board.
Brief, concise bullet point summaries of each boss.
Rhidach and I begin to raid 25s for the first time tonight. I’m looking back on my journey through heroics throughout the month of december, my journey from greens to blues, and I never, ever would have survived without my trusty cheat sheets. Vosskah and Idkittens, you are my heroes.
And so I share these cheat sheets with our readers. If you come here looking for tanking guides, well, here’s your guide to Cataclysm dungeons.
… Enjoy.
I am with you on this one 100% I always have one of those cheatsheets open when I’m in a heroic I’m not familiar with. Props to them for making such an awesome tool for tanking.
Anafielle, these are awesome – thank you!
.-= Katmandu’s last blog ..Zug-zug! Back to work! =-.
I saw either Rhidach RT these a while back when they were first being put up, or someone had them in a comment here somewhere. I don’t remember which. Either way, I printed these out as soon as I could and have had them sitting on the desk nearby for weeks now. Invaluable aid for learning the new heroics. Three cheers for Vosskah and Idkittens!
Wow ! These are great ! The Sword and Board website is now added to my reading list. Thanks for turning me on to this great info !
Thanks for the great words, Anafielle! This work was really Idkittens’ initiative with some minor editing on my part.
I’m pushing him to continue his work and expand with cheat sheets for the raiding bosses.
Thanks again!
.-= Vosskah’s last blog ..Expectations – A raid killer =-.
Oh god… Voss, what have you done? Now they’re going to expect more! What ever happened to comfortable mediocrity?
I mean, uh… thanks guys =)
Hehe. Listen to Voss! Write moar!
I wasn’t kidding about how useful these were for me– I get paniced about tanking new things sometimes. You saved my life with these guides! Thanks :)