Hey guys! I played from server launch last night up to about 10 AM this morning, when I fell asleep, exhausted from work.
Here are some brief impressions of my first six hours with the game. Unedited since I must go back to leveling!
Monday Night, Preparing for Launch
My laziness knows no bounds– I had reserved a copy of Cata at the local Best Buy, but I didn’t want to leave my apartment. So I didn’t. Trashed my preorder and ordered it online. It took about ten seconds. I regret a bit the whole waiting in line with real life wow players, but I got that at Blizzcon. Way to go with the digital downloads, Blizz!
I also cleaned out my bags and bags of gear.
So much gear to trash. So much. I sold the vast majority of what you see here.
Stuff that was hiding in my bank:
- My old block set
- My old avoidance set
- My Ulduar tier gear
- Five entire 264 tokens
- Tons of 264 items which I had upgraded to 277
- Three copies of Harbringer Bone Band. * (kidding… kidding…)
- No less than five separate weapons for Ret, all ilevel 264 or above.
Tear. Goodbye, my gear. My guild was calling me a hoarder…..
So — I was ready. So ready. Armed with snacks, smokes, and empty bags, I made my way to Orgrimmar to wait for launch.
3 AM Madness — Cataclysm Launches!
The servers came up at 3 AM my time. Of course, until 3:18, all I could see was this:
Dual monitors: my xmas present to myself! Twitter on the left, wow on the right.
In the words of a twitter friend:

When the servers came up, I found myself at the flight master like the other million and a half people on Lightninghoof. And he was dead. Dead! Thanks, allies! I gave up on flight and went off to Vash’jir to get my leveling kicks.
Vashj’ir Blues
I was pretty frustrated for the first two levels of my Cataclysm experience. Sure, the cinematic going out to Vash’jir was awesome! And the zone itself is really, really cool.
But my idea of fun is not getting ganked repeatedly by an army of jerkfaces:

Or, waiting 25 minutes to tag a quest mob with an item before the other hundreds of people get it. Or, disconnecting upon login for over an hour straight. I just couldn’t get into the game. I suspect my little graphics card can’t really handle both monitors, WOW Cataclysm zones at max settings, and sixteen hundred people AEing their opposing faction all at once. I finally got my graphics turned down and managed to stay online.
5 am rolled around. I was tired. I wanted to sleep.
Then one of my guildies whispered me– “Ana, come tank for us! Please!”
Tanking… sounds good!
Five Man Dungeons Make Everything Better
I ended up in a group with my favorite boomkin, in his healing offspec, a rogue and both of our DKs. Armed with our still-overpowered gear and a thirst for new content, the five of us ran Thrones of the Tides.
It was so much fun! I can’t remember the last time I had such a good time in a dungeon. “I’m just glad this isn’t ICC,” one of the DKs sighed happily, and I completely agreed.
Throne of the Tides — First impressions
Throne of the Tides is beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Really, it’s just amazing. It’s also easier than Blackrock, so go here first imo.
I was playing the tanking safe. I was even marking my first target in every trash pull, a habit I fell out of months ago in ICC and which I believe will find new life here in the Cataclysm world of trash. We didn’t have to CC anything, but I have a feeling that’s just a matter of time.
In general, there’s a ton of fire in Cata, both on trash and on bosses. It’s MEAN fire. The fire hits hard. DPS, your ass will die if you stand in the bad. Also, especially in Throne of the Tides, there’s a lot of poison on the ground, which leads to confusion when you’ve got a druid healing you: is this good green or bad green? Will this green heal my ass or kick my ass? Maybe both? Maybe neither?
Throne of the Tides was an awesome experience going in blind. “What’s this?” One of my DKs said. “Defense system?” He activated it, and triggered a freaking badass cutscene. SO COOL.
Thone of the Tides — Boss Fights
Preparation? Psh. I knew nothing. “I don’t know what the fuck this boss does, but I vote we pull and let God work it out.” I said. I wasn’t even tabbed out looking for strats. “Pulling.”
DBM will pretty much warn you about all the major stuff. Nuke coming? Interrupt that now!! Unless your healer says something like, “Wait! I want to see how hard it hits her! Don’t interrupt that next one!” The answer is not very hard, in most cases, if you’re curious. Of course, like I said before: 277 gear.
One of the bosses enraged at the end of his health. “Cooldown,” I said. “You didn’t need to do that;” says my healer, disgustedly. “Come on!” I whined. “It makes me feel all special…”
Our healer was having an absolute blast. “Healing is so much fun again!” He kept gushing, and that’s saying a lot considering healing is his offspec. All I know about the healing is that I’m happy when my healers are happy… and he was happy.
The last boss was slightly confusing. Add waves. Tank adds. Bad adds channel bad things; kill adds; do not stand in black void zones. Then suddenly the room turns all dark, you get FREAKIN’ HUGE, you get a nasty stacking dot, and… the first time we did it… nothing happens! We ran around, wondering where the mobs were, and finally the dot stacked up to something like 120 on each of us and killed us.
“What do we do?” We wondered. “Is phase 3 bugged?” It was our first wipe of the night.
Nah… we did it again and figured it out. The phase 3 boss is in the goddamn wall! He’s a huge octopus. You just DPS it until you kill it dead. Easy peasy. We just didn’t know what to hit.
Blackrock Dungeon — First Impressions
This dungeon is a lot meaner. It was nigh on 8 AM by the time we got in here, so I don’t remember everything, but I remember enough.
Everything is darker. More caster pulls on trash. Bosses that hit hard. There’s an ogre friend in here who will kill a lot of the trash for you, too. A very different experience from Thrones, and equally cool. Some of these bosses might actually kill you if you’re not paying attention.
The Boss With The Fire
This one stumped us. Karsh Steelbender.
He is encircled by two Fire Elemental looking things which circle around him and activate oozes on the ground into Quicksilvers which do a nasty, nasty debuff to your health.
“Any thoughts?” I asked in vent, where two other people were hanging out, two people with beta experience. Someone had explained the tanking mechanic, where you have to carefully debuff the boss, without letting it stack too high. I knew what to do with the boss.
But what about these damn fire guys?
“Maybe they can pull separately,” I said cautiously, and pulled one. We killed it.
“Crap, it respawned.” Someone said. So it had. Lo and behold, there was another one.
“Damnit,” I sighed. “I’ll tank it all. Let’s do it.”
In went two wipes with near-immediate death. Jesus. That quicksilver was deadly. And none of the boss fight guides I read online mentioned how to deal with Fire Elementals or Quicksilver! The guys on vent didn’t remember either. “Umm… kite them? Make Morvain go tank and tank them on the side? Burn them down first?” We all had no idea.
As we were preparing for the third pull, I noticed something and immediately started laughing. “Guys. GUYS.” I was laughing so hard, I was almost crying. “There are two of those assholes! Look! Two fire elementals!!”
“What?” They looked.
“That first one didn’t respawn at all. It was just the second one we saw!”
“We can pull them separately after all!”
After laughing for about ten minutes, we did the fight the right way – carefully pull trash and kill trash. Then kill the boss. He’s really not all that hard.
In the words of our healer: “Jeez. We might as well be demoted to Social Raider.”
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