Icecrown Citadel Is STILL Buggy
Yesterday’s post and last night’s raid got me thinking. We’ve had some pretty spectacular bugs in ICC since the patch.
I’m not talking about the week after 4.0 – that was madness, absolute madness. This is not the week after a patch. It’s been a long time. We’d expect most of the bugs to be worked out, right? Well…. not exactly.
Here’s a little list just from last night’s raid.
Rezzing Alive
When you release after a wipe, we’ve been spawning in the graveyard alive with 1 HP.
We are a PVP server. I absolutely love that my server is PVP, and I much prefer PVP servers. But that makes this bug a serious pain in the ass. Mages just spam Arcane Blast and wipe out half a raid rezzing and mounting. It slows down our wipe recovery by a minute or two each time. Yes, there’s a ledge you can jump down and rez on. The allies found it. They kill you there, too.
I hate this one. I hate this one so, so much.
Nothing against the lesser faction, of course. I’m not blaming you allies. I’m sure my Horde bretheren kill you just as often, if not more often. The rez alive bug, or mechanic, is at fault. It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Blizz, if you really want to force us to PVP in the graveyard between wipes, we should at least rez with more than 1 HP.
Side Note: Amusing Myself At Your Expense
There are silver linings. I once saw an Ally DK die on the way back into ICC. He flew into the front hall and let his lag dismount him… and died from the fall damage. From about 5 feet up.
I laughed for a good long time.
Gunship Never Ends
Last night, Lootship went without issue. (Except the part where they pulled it without me, but let’s not talk about that.) Then it ended, we enjoyed our free heroic loots, ran over to Saurfang…. and we were still in combat. We couldn’t get out.
Then our healers started getting their asses kicked. Something was hitting them from afar. Apparently – even though the encounter was over – the enemy gunners were enraged and decided to whoop us… out of nowhere!
We eventually had to all jump off the edge to reset it. Mass suicide: the only solution.
We pulled the boss by accident while the Raid Leader was still handing out loot in Festergut’s room. My favorite boomkin fatfingered his scroll wheel on a menu, and Wrath’d the boss. By reflex, I taunted, although half the raid sprinted out the door. We decided to keep killing him although at least 10 were locked out. The 15 of us in there would have killed him, too… but Rotface mysteriously disappeared at 18%. He must have targeted someone outside.
This wasn’t a huge problem – we’d just pull again – but the encounter wasn’t over. Oozes and puddles kept spawning outside the door… although Rotface had reset inside his room! Ugh. Someone finally reset the whole encounter by pulling and dying.
Then someone did it again. Someone at range pulled the boss with half the raid running back. Once again, oozes spawned all over the instance, and again, someone had to suicide at the boss once he’d respawned yet again to reset the whole thing.
I don’t know why we had so much trouble with encounters resetting last night.
Sindragosa Pulled Into The Room
Not really a bug, I know! This is your occasional punishment for attempting to reset Sindragosa by running away. :) I’m including it only because I have epic screenshots!
Tee hee. Sindy, u mad bro?
If you’re having trouble with this, let me give you some hints. It really helps if your whole raid comes down to the floor (no one waits up by the door) and then runs together, as a group, out of the room. If you pull the trash dragon up the stairs, you’re a lot more likely to bug her out. I promise, your whole raid can get out the door even if you kill the dragons where they spawn.
Comments Welcome
Seriously. Blizz owes us all some repair gold to make up for all these bug-resetting suicides we’ve had to pull lately.
So… anyone else have a good one? What is your favorite raiding bug?
10 November 2010 at 2:30 pm #
I had the LK despawn at 37% on the first attempt where we had a clean phase 3 transition.
We had the Lich King despawn on our best heroic attempt, at about 42%… it was heartbreaking since we seemed to have one person make a silly mistake every other pull!
Was a valk target getting dropped over the ledge at the time? We’ve had him despawn if he targets someone who is in the process of falling off the edge, more than once, since 4.0.1.
Oh God, it’s been buggy as hell for us, too. The laundry list I can think of (not including the alive-at-the-graveyard bug):
- Unable to summon anyone into the instance. Not even if they were down at the zone-in. Had no issues with this last night, but last week, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Always “invalid target”.
- Bite mechanics on BQL. At least 40-50% of the time someone got bitten, when they would then go to bite someone, the bite key did absolutely nothing. I would call “BS” on this except that I was bitten (by mistake) and when I went to go bite someone… nothing happened. No, the target was not already bitten. Yes, I was facing the target and they were, you know, targetted, and in range. Yes, I was pushing my bite button. Nada. Nothin’. This was a big issue on Thursday but seemed resolved by Sunday.
I think that’s all I have to add, but good Lord, that was painful!
By the way, don’t blame the Alliance for the PVP issues. Blame gnomes. >.>
Kurn’s last blog ..Progression & Finishing Raid Content
10 November 2010 at 3:12 pm #
GASP. I LOVE GNOMES. They are the one and only thing I miss about playing Alliance! Don’t hate on the gnomes :)
Ah yes, I forgot the “no summon” bug! We were able to summon last night, but last week, zero summons at all! And “half the raid isn’t in the right raid id” is also a fun one.
I have two.
1. The invisible boat – sometimes when you get to Saurfang, if you wipe or otherwise all have to come back, like when the world server goes down three seconds before pull like it did this week, the boat isn’t there. My dear husband who was fortunately helping me heal and not tank that attempt decided to check out whether it was really missing or just invisible as I started the encounter…. yeah, it was missing. Oops.
2. Switching to or from heroic kicks everyone to the front door. Not out of the instance, just to the front. And may reset some trash, yay.
Hah, I’ve had the ICC graveyard glitch happen to me as well, fortunately in the brief time I was on a pvp server there weren’t too many people griefing us after wipe recoveries from other glitches.
The best glitch IMO has been with warlock’s Soul Swap – not sure if it’s been fixed yet, but certainly for the first couple of weeks after the patch, the locks in our raids would cause the boss to turn whenever they used Soul Swap. This was particularly bad on Halion, as they seemed to keep timing it (to switch to the add) whenever Halion was about to breathe on the tank… and so managed to kill half the raid by having the breath hit everyone >.< One of our locks noticed the timing (as we thought he was just being buggy and turning) and tried it again... realised it was Soul Swap doing it... then proceeded to keep using Soul Swap which then wiped us. Rofls.
Feraltree's last blog ..Who needs a tank when you have a turtle!
10 November 2010 at 3:27 pm #
Awesome post Ana! You and I must have seen the same DK “plunge” to his death. When I saw that I was in stitches. A richly deserved demise!
10 November 2010 at 6:26 pm #
Actually, I’m pretty sure it was YOU who saw the DK, not me. You told everyone on Vent, and I rofl’d for a long time.
I claim authorial license – it sounds better if it’s my story! Alternately — I’m specced into telepathy for Marrogar so duh, I totes read your mind.
Does Halion breathing on the raid count?
We had Rotface’s corpse despawn on us about 5 seconds AFTER he died – we got so far as to link the loot, then poof. We assume it’s because people were on their way to Festergut while the last ooze hadn’t finished despawning.
10 November 2010 at 4:04 pm #
Owch. I hope no one wanted anything.
Halion breathing on the raid like the raid decided to stand in front of him? Or like he breathed on the raid from a sideways position…?
He breathes sideways. Basically he breathes at the same time as he casts combustion, and gets everyone with it.
And we got all the loot restored in ticket. Mostly it was worthy of a laugh.
Oh boy. Had two doozies last night. The first was on Marrowgar. We killed him with the bonespikes still up. On LM’s death, the spikes despawned, but the spiked peeps still took damage. After rezzes they continued to take damage. I still giggled a bit after that. Later, on our first ever heroic Rotface attempt, we were doing well until he just despawned at 40%. No warning, just *poof*.
Its been a while for me to raid in ICC, so I may have missed more.
The most annoying Bug for us is the 50% walking speed gryphon you get after a wipe. It takes the raid 2min into the instance.
I’ve had some weird issues of getting teleported around in ICC when encounters are in progress. Example: I was doing Lootship when we wiped (the shame) and flew in, only to get teleported straight onto the ship and have the fight resume. Another time I was just running in from a wipe on Sindragosa while some people suicided to the frigid queen and again, teleported into a Sindy cleave. She loves me. >.<
Being unable to summon people in the instance is getting fairly annoying too, seems to be as soon as you continue a run or add someone new that pops up. Freaking annoying when you need to bring people to sub for someone one night!
Lidanya's last blog ..Where did the healing go
Ressing with one HP, is ressing in combat, wait till everybody is dead and the boss has reset and you should be fine.
Sindra not reseting we figured is people being too close. You can pull the drake right into the room no problems at all, But if you have people just in the door or along that nearside wall and when sindra pokes her head in she does some damage it will aggro her.
11 November 2010 at 8:19 pm #
Yeah, I’ve heard that and it’s not true.
I always rez alive. People told me “wait till it resets bro roflrofl” and it doesn’t work. One time I waited until the boss reappeared, and the rest of the raid was ALIVE and back in the instance, just to test it, and I still released and ended up “alive”.
About 10% of the time I rez dead, and that is equally unconnected to when I release. Then there’s a druid who rezzes “dead” every time, even if she releases in the middle of the fight. Doesn’t matter when. It’s a bug, pure and simple. If it’s supposed to work like you describe, well, it’s not perfect yet.
The rezzing with one health bit isn’t just an ICC bug, btw. We were having some issues with it last night in ulduar, getting some people their rusted drakes.
Think my favorite ICC bug though… right after clearing the trash leading up to Gunship (very first week after the patch) my offtank yells out over vent “What the hell? The ship’s not there… but I see you all standing on thin air….maybe it’s just a glitch?” So he merrily struts up to where WE see the gangplank leading to the lootship…. and promptly falls right through it.
Second favorite… very same night, after clearing lootship, we’re about to pull Saurfang. Suddenly I notice “Hey guys? Uhmm…. I’m in combat” and I notice one of the hunter’s pets going apeshit on something invisible. Yeah, turns out there was a couple invisible mobs on Saurfang’s ledge. Cut them down quickly and we were on our way.
achloryn’s last blog ..Lucky day!
Pull Sindy and then have the raid immediately use the teleporter out. The person pulling might (will) die, but the rest of you will be safe. I lold when most of my raid didn’t use this strat and I was all cosy and safe back at the start of ICC.
Your welcome for sacrificing myself twice to reset Rotface. I want my cupcakes.