It’s over ni… I’m not making that joke.
Thanks to everyone out there that heeded the call to flaunt their best Shield of the Righteous crits from Festergut. I have below all the screenshots I received ordered from lowest to highest (for dramatic effect, natch). In two months don’t forget to look back and think of how great it was when ShoR didn’t have lowered AP scaling, and the sky was the limit of what we could achieve.
Gathorc of Eitrigg-US — 77,142
Palatinus — 79,991
Chuckf — 81,665
Cors of The Scryers-US — 83,578
Joachim of Moonguard-US — 89,474
Festenia — 95,600
Asur of Dark Iron-US — 96,754
Guisado — 100,337
Smashnheal of Grizzly Hills-US — 104,400
Siegfred — 106,222
Numee of Malygos-EU — 114,100 (!!!)
Thank you everyone who sent in their screenshots. Those are some incredible numbers!
29 October 2010 at 10:29 am #
I’d say it’s pretty save to say that ShoR, for now, goes to 11.
Middle of the pack – I’ll take it!
That 114k crit is pretty inspiring, if one may use such language for a doomed weapon.
saif’s last blog ..Woah!
hehe I like all the numbers :D I will miss all the big dmg after 2 months ^^
Love your UI, what addons do you use? hehe ;)
Seriously impressive that you only use Omen, and still scored the 2nd highest crit. I thought it was pretty funny you needed another raider to post the recount numbers…
Thats a pretty good testament for Blizzard as well, showing that the default UI is providing enough details for raiders to do their jobs effectively.
hehe thank you :D. I have never been an addon person tbh, only use omen and DBM, before the lastest patch I used x-perl also but only for the 3D profiles :P. I dont really feel the need for anything, only prob is the targets target debuffs, like the debuff count on feastergut, but I can see that on the default UI now :). And another thing hehe I dont use any keybindings or anything at all^^ never got around to learn them :P
If its not broken dont replace it ;)
What’s that damage meter that Numee was using? It doesn’t look familiar and being the huge numbers nerd that I am, I’d like to try it.
It’s Skada
Could be Skada but I’m not sure. Can somebody confirm this?
It is indeed Skada.