Glyph of Divine Protection bugged, awesome
Quick tip: Word is the Glyph of Divine Protection is currently bugged so that it doesn’t remove the physical damage reduction component, but still keeps the 40% magical damage reduction. The tooltip is also broken.
This means the glyph is no longer situational, but instead very recommended until the bug is fixed.
13 October 2010 at 9:29 am #
Nice. This almost makes up for Raidwall being bugged.
Maybe it’s my video settings, but the lack of consecration on the ground (puff of smoke, but no pulsing yellow) and no animation for ardent defender being active is very disconcerting for me. If it’s not a bug probably make a power aura just so I have some sort visual that the thing is actually up and running.
just thought i would report that my guildies have been doing 5 man dps heroic runs. No tank no healer pure dps. Interesting stuff.
One other thing that caught my eye- The dps plate pieces have more stam than the tank pieces do. With the slam in armor on things and the DR on dodge and parry, it makes me curious if a good defense would be some offense.
thats a good point, especially with threat numbers being broken right now especially with the caster classes…for example mages and boomkins, doing like 25-27k Threat per second, to the tanks 20k tps…
I may be doing something wrong, but I seem to be going OOM pretty quickly when doing my multi-target rotation. I’m speced into Hallowed Ground so I am using Consecration, but I’m also trying to hit Judgement when it comes off CD for the mana returns, and still the mana seems to plummet. Anyone else having this problem?
I didn’t spend too much time at it, I got quickly bored with the rotation and wandered off and logged onto my scribe in order to make some fast cash on the AH :)
Wow! Just wow! I hadn’t been on the PTR or in the beta (I guess i wanted to save myself for live) and the new tanking talent/regime is just fantastic.
DPS damage is through the roof at the moment, so 5mans feel even more undertuned, and my threat was a little shaky to start with – until i realised that I was using CS instead of HotR on trash packs!! I felt like such a noodle, wondering why I had to madly tab around to spread Censure.
Oh well, apart from that it has been a fantastic set of changes. Thanks for the guidance during the cataclysmic times Rhidach!
Off topic, but I just want to mention the insane amounts ShoR is hitting for. I saw on your twitter that you hit a 50k ShoR on Festergut. I managed a 54k(!) crit on heroic marrowgar. Followed by a 51k crit. I pooped myself a little.
Just ran a test ICC 10 normal last night, along with a few heroics. I presume that Skada and Recount not having the same numbers means one is broken and the other correct, and since I’m using the former, I hope I’m right. That said, I have been using the H 1- hander from lootship since it dropped and no one wanted it- shmexy 2.6 speed, and reforged to a bit of mastery. I have traditionallly been in the top few DPS when tanking and I expected that to fall off, but it appears not. Following your suggestions for rotation, I was #2 to a 6.2 gs DK (I’m about 5.9) on trash, pulling around 14k, and single target, was seeing 25k crits and mid-pack overall. Not a but upset, and there is enough time gaps to pay attention to the playing field. Well see as things keep on….
Hubbabubble of Mannoroth
guys do the divine protection reduce only physical dmg, because I saw the glyph and it says it’s removes the physical and incr. magic dmg and on the spell I see that it reduce all I am confused.
27 October 2010 at 10:45 am #
Unglyphed, Divine Protection reduces all damage taken by 20%. Glyphed, it reduces magical damage by 40% and does not reduce physical damage at all.