The last time I ever cast Blessing of Sanctuary

I’m sure you’ve seen forum threads where the old timers will get all nostalgic and wonder aloud, “Remember when blessings were 5 minutes long?” or “Remember when you had to reapply your seal after every judgement?” And then they told you to get off their lawn and that your jeans were worn too low.

Today is another one of those few moments in WoW-time when things irrevocably change. For good or ill. And we as players change along with them.

Before I logged on Sunday night, I wistfully cast Blessing of Sanctuary on myself one last time. While I’ll miss that spell, it’ll be much better in it’s new passive form.

Likewise the entire blessings system as a whole. Not having to listen to Falowin the rogue constantly berate the raid with “I need MIGHT” is worth the new system’s weight in gold.

Those are some convenient changes, but what about some less convenient ones? Consider the removal of the cherished Bubblehearth by way of the duration of Divine Shield being changed to 8 seconds. I can’t even remember the last time I Bubblehearthed, but it was always nice to know it was an option if the odds suddenly turned against me in a imminently deadly way and I needed a quick, cowardly exit.

Or what about Divine Intervention? I’m going to have start paying repair bills again for most wipes. The humanity of it all!

Those are just a few of the things I’m sure I’ll be musing about down the road to a pack of fresh-faced tankadins. As for you all, what are you going to miss most about the pre-4.0.1 world?

17 Comments to “The last time I ever cast Blessing of Sanctuary”

  1. Renamer 12 October 2010 at 12:53 pm #

    I wish I had remembered to do the same. :-( I loved BoS.

    I’ll miss being barely defense capped, wearing as much dps/threat gear as possible and getting top dps in randoms. I’ll miss leveling and heroics with SoCommand.

    I started playing WoW with the release of wrath, and didn’t start raiding until icc was months old. So I’ll miss knowing how to play my class with confidence, since all I have known is the age of the gogogo AOEfests. Time to learn to play. :-) I’m actually looking forward to that though.

    Oh and I’ll miss trying to keep divine plea up for entire dungeons at a time without ever having to recast it. Good times…

  2. Dallanna 12 October 2010 at 1:25 pm #

    “Not having to listen to Falowin the rogue constantly berate the raid with “I need MIGHT” is worth the new system’s weight in gold.”

    I certainly won’t be missing complaints from people that want blessings and reblessings that cost reagents. That’s for sure.

    And to be quite honest, I’m not sure what I’m going to miss. Right now, nothing’s coming. I’m sure it’ll come later on, but still, there are some arbitrary things, like the front-loaded damage, that I’m going to miss as I try to pvp with all the mobility of a truck with three wheels, but that’s another subject.

  3. Celendus 12 October 2010 at 1:55 pm #

    I actually went and took a screenshot of casting my last bubbleheart in front of ol’ Arthas. Alone, mind you, not in an active raid.

    I think most of all, I’m going to miss how delightfully OP block rating is in 5 mans.

    • Rhidach
      12 October 2010 at 2:08 pm #

      No kidding, I will miss AOE tanking a huge pack of trash and not taking much of any damage too.

  4. Orthien
    12 October 2010 at 2:07 pm #

    Sadly the server restart came at 7pm server time for me and I didn’t get a chance to do half of what I wanted to. There were alot of SS like this one ones of the old Trees etc that I just did not get a chance to do.
    I will miss the changes but like re casting a seal after Judge I’m sure eventually it will be one of those things I remember fondly.
    When I think change I still think the 3.0 patch standing in Quel’Danas when my Seal/Judge system changed and I could finally use King’s Defender.
    Orthien’s last blog ..Mini Prediction My ComLuv Profile

  5. honorshammer
    12 October 2010 at 2:53 pm #

    What will I miss? Knowing how to play my Paladin. Honors gets retired today. He’s opening a shop in Dalaran making Jewelry and cutting precious stones.

    • Rhidach
      12 October 2010 at 2:56 pm #

      /salute honorshammer

  6. Wulfstan 12 October 2010 at 3:09 pm #

    Hmmmm – I’ll miss being top DPS in our 10-man raids.

    The first few trash pulls in ICC exploited our AoE skills against undead beautifully.

    RIP Seal of Command :-(

    • Rhidach
      12 October 2010 at 3:47 pm #

      Seal of Command! I forgot about that. Rest in peace, little buddy.

      • Yorien 12 October 2010 at 4:01 pm #

        I think they used the seal of command animation for one of the heals… the new heal they added… so we’ll get a little nostalgia every time that’s cast on us.

  7. Chriantha 12 October 2010 at 5:35 pm #

    Most of them you already listed. Bubble Hearth, Divine intervention, the blessings change (thank goodness!)

    I’m going to miss the old Ardent Defender. It direly needed the rework, but it was so nice being the preferred tank as compared to the old Classic/Early-BC days. You know… before pally tanking was cool. :D

    !! Almost forgot. Are they removing the liberty bell chime from Hammer of the Righteous? I’m actually going to miss hearing that ‘Pwong’ sound every other GCD >.>

    • Rhidach
      12 October 2010 at 6:14 pm #

      “Pwong” is intact! No worries.

  8. Tailbiter 12 October 2010 at 5:55 pm #

    I’ll miss using HotR on single mobs and it being my hardest-hitting ability… dealing damage when I block… being a blood elf (changing to a holy cow asap)… and probably other things I can’t think of.

    Won’t miss wasting 150% of my mana buffing the raid. Best. Change. Ever.

  9. Joe Ego 12 October 2010 at 6:14 pm #

    I’ll miss making money from ammo sales.

    I’ll 40 yard judgements without spending 4 freakin’ talent points.

    I’ll miss having Divine Guardian while healing.

    I’ll miss doing horrible dps in Holy spec, yet still getting by in Heroics because I wasn’t a drooling idiot.

    And, as mentioned, I’ll miss knowing how to play my class. I’ll be healing my way to 85, so I don’t plan to do any tanking until next Spring. I have a strong feeling I’ll need every minute until then to get comfortable with a 90% new spell book and all the tweaks and changes sure to be coming down the pipe.
    Joe Ego’s last blog ..Welcome! My ComLuv Profile

  10. Shaeloth 12 October 2010 at 6:28 pm #

    I’ll miss scrolling down my Pally Power buff listing for each blessing, and having to split up regulars from the greaters for multiple specs of the same class. On this same note, I’ll miss running an add-on at all specifically for my buffs, though both of these particulars are more on the subject of nostalgia, and less on the matter of being sad they’re gone. Same goes for judgement casts.

    I’ll miss my raid awareness from not really having to look away from the same five buttons on my keyboard unless something specific came up.

    I’ll miss being able to roll through BG’s and pull out top DPS. Also, running into camps of 2 or 3 physical damage based classes and facerolling.

    And last, but not least – I’ll miss Consecration. =(

  11. Mite 12 October 2010 at 9:47 pm #

    I’ll miss Seal of Wisdom. It felt so kickass D&D cleric to be standing right next to the other melees. Plus, you know… it made your e-peen bigger.
    Even considering that mana will be a much more precious asset, I don’t think that Seal of Insight will make me want to melee.

  12. Dhal 13 October 2010 at 3:04 am #

    @Mite – So the name Seal of Wisdom made you want to melee? Because basically nothing else changed except now you get both Seal of Light and Wisdom in one.