Your shopping list for glyphs before 4.0.1
Here’s your chance to stay ahead of the market before demand makes prices skyrocket. Assuming 4.0.1 drops this week, all your glyphs are going to change and it’s ideal to stay on top of that shift.
Compiled below is a list of glyphs on Live and what they’ll be turning into with the patch. (I’ve adopted this list from the original created by El’s Anglin’. All credit for the research goes to them!)
- Glyph of Avenger’s Shield (-> Glyph of Focused Shield)
- Glyph of Avenging Wrath (-> Glyph of the Ascetic Crusader)
- Glyph of Flash of Light (-> Glyph of Word of Glory)
- Glyph of Seal of Righteousness (-> Glyph of Dazing Shield)
- Glyph of Seal of Vengeance (-> Glyph of Seal of Truth)
- Glyph of Sense Undead (-> Glyph of Truth)
- Glyph of Shield of Righteousness (-> Glyph of Shield of the Righteous)
- Glyph of Spiritual Attunement (-> Glyph of Divine Protection)
Glyphs not changing from spell to the other, but you still want to pick up, are:
- Glyph of Consecration
- Glyph of Crusader Strike
- Glyph of Hammer of Wrath
- Glyph of Holy Wrath
- Glyph of Judgement
- Glyph of Lay on Hands
- Glyph of Salvation
- Glyph of Turn Evil
I suppose you could go whole-hog and buy all the current Paladin glyphs. Nonetheless, everything above are things that will probably be directly or situationally useful for us at some point, I suspect. Like the boy scounts say: semper paratus. Go stock up!
8 October 2010 at 12:14 pm #
I’ve been kinda making this assumption for a while, but just to confirm/deny:
Do you think Salv will be more of a tankadin glyph? It seems like the ideal “tank swap” glyph.
8 October 2010 at 12:28 pm #
Seems like a good situational glyph feasibly. I’m going to grab it and add it to my deck, just to be safe.
8 October 2010 at 3:00 pm #
Salv is a glyph I have seen in several progression raider Tankadin specs and I have always wondered about it. I recall seeing Meloree with it via my armomry stalking, and I think Wrathy had it too at some point when he was dual spec prot.
If threat is a non-issue, that’s an extra cooldown for those crazy damage progression fights. Right?
8 October 2010 at 3:07 pm #
Well, the new Salv glyph instead completely wipes your threat for a period of time (but will return it when the time completely elapses). Could be useful if there’s a fight with a crazy tight threat swap. Doesn’t reduce damage anymore, unfortunately.
Just as a footnote, really, but all of the glyphs you know today (in either spec) will automatically be added to the master list of glyphs you know. So plan accordingly!
Any word on whether Ink Vendors will sell the Dust of Disappearance? If not, except to spend lots of gold to purchase the ink needed to swap glyphs from fight to fight.
8 October 2010 at 12:28 pm #
Everything I’ve heard states that Dust of Disappearance is both crafted and sold by vendors.
Semper Paratus is not a motto of the boy scouts. That phrase in latin is most identified with the Coast Guard.
8 October 2010 at 12:25 pm #
Next thing you’re going to tell me is the state motto of Virginia is not Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus Rexes!
(What an embarrassing error.)
Remember “be prepared” is the boy scout motto or the villain’s song in the lion king :)
I think the salv glyph was lost a lot of its viability now. I used to use it on fights like the LK when tanking. Another CD when soul reaper hit was always useful if you solo tanked the boss. With the removal of the damage reduction element its not as useful.
11 October 2010 at 8:17 am #
The advise to get them all is probably the best bet even for non-completionists, simply because you don’t know when even a situational glyph is going to really really handy to your raid (even if you remain pretty casual pre-expansion). It will only cost 10g maximum to swap out a glyph, which isn’t too bad.
As I noted on Antigen’s site, the situational usefulness of the new Glyph of Salvation could be very high. Even if it simply mimics the threat mechanics of Divine Shield (target will not attack you until the buff expires or you’re the only one on the threat list, yet threat is still generated as normal) it’s useful for snap tank-swaps when a boss is untauntable. Similarly DPS burn phases, when some classes start to reach tank levels of threat, would cause this Glyph to see a lot of use. We don’t know the crucial mechanics behind its’ functionality yet, but I expect it to appear in a lot of Prot and (esp.) Ret Glyph specs.
Glyph options are still lacklustre for the class overall, which is very disappointing given that they supposedly dropped Path of the Titans for it. Whilst it allows for more flexibility potentially, in reality there’s not an awful lot shown which couldn’t be accomplished under Wrath’s glyphing rules.