First insight to the dps value of our talents

I quickly mentioned this on Twitter, but it merits a quick post. Delicious theorycrafts inc.

Theck, Bringer of Numbers and Pounding Headaches, did his first pass through our talents to gauge the relative worth of each in terms of damage (and thus threat). I’m not going to copy-paste his findings, but to summarize:

  • Our top three must-have threat talents are Wrath of the Lightbringer > Reckoning > Crusade.
  • His sim placed Reckoning at second with around 50 dps per point. However, his sim was run on a 264/277 gear set without anything reforged for Mastery. Therefore with additional Mastery/block Reckoning will get much more beastly.
  • Grand Crusader is really weak right now. To the point where there’s murmurs of not even speccing into it. That’s with current numbers though, things can obviously change.

Read the whole post to get the straight dope. A lot of these numbers aren’t yet final, so don’t them as gospel, but they’re heading in the direction we’re going.

5 Comments to “First insight to the dps value of our talents”

  1. Julio Biason/Thorianar
    5 October 2010 at 2:18 pm #

    I saw the Grand Crusader numbers, but I’m not giving it up. I like loud, flashing things popping in my line of view.

    (Ok, more seriously: Grand Crusader makes protection _fun_.)
    Julio Biason/Thorianar’s last blog ..Pre-Cataclysm To-Do- Update My ComLuv Profile

  2. Anafielle
    5 October 2010 at 2:50 pm #

    The GC part will absolutely change without a doubt.

    Blizz wouldn’t give us a shiney, beautiful proc (when the whole point of this expansion’s rotation change was to give us procs) and build a freaking Poweraura into the game to show it to us, only to have us ignore it. Nah, we have to assume that something will change about GC.

  3. Kerriodos 5 October 2010 at 3:43 pm #

    I would spec into GC regardless–at least in a heroic/trash spec–just for the silence, but I do agree it feels odd to have a proc so integral to Blizzard’s view of our new playstyle be so weak. There’s a definite change incoming there.

    I’m actually a little disappointed Judgements of the Pure is as (relatively) weak as it is. I hadn’t expected it to be good, really, but I have to admit I liked the somewhat delusional idea of haste being awesome for us.

    • Daraxis 5 October 2010 at 10:04 pm #

      You’d like it until you realised how often you’d be hearing that freaking golden hammer sizzling above your head every time you Judged.

      It’s a noisy time to be Ret.

  4. Orthien
    6 October 2010 at 3:51 am #

    I really do hope that GC is fixed its one of the few things that makes our rotation different from live. I do agree with the posters on Maintankadin that it needs to effect something other than AS though, that spell is stretched to thin for all it does now to be on a proc as well.

    On the plus side I am happy to see Thecks number comming through, maybe now I can finally figure out what talents I will be taking for my threat and PvP builds.

    Also will be interesting to see how JotP scales with Mastery and Reckoning.
    Orthien’s last blog ..<a href="" rel="nofollow"And the Title to Back it Up My ComLuv Profile