Archive for September, 2010

Professor Putricide 10 (Heroic)

My 10 man is technically working on Heroic Lich King. However, last Sunday was Labor Day Weekend – a few key raiders were missing, and I myself was exhausted from moving all week. So, instead of progression, I bowed to some pleas from five raiders very, very close to their Icecrown 10 drakes and took a “drake raid” into ICC.

We only needed to get All You Can Eat, Heroic Putricide, and Been Waiting A Long Time For This (the LK achievement). Easy, right? A few drake-owning experts came along for shits and giggles, I cracked a beer or three, and we all hopped on vent for a relaxing night.

Uhhhhh…. or not so relaxing. Some of those are still hard for us! But hell, we got them done, and it was a lot more fun than H LK would have been.

Professor Putricide 10 (Heroic)

Heroic Putricide is very much on my mind these days – he’s our current 25m progression, and I think he’s the toughest achievement you need for the drake. Here’s an overview of some of the things I’ve done to make him cough up his seriously nice purps.

Oh, a note on raid composition: I have successfully 2 healed and 3 healed this fight. It can be done either way. As I have learned, you want 4+ melee-range bodies (pets count!) to mitigate green explosions, and you really want 5 ranged to handle the disease.

Transition: Many Adds! Handle It!

There are two adds. The abom driver should slow orange. A very pro abom driver can slow both adds by slowly eating slime in phase 1 and entering the transition at 100 slime power.

We stacked most of the raid on the Green spawn point to eat explosions, burned down green while the orange target kited, and then switched over to Orange.

Green Adds: Green explosions are a lot more dangerous on heroic, and will kill people if you don’t have enough bodies stacked on the target. We had no pets, and our melee had to be very pro about stacking. Be aware that if melee are chasing behind green at max melee range, they might not eat the explosion. Their #1 priority should be STACK, so everyone lives, with the #2 priority being KILL IT DEAD. Remember, surviving is key. At 30% on 10 man, this fight is not a DPS race at all.

Remember that you can control where you fly when Green explodes by positioning yourself around him. Don’t explode towards your current Plague Carrier. Don’t explode towards Orange. If orange picks you, and you explode towards him, you will die. In fact, the best thing to do is to try to explode towards the back wall.

Orange Adds: Putricide 101 – if orange stops chasing his target and casts Gaseous Bloat again, he is picking a new target! The melee need to Run The Hell Away before he picks one of them and wipes the raid.

Unbound Plague

We set a strict Plague Order for unbound plague. Five ranged, five possible plague targets.

I copied something I saw Aliena do in the tankspot video – I made a /y macro with the plague pass order and put it on a convenient key so I could smack it every so often and remind the raid. Ranged can also, you know, write it down.

Quarantine: We designated a single spot in the room the “plague spot.” If you have plague, stand there! It’s in the center, near the door to the room – the plagued person stood in the “bar.” This simplified plague passing so much. Each ranged knew exactly where to go to get the plague. Everyone knew where NOT to stand so they didn’t accidentally get plague. If a melee got it first, the melee would run over to the right spot and stand there for a moment until Ranged #1 came and got it.

Passing Plague: Each person held it for 10-12 seconds, and passed it. The current plague’d person always called out for the next in line to come get it. I had an emergency melee paying attention in case there was a plague mixup and we needed a 6th plague carrier. (This was Antigen, whose high RA unfortunately means he gets stuck with a ton of the bitchy jobs.)

There are a lot of different ways to handle Plague. Some raids use a Quarantine area for people with Plague Sickness (the debuff). Some raids don’t bother with a safe spot or with an order – they just pass it naturally around the ranged. Different strategies work for different people. This is what worked for us.

Editor’s note: When I wrote this post, I wasn’t aware of the addon Plagued. This addon does things like counts down the plague timer in /say over the plagued person’s head. It might negate the need for a designated safe spot, and will definitely make passing a whole lot clearer! We plan to use this on 25 and I really can’t wait to see it. We will probably not have to use a safe spot anymore.

Just Kill Him Dead

The key is to keep everyone alive. Don’t mess up explosions, don’t mess up diseases. As long as your ranged can handle the disease, your DPS can handle the transition phases, and everyone can make up for the extra damage done and received on Heroic, Putricide will fall over and cough up his ridiculously sexy purps.

Oh, I suppose I already mentioned what he drops. Ah, you see, Putricide drops this trinket… it’s pretty nice… Have I linked it enough yet? No? OK, I’ll link it again.

Oh, you know, just one more time for good measure…

Lingering worries in beta are worrying

I’ve been generally upbeat about Protection Paladins in beta. Perhaps to a fault, but I truly, honestly believe the foundations of the class are solid heading into the final stretch of beta. It’s the numbers that need tweaking here and there, sure, but like I said–generally solid. Now, things aren’t all cupcakes and gumdrops, there are some big issues that could have a negative effect on our “solidity” going forward. These are things that I feel confident will be resolved by launch or in the future, but for purposes of awareness, Justice herself compels me to bitch about them.

1. Word of Glory will fall behind

The amount of healing WoG does is based on two things: how much HoPo (as Ana calls it) you have, and talents. Spellpower doesn’t modify it, so that free spellpower we get from Touched by the Light only goes towards holy damage/threat. And we can’t generate more than 3 Holy Power, so while initially WoG will be okay at first for the ratio of healing done vs. total hp we have, only the second number will go up. Eventually the disparity will make WoG not worth even feeling guilty about not hitting.

This is coupled with the fact that Blizzard wants us to use Word of Glory. Guarded by the Light cements it, but the talents has the most unwieldy mechanics of anything else in our tree. Never mind that they want us to expend precious HoPo on that button, they want us to time it to maximize self-overheals? It defies explanation.

There is a major rework needed on Prot and WoG, which hopefully will come in our next pass. We need some kind scaling, and we need some kind of incentive to use this spell. Why do only overheals put up that damage absorb effect? Why not any self-WoG heals? What’s the downside? It’d be an Interesting Choice, eh?

2. HotR > CS on single targets

This I cannot imagine not being resolved when they do their final numbers passes, but at the moment Hammer of the Righteous does more damage against a single target than Crusader Strike. The solution can’t be to nerf HotR (it seems pretty perilously balanced right now to interact properly with Inquisition), instead it must be to buff Crusader Strike.

If this doesn’t change, this will seriously damage the stated goal of separate aoe/single target rotations. As always my boundless optimism assumes this will change, however.

3. ShoR is a huge liability if and when avoided

On beta right now, when you hit the ShoR button, you expend three Holy Power and strike out with your shield. As on live, ShoR can be dodged/parried/missed, and if it does the Holy Power you expended disappears into the ether.

We’ve been playing tennis with concerns over ShoR, and Holy Shield, and Holy Power since the inception of the HoPo apparatus. Then we finally hit a plateau where the 15% block was the only degree of Holy Shield available, no matter how much Holy Power you expended. And that’s great. But, considering ShoR is designed to be a huge portion of our single target threat, the fact that it can miss and then you lose 13 seconds of HoPo accumulation… that’s a huge deal.

Conversely, if a Ret Paladin misses with Templar’s Verdict or Divine Storm they only lose one Holy Power. Much better design. Needs to apply to ShoR as well.

ShoR being avoided should carry some sort of penalty, if only to give a reason to carry hit or expertise, eh? ShoR first becoming avoidable in 3.3 was what began to make Paladins start favoring expertise. I suspect this will carry on into the future.

I’ll play the optimism card here as well: I think this will change, and the penalty will be one Holy Power like Ret currently “suffers”.

4. Quality of life things that will never be fixed

This is the point where I approach the closest thing I can muster to despair. I don’t think, especially at this juncture, we’ll ever get an off-GCD, short cooldown interrupt or any kind of gap closer. Cataclysm was the perfect chance for these niceties to be implemented for Prot, and I suspect that the opportunity will pass untaken. It’s not upsetting, but it is disappointing.

Patch 4.0 and Beta Burnout

Patch 4.0 is upon us, ladies and gentlemen. It’s on the PTR.

MMO-Champion estimates the Cataclysm release date at November 2.

The end is nigh.

It sure took its sweet time coming.

Beta News Overload

May. That’s when the Beta opened. Cataclysm news has swamped the wow community for four full months now. And don’t even mention last year’s Blizzcon, or the months of alpha leaks. The wow community has been saturated with all Cataclysm news, all the time, for so long.

Those in the beta struggle daily now with the grossly unfamiliar and the radically redesigned, the poorly-tuned and the just plain broken. Meanwhile, the rest of us mere mortals content ourselves with the incredible volume of information emanating from the beta.

There’s a lot to take in. The people in the beta are getting an imperfect albiet closer look at it all, and the most of us left out have only the inevitably biased views of the masses by which to judge.

Mainly, we find ourselves swamped with the QQ, the fighting, the cheering and the ranting that inevitably results when an online world with 11 million incredibly passionate believers finds itself faced with a radical redesign to practically every working aspect of the game. Positive reports are few and far between.

Passionate people, angry or otherwise, are most likely to be the loudest voices online, and so those voices are the ones that seem to define the character of the beta process – at least for me.

This can be a little wearing for the rest of us.

Losing Heart and Losing Steam

Don’t get me wrong. I want people to care.

For example, I desperately wanted Rhidach in the beta – no one better to judge with a discerning eye how the my beloved class and role would function in a post-cataclysm world. I’ve followed Gravity’s detailed descriptions through alpha and beta, Kurn’s holy pally musings, the healing experts at World of Matticus, World of Raids’ occasional videos, and Rilgon’s up and down journey through the beta hunter. I even put World of Raids’ Blue Tracker in my Google Reader.

I want skilled communicators and talented players rigorously testing my beta. That’s the whole point of a beta. Cataclysm absolutely depends on the dedication of its testers and the quality of their feedback.

But I’m not a tester. I’m just a newshound. I’m your garden variety forums lurker, avid tweeter, and half-assed blogger. I’m two or three degrees of separation away from anything close to actual Cataclysm experience.

It used to make me interested. Angry. Happy. Excited.

Now? Now… I’m just tired. I can’t get engaged in it.

Cataclysm is interesting to me in a far-off, clinical way. I vaguely want to read about what’s going on, but I just can’t get worked up about it anymore – not until it’s on my live servers, affecting my life.

Cataclysm Won’t Be Perfect

I welcome new things, even broken new things. I don’t even expect it to be perfect, or close to it. Wasn’t anyone around for WOTLK? It’ll probably be ass-all broken for months! And god help me, I’m looking forward to it.

I want it to be as perfect as possible, of course, but that’s the job of the beta testers – I can get worked up about it, but it doesn’t do anything for me. All it does is make me depressed!

There will be rage when Cata drops. Oh, the world will rage. I expect enough flaws to fuel a veritable avalanche of QQ and tears enough to fill six oceans. Twitter will break, #Cataclysm will trend, and the intertubes will clog up with the cries of ten million warriors claiming paladins are still OP. Or something like that.

I can’t wait. Even if I have to rage myself. Even if I end up spending my time complaining about how my class is broken and begging for fixes – I want Cataclysm here and now!

I can’t wait for all the new information Cata will bring. There will be tons of daily, informative blog posts here courtesy of my (thank god) concise cotank. There had better be blog posts over at Avenging Wrathy. There will be so many Maintankadin forums threads from the best and brightest minds in my community, full of delicious maths, pages of code, colored graphs and truckloads of theorycrafting. Unlike beta posts, all these things will be directly relevant to my live servers. I want them here now!

For good or for ill, broken or working as intended, Cataclysm will be something fresh and new and interesting.

It’s just so far away.

But you know what’s right here? WOTLK.

The End of WOTLK Is Nigh

Patch 4.0 now – suddenly – looms before us. An end to Lich King raiding for good. If you’re anything like me, you’re suddenly thinking: 1) Thank goodness! Cata’s finally coming! And then… 2) Oh my god, I still have things to do!!

There’s a time limit on WOTLK now. Suddenly I’m jarred out of my vague beta-related depression and back into the world of Arthas. I don’t have time to wallow in indecision or lose focus. Soon, just a few weeks away, WOTLK raiding will come to an end for good. I’m glad its coming, but I still have things to do! We only have a few weeks left!

How do I want to spend the last two months of this expansion?

Do I want to look back on the end of WOTLK and see that I slowly faded away, letting my frustration with the state of the beta and my exhaustion with ICC color how I approached my endgame goals? Do I want to let my 10 man lapse out of self-doubt, laziness, or lack of focus? Do I want to slowly give up on everything, right when it’s finally getting difficult?

For me, the answer is no!

Enveloping Shadows still has tons of raid content ahead, within our grasp: an 11th heroic boss on 25, and Drake achievements to gather. I sure would like to wipe a bit on Heroic Halion 25 and (gasp) Heroic Lich King 25 as well. And I still have yet to break the top 100 on WOL for Heroic Festergut, to my great disgrace! Ugh!!

This expansion is not over for us yet!

So you guys in the beta, keep plugging away. I love your posts, but I’m not going to let the fighting and the raging screw with my head anymore.

I’m going to focus myself on the here and now, for me: the end of WOTLK.

Build 12942 roundup

A few changes to our spec in the latest build. Nothing particularly worth writing home about.


The Glyph of Seal of Truth survives for now, which is pretty exciting in face of recent threats it has received.

Nonetheless, the only actual glyph change I could see was a new Glyph of the Ascetic Crusader that reduces mana cost of Crusader Strike by 30%. Yawn.


Vindication now has a new effect, making Hand of Justice able to interrupt spells if a mob is not stunnable. If you’re scratching your head, that’s because Blizzard quietly removed that capability from HoJ a few builds ago. I guess it’s good we can now interrupt again, albeit poorly. Rebuke would be nicer. But that goes without saying.

Eternal Glory was nerfed again as well to 15%/30%. I keep eyeing this talent, thinking it might be useful in a spec combined with Guarded by the Light. But that feeling diminishes every new build.

I guess we can feel lucky they didn’t put this effect on a talent we’d normally avoid.

T11 Bonuses

The bonuses for the eventual first Cataclysm raid tier sets have been datamined. For Prot Paladins, they are:

2pc — Increases damage done by Crusader Strike by 10%.

4pc — Increases duration of Guardian of Ancient Kings by 50%.

The 2pc bonus is ok. Not amazing, just ok. The 4pc bonus is interesting. We’d have an 18 second 60% damage reduction cooldown with this bonus. That’s a bit long, but I’m not going to complain I suppose.

Milquetoast changes, all in all.

Reach just short of my grasp

I made some changes to my armor set and managed to pull a much, much better number: 49,421. Only 484 away from the raid boss cap.

Not too shabby! I should note that I didn’t replace Mongoose, and I had a Lightning Speed proc when this screenshot was taken. Though that’s only worth 240 armor, before buffs.

Apparently capping won’t be as hard as I thought.

My great white, armored whale eludes me

As I’ve declared in Twitter and my fevered dreams, my goal before the expansion pack is to hit the armor cap. Initially it was just to see 75.00% damage reduction in that armor tool tip on my character sheet (45,697), but them’s small potaters. I have bigger fish to fry–the raid boss armor cap–49,905 armor. That number has seared itself into my soul.

During a 25man raid I have about 44,000 armor (which is an obscene yet seductive number) in my armor set. With in-combat buffs, correct consumables, and the like I can push that much higher.

Last night I asked Antigen to pop an Aura Mastery-enhanced Devotion Aura for me once we were in Saurfang’s frenzy period and I had chugged an Indestructible Potion. The results were impressive, maybe, but disappointing in that they could have been a lot better. For example, I should have gotten the Holy Pally with Improved Devo Aura to do it (no offense, Ani).

In any case, I definitely did not bring my A-game.

46,294. Pitiful!

Here’s what I did wrong:

1. Mongoose on my sword. The proc offers a nice chunk of agility, but you can’t count on that. Exceptional Agility is a much better, more consistent bet. Worth 52 armor, before Kings.

2. Had a Stoneblood Flask up. The better consumables choice for armor would have been an Elixir of Protection (800 armor) mixed with an Elixir of Mighty Agility (90 armor before Kings).

3. Didn’t have Pillars of Might equipped, which cost me 1088 additional armor.

In total we’re talking 2030 additional armor I could have had at that moment. My hit would be abyssal, but sacrifices must be made in the name of science, eh?

I doubt that 2030 armor will be enough to close the 3611 armor gap, even with buffs and procs. I’ll probably have to grab some additional pieces to push me over the finish line. Specifically, I’m thinking of the following:

  • Heroic Bile-Encrusted Medallion for +84 armor
  • Heroic Sanctified Lightsworn Handguards for +213 armor
  • Heroic Gargoyle Spit Bracers for +714 armor
  • Heroic Unidentifiable Organ for +238 armor

In total that’s worth 1249 armor. Hell, upgrading my shield to the heroic version is also worth 389, though clearly only one of them exists. So, sum total we’re talking an additional 1638 armor from upgrades.

Combine that with the 2030 armor from not being an idiot and I’m looking at 3668 armor, easily enough to put me over the hump. And that’s before buffs.

Back to the seas, Queequeg!

Beta Journal: Deepholm, 83, Vashj’ir, Kezan and Gilneas

After admitting the problem last week, that I’ve been terrible at spending time in beta, I was determined to rack up some quality time there over the long weekend. I ended up burning through the entire zone of Deepholm, dipping my toe in the pool that is Vashj’ir, hitting a roadblock in Kezan, and then finishing up the Worgen starting storyline in Gilneas. This is going to be a pretty heavy post full of screenshots and minor spoilers, so I advise skipping if you want to stay pristine when Cata launches. I’d put it behind a more tag, but I hate when people do that, so you all must suffer for my vanity.

First thing I did after firing up the beta was get my Draenei paladin set up with glyphs (I’ll talk about that a little later on) and then head over to Stormwind to follow the breadcrumbs to Deepholm. This involves going to the Maelstrom itself where Thrall is working to repair the rift. You talk to the big guy himself, then the wyvern rider nearby who will shuttle you through the whirlpool and into Maelstrom. It’s a pretty incredible sequence, eye candy galore.

Just that minor area with the whirlpool and the sea splashing all around you is probably one of the most beautiful locations in game.

Once we dove into Deepholm, the sound bites the wyvern rider was spouting off seemed to fade off at the end of every sentence. Which is funny, because at the same time the Fungalmancer Glop’s little speech being spoken on the other side of the zone was echoing like the little bastard was sitting right next to me. They need to work on speech distance/triggers I think.

This is probably part and parcel for a new trend in making the world seem more “alive”, in the sense that everyone talks more. With actual speech. I kept running into little scenes or events where once a simple text bubble would have sufficed, but instead it’s fully voiced.

So storyline progression definitely got bumped up a notch in Deepholm. How about questing? Well, truth be told, I found Deepholm’s quests intensely boring. There were a few really fun ones (like a fight against a dragon where you get tossed onto a floating rock and have to hop from stone to stone dodging breath attacks and dealing damage, lots of fun!) but the majority of the quests were “go to this hub”, “do these six quests involving killing certain mobs or retrieving items”, and then “here’s the next hub to go to”. I guess that’s the bread and butter, but still… yawn.

In the end, Deepholm felt like a chore to rip through. I started there at level 82 (which I realized after the fact might have been a bad idea) and finished the normal quests/storyline about two bubs short of 83. It was bizarre going through a whole zone and not dinging once.

Another thing I noticed while in Deepholm was how tough the mobs were. I usually finished each at about 70% health, and would have to pop cooldowns if I managed to get two or three. Of course, I was still in a mix of half 272 gear from Hyjal and half 251 gear from ICC10 (came with the premade character) while quests were doling out between 288 and 300 pieces. Not to mention I was only level 82, while the zone mobs were between 82 and 83, so I think I was generally unprepared for the whole place. So don’t take it as gospel that whole zone is crazy hard.

Lastly, speaking of loot, the tanking gear in Deepholm was pretty sparse until the last few quests. Even so, with defense now automatic from talents, the tank gear has basically devolved into three kinds of pieces: avoidance+master, avoidance+avoidance, or avoidance+hit. Oh, or threat+mastery, though one could say that’s really a dps piece.

In any case, I found myself favoring mostly the latter for questing, while hoarding avoidance pieces for dungeons. Mastery is fun to accumulate. Avoidance remains less so.

Under the sea, under the sea

After Deepholm, I returned to Stormwind to sit on the docks and wait for the boat to Vashj’ir. While sitting there I was surprised to see a troop of soldiers walk up and (true to all the extra blabbing going on) muse in full voicing about the mission ahead of them and the military prowess of Nagas, and other minutiae. It was a nice break from sitting there like a dope, or alt-tabbing a waiting for the sound of a boat pulling up.

Once we set sail, I recognized the “mercenary crew” as the guys from outside ZA and other locales. There was Budd, who seems to have picked up an interesting accent, and Samir the shirtless repair guy, and other fine folk. I could already tell who would be a story driver in the zone ahead.

Eventually a released Kraken ripped the ship apart and we all tumbled into the briny deep.

When I “came to” I was stuck in a bubble. I believe what was supposed to happen was I’d regain the ability to move, or float towards the air pocket that some npcs were hiding in, but instead I was stuck in place and couldn’t move or cast. So I drowned. Annoying.

Unlike Deepholm, the sparse time I spent in Vashj’ir was a lot of fun. I wasn’t doing the hub-clearing dance autonomously, I was actually engaged in the world around me. I don’t know if it was just because I was enchanted with the zone design, but it felt like what Cata questing should be: interesting,

Underwater movement is usually terrible in video games, but it was actually very fun in Vashj’ir. Totally intuitive too. You touch the ground and run, or you jump and fly/swim around. Made total sense and wasn’t a hindrance at all. Well, the only drawback I can think of is sometimes it was hard to judge my distance from a mob or item in a three dimensional, floating space. I’d have to pan the camera to get the proper sense of depth. But that wasn’t really a huge deal.

Hitting 83, and Tankadin combat thus far

After some questing in Vashj’ir, I finally dinged 83. Two to go.

Nothing much gained outside of a new talent point and a healing spell. I allocated the point somewhere stupidly and went merrily on my way to continue questing under the sea.

Before I pivot to starting zones, I wanted to speak a little bit about how it was to play my tankadin. I know we haven’t been receiving as much design attention lately and generally it’s because we’re in a pretty good place in terms of rotation. We have our Holy Power, we have our 15% block, we have our stable of attacks. The pieces are in place and it seems like all that’s left in the numbers game–how much does this attack hit for, how much damage does this reduce, etc.

The rotation as it stands now is predictable, but still varied, thanks to Grand Crusader. The framework we’re operating in is: CS, _, _, CS, _, _, CS, HP dump, _, CS, etc. Every other other attack is Crusader Strike (or HotR), we weave in Judgement, Holy Wrath, or Avenger’s Shield/Grand Crusader procs, and then dump Holy Power when needed on ShoR, a heal, or Inquisition.

I’m still hopelessly in love with Grand Crusader, so ignore any fanboi-ish squeal about how awesome it is to have a proc emanating from me. Here’s the “power auras” for it, by the way:

I also stopped being a dope and figured out how to show glyphs (thanks to the kind folks that offered tips in the comments and Twitter) and ended up going with Judgement, ShoR, and HotR for Prime and (initially) Seal of Truth, Consecration, and Holy Wrath for Major glyphs. After noticing that my Holy Wrath still wasn’t stunning elementals, I swapped that out for the Focused Shield glyph.

You know what’s more than a Grand Crusader proc? A Grand Crusader proc critting for 15k damage. Focused Shield is a beast of a glyph and definitely amazing for questing. I wasn’t aoe tanking as much out of fear for my life, so any extra single-target damage was icing on the cake.

Kezan, before the Fall (and Gilneas during)

After a while my mind wandered and I decided to roll a Goblin toon to take their starting zone for a spin. If only because I love Goblin character design and cannot wait to roll one on live. Just looking at the character creation screen you can see this impressive amount of detail that puts even the crisper Blood Elves and Draenei to shame, let along the terrible-by-comparison vanilla races.

They really need to redesign the vanilla races’ appearance.

Unfortunately the tenth quest in or so was broken as of the latest patch so I couldn’t get further than level four or so. What I did see though was a lot of fun, if not a bit depressing. Kezan is awfully bleak.

One thing about the Goblin starting zone that I absolutely hated was the storyline. (Sorry the following is a spoiler.) The basic idea of the starting experience is you’re in line to be the next Trade Prince, and you’re trying to “out-Goblin” the guy with the job currently so you can take over. A lot of the characters at the company you run call you Boss, and act like your employees. You go to a football-ish game and the coach says you’re some fantastic player who is the only one who can pull out a win in the game.

It’s like an institutionalized Mary Sue situation. It’s awful storytelling and just doesn’t make any sense… why would the boss be the one who goes down to the mines and knock around the dissenting jungle trolls? Why would the boss be the one who goes and kneecaps some deadbeats in Drudge Town? Why would the boss do his own shopping, on a quest given by his assistant?

“You’re the usurping Trade Prince-wannabe Goblin” sounds like something a terrible fanfic writer would vomit up. How will this jive with future dealing with the faction leader? How is it that you have an entire race of potential Trade Princes? Can they also be the half-Draenei son of Garona too?


In terms of the overarching story, Gilneas is leaps and bounds ahead. Though, to be fair, I only saw the first four levels of Kezan, and it could redeem itself. For the time being though, I am in utter awe of the Worgen starting experience. Blizzard totally knocked this one out of the park.

When I last played my Worgen I was having a fun time dealing with no passive health regen, incredibly tough mobs, and a constant snuffling sound that made any further leveling torture. I set aside the Worgen until the next build, and I’m glad I did.

I finished up the quest I stopped on, went into a cellar to turn in the quest, and when I emerged the fields I was questing in were swallowed up by the sea. Now THAT is phasing

Later quests involved evacuating some npcs and doing random quests to get them to flee for you. One quest involved going into an apple orchard, and when I entered there I had to stop for a second and take in everything. Perhaps it’s the wistfulness I’m feeling at the imminent start of Fall and end of Summer, but I was completely caught up in the scenery. The haunting music, the twitching tree branches with orange leaves, the stomp of a raging Ettin in the distance. I forgot I was playing WoW. This really is a whole new experience.

Also, apparently my Worgen’s human form is Venom.

I also was witness to a fantastic take down of someone in general chat. Some mouth breather was complaining about bugs and specifically why they had to “play a buggy piece of crap” and some rational soul responded with “If you think you’re here for any reason other than discovering and reporting bugs, you should not be in beta.” The mouth breather had no reply. Well done for the responder.

Later quests took me around the zone and then finally to the Battle of Gilneas, which was one of those “get this ridiculous buff from this npc and kill waves of mobs” deals, ala the Battle for Undercity. Droll as it was, the fun part was in the aftermath when Tobias (spy worgen) and I snuck into the cathedral where Sylvanas was meeting with her lieutenants over how the Battle was going.

She is such a malevolent badass, I love it. I’m looking forward to the storyline turn of the Horde becoming less the “noble savages” and more a real antagonist in the story arc.

Afterwards, I assaulted the Horde forces assembled in Gilneas with a glaive thrower, and then snuck aboard a zeppelin to sabotage it. The quest that officially has the Worgen evacuating Gilneas seems to not be done yet, so all that was left was to take a Captain Placeholder-esque fellow across the ocean, into the sunset, and over to Darnassus.

Build 12857 brings in the glyphs

I know my beta reportage lately has been nothing short of abysmal, and I apologize for that. I finally got my lazy self back on there last night to check out the changes applied in the latest build that dropped earlier this week, as well as poke around with all the glyphs.

First things first, let’s talent about talent and spell changes. Here’s what’s pertinent to Prot:

  • Vindication now has a chance to reduce physical damage done by the primary target of the skills. (Old – All targets)
  • Grand Crusader now only procs from damage dealt to your primary target.
  • Sanctuary now also reduces all damage taken by 3/7/10%.

  • Consecration now scales from 22% of AP and 22% of Spell Power, down from 32%.

The Vindication change isn’t that shocking, since they mentioned earlier their intention was we were not going to let us aoe-attack power debuff. The Grand Crusader change makes sense as well, since HotR was basically giving multi-fold chances to proc the effect over just Crusader Strike.

Sanctuary’s new damage reduction effect brings us in-line with the baked in damage reduction that other tanking specs currently enjoy with their respective tanking stances/forms. The wages of our tanking “stance” being usable by Holy or Ret.

And lastly, Consecrate is just getting slapped around a bit more as part of the tanking aoe nerf. Hurrah.

Oh, and apparently the Guardian of Ancient Kings animation is now in beta!

As for glyphs, I was excited to check out the new interface and all the new (not yet finalized) glyphs available for the class.

So, I logged onto my Draenei pally and attempted to fly to the nearest flight master (at the World Tree) to make my way to Dalaran in the most round-about way possible.

After three crashes while trying to enter the part of Hyjal where the world tree is, and a bug report later, I then just hearthed to the Exodar and fumbled around for some way to get to Stormwind. I then got hopelessly lost, huffed, puffed, and logged over to my Belf pally who was in Orgrimmar.

One zep later and I was up in Northrend. I flew my way over to Dalaran and found the various Glyph vendors outside of the Inscription building. I loaded up on all the Paladin ones and started learning them, one by one.

Many minutes later, I then happily opened my glyph window and found …

And nothing had changed. This begs the question: where are my glyphs, exactly?

I’m sure I missed some little trick to make them appear in beta, so playing musical chairs with them will have to wait for another day.

In the meantime, let’s look at the list of glyphs pertinent to our spec. Some of them are pretty cool.

Prime Glyphs

  • Crusader Strike – Increases Crusader Strike’s crit chance by 5%
  • Hammer of the Righteous – Increases the physical and Holy damage dealt by HOTR by 10%
  • Judgement – Increases Judgement’s damage by 10%
  • Shield of the Righteous – Increases ShoR’s damage by 10%
  • Word of Glory – Increases Word of Glory’s healing by 10%

Major Glyphs

  • Consecration – Increases Consecration’s cooldown and duration by 20%
  • Dazzling Shield – Your Avenger’s Shield now also dazes
  • Divine Protection – Removes the physical damage reduction of your Divine Protection, but increase the magical damage reduction by 20%
  • Focused Shield – Your Avenger’s Shield now hits 2 fewer targets, but deals 30% more damage
  • Holy Wrath – Your Holy Wrath now also stuns Elementals and Dragonkin
  • Salvation – No longer reduces threat over time, but completely removes threat as long as the Glyph is active
  • Seal of Truth – Increases expertise skill by 10 while Seal of Truth is active

Minor Glyphs

  • Blessing of Kings – Reduces mana cost by 50%
  • Blessing of Might – Increases duration by 20 minutes
  • Lay on Hands – Reduces cooldown by 2 minutes
  • Truth – Reduces Seal of Truth’s mana cost by 50%

In case you’ve missed the explanation given by Ghostcrawler, Prime Glyphs are meant to be obvious, useful glyphs that directly affect threat or damage taken (in our case), Major Glyphs are situational, and Minor Glyphs are more for quality of life or cosmetic changes.

I’ve already said in the past that in Cata I intend to dual spec a trash/threat spec and a boss/survival spec, and these glyphs (while not final) are totally playing into that.

I can see my threat spec using HotR, ShoR, and Judgement for Primes; Consecration, Seal of Truth, and Holy Wrath for Majors; and, well, Minors don’t matter in this scenario.

Contrawise, a survival spec would possibly use Crusader Strike or Judgement (depending on what does more threat), ShoR, and Word of Glory (assuming us using WoG in our rotation pans out) and then Seal of Truth, Focused Shield, and Consecration for Majors. Then, for say a magic-heavy fight, I could swap in Divine Protection instead of Consecration.

Of course, the glyph design is not anywhere near finalized. Case in point:

That Avenging Wrath glyph no longer exists. It’s far too obvious a dps increase to be a major under the new paradigm.

The Seal of Truth one is on the bubble. It’s still in for now, but it’s pretty much a no-brainer given the stat savings it offers.

Overall, I like the design of situational major glyphs, it makes character customization more interesting and cerebral than running around with the same three glyphs all the time.

Now, how about some minor glyphs that are actually interesting? Too much to ask for?

Icing the Frost Queen

I’m still in shock we pulled this off. I mean, not completely, I did know it was going to happen. Mathematics demanded a kill, and we gladly complied. Still, it’s a pretty big deal for the guild that all our hard work paid off. I could not be more proud of our raiders, this was a kill we all needed to keep the faith.

We started the week with a rough patch, to say the least. Tuesday was… brutal… and we’ll leave it at that. So Wednesday we had something of a chip on our shoulders that demanded satisfaction. We buckled down and righted all the wrongs that held us back on Tuesday and still managed to get to Sindragosa with the usual 2 hours left in raid. Our game faces on, we got to work.

The first attempt was ok. We had a flawless first air phase, then a disastrous second. The second attempt we did immaculately until the third air phase, then the attempt collapsed. Shaking the rust off, as we say.

Subsequent attempts were so-so, generally requiring battle rezzes to be used in air phases, which was killing me. At least at this point we were hitting phase 3.

Finally after another attempt where the same mage (who I don’t often bring, but was dragging along as an Unchained Magic human shield) died for the umpteenth time to a Frost Bomb, I removed him from raid–something I should had done attempts ago–and brought in a newly recruited shadow priest.

Around this point we also imposed some pretty severe discipline onto vent. Basically, the rule became in phase 3: no talking unless it’s a healer announcement, a tank swap, or something life threatening. Everyone else just focus and lock it down. I think this was a huge key to our success.

The next attempt we got the fight to 7%. It was going fantastically, but Ana was cut off from heals momentarily and died, and then I went to pick it up but was eventually rocking way too much buffet stacks. Still, everyone was filled with hope. There was not a single air phase death that attempt. There was even a great raid awareness moment where a block got dropped the opposite way from where we were taking them, and everyone got out of the way, and then we kept the correct direction going afterwards. All in all, the mojo seemed to be back.

So we lined up again, and after a quick stupid wipe, we did what was destined to be the money shot. Air phases were nearly perfect, we had one death because someone was DC’d, but we kept going. Phase 3 starts and I get to work. Ana and I swap like clockwork, blocks go down with expert precision, healers are calling out roles and switches through vent without interruption. Finally we hit the single digits and it’s just gogogo time.

The enrage timer was ticking down, leaving us about a minute at that point. Everyone just pushed it as hard at they could and as I watched Sindy’s health slowly tick away from 3%, to numbers I never dreamed could lie beyond that. The “holy bleep” moment of “this is going to die” hit me in a euphoric wave, and then the Frost Queen crashed over dead and coughed up her purples.

I scored the 277 token from her for a hefty, hefty amount. Worth it nonetheless. Everyone was elated, and for some reason we rode that high over to heroic Putricide just to throw in some faux-attempts and get some idea of the mechanics of the fight.

Obviously we didn’t get very far. This is indeed our next dragon to slay, so to speak. I look forward to our coming weeks together, Putricide.

Oh, and as a humorous sidenote: remember how I said I was going to start rolling for Abom Duty? Well, prior to the first pull Ana, Nordic, and I rolled off for the right of riding the Abom. Nordic always wins, and I thought I finally had him when he rolled an 11. I then rolled a 6. Ok, well, Ana could be our last hope, right? Wrong. She also rolled a 6!

Curse you Nordicslayer.

Nonetheless, with five minutes left in raid we swapped it over to normal mode and quickly did the achievement in preparation for our eventual drakes scramble.

Great raid night overall, and a fantastic end to an ignominiously beginning week.