Professor Putricide 10 (Heroic)
My 10 man is technically working on Heroic Lich King. However, last Sunday was Labor Day Weekend – a few key raiders were missing, and I myself was exhausted from moving all week. So, instead of progression, I bowed to some pleas from five raiders very, very close to their Icecrown 10 drakes and took a “drake raid” into ICC.
We only needed to get All You Can Eat, Heroic Putricide, and Been Waiting A Long Time For This (the LK achievement). Easy, right? A few drake-owning experts came along for shits and giggles, I cracked a beer or three, and we all hopped on vent for a relaxing night.
Uhhhhh…. or not so relaxing. Some of those are still hard for us! But hell, we got them done, and it was a lot more fun than H LK would have been.
Professor Putricide 10 (Heroic)
Heroic Putricide is very much on my mind these days – he’s our current 25m progression, and I think he’s the toughest achievement you need for the drake. Here’s an overview of some of the things I’ve done to make him cough up his seriously nice purps.
Oh, a note on raid composition: I have successfully 2 healed and 3 healed this fight. It can be done either way. As I have learned, you want 4+ melee-range bodies (pets count!) to mitigate green explosions, and you really want 5 ranged to handle the disease.
Transition: Many Adds! Handle It!
There are two adds. The abom driver should slow orange. A very pro abom driver can slow both adds by slowly eating slime in phase 1 and entering the transition at 100 slime power.
We stacked most of the raid on the Green spawn point to eat explosions, burned down green while the orange target kited, and then switched over to Orange.
Remember that you can control where you fly when Green explodes by positioning yourself around him. Don’t explode towards your current Plague Carrier. Don’t explode towards Orange. If orange picks you, and you explode towards him, you will die. In fact, the best thing to do is to try to explode towards the back wall.
Orange Adds: Putricide 101 – if orange stops chasing his target and casts Gaseous Bloat again, he is picking a new target! The melee need to Run The Hell Away before he picks one of them and wipes the raid.
Unbound Plague
We set a strict Plague Order for unbound plague. Five ranged, five possible plague targets.
I copied something I saw Aliena do in the tankspot video – I made a /y macro with the plague pass order and put it on a convenient key so I could smack it every so often and remind the raid. Ranged can also, you know, write it down.
Passing Plague: Each person held it for 10-12 seconds, and passed it. The current plague’d person always called out for the next in line to come get it. I had an emergency melee paying attention in case there was a plague mixup and we needed a 6th plague carrier. (This was Antigen, whose high RA unfortunately means he gets stuck with a ton of the bitchy jobs.)
There are a lot of different ways to handle Plague. Some raids use a Quarantine area for people with Plague Sickness (the debuff). Some raids don’t bother with a safe spot or with an order – they just pass it naturally around the ranged. Different strategies work for different people. This is what worked for us.
Editor’s note: When I wrote this post, I wasn’t aware of the addon Plagued. This addon does things like counts down the plague timer in /say over the plagued person’s head. It might negate the need for a designated safe spot, and will definitely make passing a whole lot clearer! We plan to use this on 25 and I really can’t wait to see it. We will probably not have to use a safe spot anymore.
Just Kill Him Dead
The key is to keep everyone alive. Don’t mess up explosions, don’t mess up diseases. As long as your ranged can handle the disease, your DPS can handle the transition phases, and everyone can make up for the extra damage done and received on Heroic, Putricide will fall over and cough up his ridiculously sexy purps.
Oh, I suppose I already mentioned what he drops. Ah, you see, Putricide drops this trinket… it’s pretty nice… Have I linked it enough yet? No? OK, I’ll link it again.
Oh, you know, just one more time for good measure…
14 September 2010 at 3:34 pm #
Sounds like you guys use the same strat as us. However, in P1 we never slow the first single green ooze. That way we can also slow both oozes during the phase transition. Then we also skip the slow on what would be the last single green ooze before the transition into P3.
14 September 2010 at 4:32 pm #
On 25s I am the abom driver. Since DPS is no longer a problem, I personally prefer to just eat slime slowly and get myself to 100 before the transitions. :) I hate leaving a slime unslowed… All you have to do is sit in a puddle for an extra few seconds, and if the MT is tanking Put next to your puddle, you can still DPS him!
Your way does work too. I will be nicer to my abom driver on 10s if he skips a slime….
14 September 2010 at 5:23 pm #
Oops, I should have mentioned I was thinking of 10s on my comment.
And thanks for the tip on the addon. I didn’t know about that.
14 September 2010 at 3:40 pm #
Wait, what does he drop again?
It sucks being a melee and not seeing these mechanics first-hand. That’s why I loved doing it on my boomkin, because passing the plague was something different and exciting, and if I screwed up I could figure out what went wrong.
Sitting on the outside of that mechanic, just having to watch when the plague gets mishandled and being unable to know exactly what happened because you’re busy putting your mace into the Professor’s backside… it doesn’t help the development of further strat adaptation, that’s for sure.
It doesn’t help my nerves, either.
14 September 2010 at 5:55 pm #
In general I love seeing fights from a different perspective – as mdps, rdps, heals, or tank. I find it improves my tanking to know what the other side has to do. I am sure the same goes for every role.
Being the tanky control freak that I am and being totally unable to affect how the disease is handled, yeah, that hurts! :x
Personally, my favorite “strat” for h-Put is to forget to pay attention to his health, and enter transition just as that first ooze is spawning, then have everyone run around like chickens with their heads cut off panicking about extra slimes. It’s much more effecive on 25s, where there’s the attunements.
I call it “hard hardmode Putricide”.