Build 12942 roundup

A few changes to our spec in the latest build. Nothing particularly worth writing home about.


The Glyph of Seal of Truth survives for now, which is pretty exciting in face of recent threats it has received.

Nonetheless, the only actual glyph change I could see was a new Glyph of the Ascetic Crusader that reduces mana cost of Crusader Strike by 30%. Yawn.


Vindication now has a new effect, making Hand of Justice able to interrupt spells if a mob is not stunnable. If you’re scratching your head, that’s because Blizzard quietly removed that capability from HoJ a few builds ago. I guess it’s good we can now interrupt again, albeit poorly. Rebuke would be nicer. But that goes without saying.

Eternal Glory was nerfed again as well to 15%/30%. I keep eyeing this talent, thinking it might be useful in a spec combined with Guarded by the Light. But that feeling diminishes every new build.

I guess we can feel lucky they didn’t put this effect on a talent we’d normally avoid.

T11 Bonuses

The bonuses for the eventual first Cataclysm raid tier sets have been datamined. For Prot Paladins, they are:

2pc — Increases damage done by Crusader Strike by 10%.

4pc — Increases duration of Guardian of Ancient Kings by 50%.

The 2pc bonus is ok. Not amazing, just ok. The 4pc bonus is interesting. We’d have an 18 second 60% damage reduction cooldown with this bonus. That’s a bit long, but I’m not going to complain I suppose.

Milquetoast changes, all in all.

4 Comments to “Build 12942 roundup”

  1. Malfean 10 September 2010 at 12:41 pm #

    All of the tank sets give a 50% duration increase to a damage reduction ability, which to me seems kind of…bleh. I understand wanting parity across the tanking classes as far as abilities and whatnot go, but couldn’t they at least have been a bit more creative with set bonuses? They’re supposed to be, in my mind, fairly iconic and between the tank 4pc and the healer 2pc(+5% healing on specific heals for all healers), it seems like they just kinda threw some set bonuses out there without really putting any creativity into them. Hopefully we’ll see them get tweaked in the coming months.

    • Rhidach
      10 September 2010 at 1:03 pm #

      Hopefully, but I’m sure they’re just trying to take the path of least resistance. Rather than another expansion pack of “x can live longer than y, waaa” they’ll just homogenize down the middle to remove a lot of the variables.

  2. Orthien
    10 September 2010 at 7:23 pm #

    I’m fine with a bit of homogenization to keep us tanks all in line. We can be different with out one class being clearly better like they have been in wrath. As more info comes out for Cata it really does look like they are trying to hit that sweet spot between TBC and WotLK.
    I really want Guarded by Light and Eternal Glory to work well together for some reason, mostly for Prot PvP but also because it seems like an interesting idea to fit in with HS on those survivability fights.
    Orthien’s last blog ..The Other GraNope Rain Check That My ComLuv Profile

  3. Ardent Defender 11 September 2010 at 7:31 am #

    It’s been a while or months rather been away from WoW enjoying the away time. Just slowly starting to attempt to catch up on things slowly, having absolutely no clue what’s in store or what’s changing to look forward to for my favorite class. I guess this is as much info I know at the moment which really isn’t all that much. Probably a good thing to not already be overloaded with too much expectations of future changes already.