My great white, armored whale eludes me
As I’ve declared in Twitter and my fevered dreams, my goal before the expansion pack is to hit the armor cap. Initially it was just to see 75.00% damage reduction in that armor tool tip on my character sheet (45,697), but them’s small potaters. I have bigger fish to fry–the raid boss armor cap–49,905 armor. That number has seared itself into my soul.
During a 25man raid I have about 44,000 armor (which is an obscene yet seductive number) in my armor set. With in-combat buffs, correct consumables, and the like I can push that much higher.
Last night I asked Antigen to pop an Aura Mastery-enhanced Devotion Aura for me once we were in Saurfang’s frenzy period and I had chugged an Indestructible Potion. The results were impressive, maybe, but disappointing in that they could have been a lot better. For example, I should have gotten the Holy Pally with Improved Devo Aura to do it (no offense, Ani).
In any case, I definitely did not bring my A-game.
46,294. Pitiful!
Here’s what I did wrong:
1. Mongoose on my sword. The proc offers a nice chunk of agility, but you can’t count on that. Exceptional Agility is a much better, more consistent bet. Worth 52 armor, before Kings.
2. Had a Stoneblood Flask up. The better consumables choice for armor would have been an Elixir of Protection (800 armor) mixed with an Elixir of Mighty Agility (90 armor before Kings).
3. Didn’t have Pillars of Might equipped, which cost me 1088 additional armor.
In total we’re talking 2030 additional armor I could have had at that moment. My hit would be abyssal, but sacrifices must be made in the name of science, eh?
I doubt that 2030 armor will be enough to close the 3611 armor gap, even with buffs and procs. I’ll probably have to grab some additional pieces to push me over the finish line. Specifically, I’m thinking of the following:
- Heroic Bile-Encrusted Medallion for +84 armor
- Heroic Sanctified Lightsworn Handguards for +213 armor
- Heroic Gargoyle Spit Bracers for +714 armor
- Heroic Unidentifiable Organ for +238 armor
In total that’s worth 1249 armor. Hell, upgrading my shield to the heroic version is also worth 389, though clearly only one of them exists. So, sum total we’re talking an additional 1638 armor from upgrades.
Combine that with the 2030 armor from not being an idiot and I’m looking at 3668 armor, easily enough to put me over the hump. And that’s before buffs.
Back to the seas, Queequeg!
8 September 2010 at 12:25 pm #
Offense taken, sir.
Great white buffalo.
8 September 2010 at 12:29 pm #
Purple monkey dishwasher?
The only solution here is for you to go 20 points into the Prot tree. DPS be damned!
8 September 2010 at 1:13 pm #
That was a quote from Hot Tub Time Machine.
Taking that into consideration, and the fact that I didn’t even get the Moby Dick reference until I Wiki-ed “Queequeg,” I think it’s safe to say that I’m obviously a well-educated, scholarly individual whose tastes are as rewarding and refined as all hell.
8 September 2010 at 2:44 pm #
I’m so glad to see I’m not the only one who has become obsessed with armor. :-)
Are you using the 277 chest piece as well? That’s 4100 armor. And yeah, there is only one heroic BQ shield in the whole world and I was gone the night it dropped. :-/
8 September 2010 at 3:14 pm #
I am indeed using the 277 chest. I cannot stop drooling at the ridiculous piles of armor it gives me.
Armor is overrated.
I prefer crit and strength.
Also good luck armorcapping, it’s an excellent goal.
edit: Wait, didn’t I get you addicted to armor in the first place when you were trashing Cataclysmic Chestguard? I’m a terrible influence.
9 September 2010 at 7:53 am #
Heh, yeah, that was a pretty myopic moment for me. Never saw the armor, only saw the expertise and avoidance. You and others at Maintankadin opened my eyes to the value of armor too back in… what, December? Wow, time flies.
9 September 2010 at 8:46 am #
“Armor is overrated. I prefer crit and strength.”
That’s what Rhidach says about me now. :C
One other piece of gear you forgot, by the way: Onyxia’s ring is 800 armor, significantly more than the Loop of the Twin Valkyr that you’re wearing (not sure by how much, don’t know if yours is 232 or 245)
Meloree’s last blog ..Re- Interesting- Funny- Random Picture Thread
“Here’s what I did wrong:”
1)Used the GearScore mod
You DO know that the GearScore mod is so spammy that it can and will cause connection issues, don’t you? A lot of guilds have gotten to the point where they require it to be disabled before raid.
13 September 2010 at 10:01 am #
I am indeed, quite aware. I try to remember to turn it off and constantly fail at that (I’m not sure why I haven’t stopped using, considering I haven’t “used” it in ages).