TIL: The Putricide Abom is a lot of fun

Why wasn’t I told?!

10man last night and I was tanking with Morvain, the Death Knight with the cat problem, and when we got to Putricide there was a moment of pause. Usually Nordic just takes the Abom, or him and Ana roll off for it in the 25man. And yet last night, on a whim, I decided to take it for a spin.

I knew the long and short of it: mash 1 when standing on a puddle, 2 to slow (though we were doing the achievement, so no slows), and apply sunders with 3. I spent the fight running around, gulping puddles, and applying sunders as needed. And I had a blast. It was a nice change of pace over just ducking around with the good Professor in tow.

I need to start ninjaing that job in the 25man.

The rest of the night we wrapped up some outstanding achieves that various people needed, like a Heroic Blood Princes kill for Gulliveig, and Portal Jockey for myself.

We then moved on to Sindragosa to finally put away the heroic kill. It took us three shots but we finally got the old girl down (in 10man at least). One of my main goals last night was to use the spinning strategy and to prove to myself that it can be done, and that it doesn’t hamper the raid. It seemed overall to be a huge help, if only to keep blocks uniform, so I’ll remain firmly in the “pro-spinning” column.

We had issues with the enrage timer because we’d lose a dps here or there in phase 3 to what appeared to be self-inflicted wounds. Namely, Chilled to the Bone being stacked too high. I’m sympathetic to the idea that if the healers can get you, you’re golden, but crunch times happen, Unchained can be unkind, and healing might be stretched. And then suddenly having so many stacks of that debuff is going to kill you.

In any case, good practice for Wednesday I hope.

With the heroic Sindy kill, a bunch of us got our drakes. (This is the part where Ana comments “MONTHS BEHIND!”) It’s a nice achieve to have, but I don’t particular care for a boney dragon. I’ll probably still to my Rusted Proto for now, I like the cut of his gib far more. Is that weird?

9 Comments to “TIL: The Putricide Abom is a lot of fun”

  1. Rilgon Arcsinh
    30 August 2010 at 12:14 pm #

    I am told that if you equip a high-damage two-hander before you jump in the abom, it dramatically increases the damage of the Mutated Slash.

    I did the abom for the first time on my DK tank and I was actually doing quite a lot of DPS. :3 Yay, Bryntroll!
    Rilgon Arcsinh’s last blog ..Ghostcrawler is a Moron My ComLuv Profile

    • Xerian 30 August 2010 at 1:58 pm #

      Yep, the damage scales with weapon damage. It’s quite nice if you got the hang of the puddles and are able to dps Putricide. Sometimes outdpsing a few DPS here and there :>

      • Rhidach
        30 August 2010 at 2:32 pm #

        I didn’t even think to check dps logs! Next time…

        • Xerian 30 August 2010 at 4:34 pm #

          Oh and if possible, tell the other tank to tank Putricide as close to the puddles if possible if any are near him.

          Ooze eating and beating the crap out of the professor are not on global cooldown. You are able to hit them simultaneously :)
          Xerian’s last blog ..Bewaare My ComLuv Profile

  2. Lark 30 August 2010 at 10:59 pm #

    So, little off topic but we tried your Sindragosa spinning strat in our 10 tonight and omg it made hard mode easy! Thanks for the tip!

    • Rhidach
      31 August 2010 at 8:51 am #

      Awesome! I’m glad it’s worked outside of the laboratory, haha.

  3. Anafielle
    31 August 2010 at 12:54 am #

    I’ve always maintained that Plagueworks was Blizzard’s little gift to offtanks. Ridiculous Festergut DPS, slime kiting on rotface, and Abom riding on Putricide? Sign me up! Plagueworks has always been my absolute favorite wing.

    Yes! The DPS is the best part! Mutated Slash and slime guzzling being off the same GCD, that’s key. I never knew the 2hander trick, but I damn well will try it. Guzzling and slowing, that’s the easy part. DPSing enough to beat mainspec dps on the meters, now that’s the fun part!

    And Rhi… we’ll have to roll for it! :P

    • Rhidach
      31 August 2010 at 8:52 am #

      Nordic will still win.

  4. saif 31 August 2010 at 11:37 am #

    It’s all fun and games until you miss a puddle or two in the excited giddiness of building up damage on Putricide and then before you know it, Tear Gear goes off, you’re tossed out of the Abom and everyone is yelling at you for missing puddles that are now slowly eating up the room.

    Life is hard for tanks. :P
    saif’s last blog ..Farming Hardmodes My ComLuv Profile