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The Not-So-Farm Farm Night

Rhidach wasn’t around for last night’s raid. I tanked last night with Antigen of Haz Mace Will Raid, who dutifully threw on a prot set to hang out with me at the super-exclusive Boss Crotch Club.

I feel like yesterday was opposites day, but no one remembered to tell me about it. Three difficult bosses (Halion, Saurfang, and Blood Princes) were as simple as pie, while unquestionably farm bosses (Marrogar and BQL) decided to present us with a string of problems.

Halion 25N

Halion was an easy kill with no deaths at all. I really have to practice my strafing movement as per Wrathy’s excellent guide, because I strafe too much without moving forwards and have to adjust sometimes. But it was mostly right, and he died with ease.

The real challenge in Ruby Sanctum remains the trash. We made it through all the trash without wiping, even though we face-pulled two of the mob groups and failed to CC the Commander on one of them. That, in itself, I felt was worthy of progression DKP!

Marrogar 25H

I feel like Tricks of the Trade has to come with a tooltip that says something like “Best used on unsuspecting healers,” and our three rogues gleefully comply. Usually it’s a fun game to hold threat while the healer finds their Tricks cancel macro, and one Rhi and I invariably win. But I wasn’t expecting it, and so while I was positioning Marrogar (read: backing away while he wandered over to me) our resto shammy pulled threat. Marrogar cleaved half the raid. I blame only myself. Never again will I position a boss like a lazy bum.

The fun didn’t stop there. Antigen’s telepathy is strong, but just wasn’t good enough to keep up with my random coldflame dancing when I am lazy about calling out where I’m moving. We went opposite ways on a coldflame, and I ate a unmitigated Saber Lash and dropped like a rock. Battle rezzes were down. I spent the rest of the fight skillfully tanking the floor while Antigen stared down boss crotch like a pro in nothing but offspec tank gear and 3 or 4 million health to go.

It was nothing short of hilarious to watch a string of plate DPS come up to the front of the boss one by one, like a queue of lambs approaching the alter, ready and willing to be slaughtered at the whim of RNG. Each one popped whatever mitigation cooldowns they had and slowly died, one after another, until the boss finally hit the floor.

Lady Deathwhisper 25H

This is how pros kill Lady D.

Saurfang 25H

A night of farm hilarity was marked by one gloriously easy kill.

I posted yesterday on Saurfang Blood Beasts. I owe everyone on twitter thanks for helping me, but the best advice without question came from FeistTheRogue – who recommended using less healers – and Matticus from World of Matticus, who told me a fabulous DPS trick that gave us critical extra time on beasts.

One of our trees went Boomkin, giving us access to 2 Typhoons and leaving us with 5 healers. A much, much better setup.

I had been using the wrong DPS strat all along. I had originally told the ranged to burn the left side beasts first, while we stunned the right side ones and killed them second. This is great for 10, but really a stupid plan for 25s. Instead I told the ranged to kill the beasts on the opposite sides from them (as they could). The boomkins Typhoon’d, the ele shammies traded off with Thunderstorm, and we used Frost DK Chillblains for an AE slow as usual.

We had a huge positioning error in the center and Saurfang gained blood power ridiculously fast from Nova. But it didn’t matter. Beasts were cleanly, cleanly killed. He went down like butter, and the fight felt a ton easier than usual.

That felt damn good.

Blood Prices 25H was an easy one-shot with no deaths at all. The tried-and-true “If you’re melee, FOR GOD’S SAKE DON’T ATTACK VALANAR” strategy proves its worth yet again.

Blood Queen Lanath’el 25H

Dear Fury Warrior #494509865069845.

I understand a little bit about how you think. I know. I have Festergut, and you have BQL. Penis size is roughly proportional to the length of the Recount DPS bar, and BQL is without a doubt the best chance to prove that you are at least four inches more e-manly than the next best asshole in the raid. Actually, I think gearscore factors into the penis math there somehow too… but I digress.

But let’s get one thing straight. If you have been DC’ing all night, if the raid waits 3 or 4 minutes on you to reconnect right before BQL, and your raid leader shrugs and says “We can 24 man this with ease, let’s just do it.” … Don’t go balls to the wall and get the first bite.

My squealing, girly admiration for the vast size of your epeen will fall before my fury at wiping on the easiest Heroic mode of them all when you inevitably DC, especially when it costs us the Blood Wing weekly.

Not to mention, doing this to my favorite holy pally:

I am very protective of my precious tank healers, and that lights my goddamn fuse. (Side note: She was annoyed at the time but later mused, “He’s getting better at it. The circle was cleaner tonight.” I guess practice makes perfect.)

So. Fury Warrior. It’s probably not worth asking me anymore if I have a spot for you in my ICC Lich King Heroic 10 man. I’ve got at least fourteen people requesting a spot every week, and you’ve now cemented your spot at the bottom of the list, somewhere after my 12 year old cousin’s level 34 rogue and Morvain’s cat. So stop asking.

We wiped, and then we killed. End of story.

Fate is a Huge, Huge Bitch

A note on Rhidach’s absence. He wasn’t on vacation. He was on standby.

This guy is 100% committed to his guild and our extensive standby system, which he forced into place despite guild politics and drama. He has endured months of complaints, rants, drama, and whining, and stood strong despite all the irritation people who hate standby have thrown at him.

He saved the guild, without a shadow of a doubt. We kept raiding throughout the summer with 30 to 35 people signed up week after week while competing guilds dropped dead from boredom or attendance problems. And his commitment to the standby system that originally brought me to this server is so strong that this week he put himself – the raid leader, GM, and main tank – on standby, just to be fair.

Fate really is a bitch.

The one, single item, that he has always wanted most out of ICC – which he has been jokingly bleeding my DKP for – the one thing which he has lusted after and posted about for ages, and fully deserved, and which I knew he’d win off me and secretly wanted him to have…

… of course, it would drop tonight.

Winning it for 1 DKP made me feel bad. I didn’t even have the heart to joke about it.

On the other hand, he has the BQL 264 shield. I however have seen absolutely nothing shield-like drop for months, and pathetically, I was using the Gunship 10 shield. The normal shield. Yes…. the 251 shield.

And so a minor upgrade for him became a massive, massive upgrade for me… and therefore, probably, a better upgrade for the raid.

RNG works in mysterious ways.

August 25, 2010


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  1. Rhidach
    August 25, 2010 at 3:56 pm #

    I’d feel bad if I was sporting a 277, BiS shield, and you were still using some noob board from ICC 10 normal. As much as I rue the circumstances, it worked out for the best. And definitely was a raid upgrade, so a win all around!

    • Anafielle
      August 25, 2010 at 4:05 pm #

      Yep. I think it worked out well in the end. Had it dropped another time, you’d either have taken it, and then felt bad every time you armoried me, or passed it to me, maybe, and we’d both have known you could have won it.

      A better thing all around that it dropped when you weren’t here, I guess. Mmm hmm. Much better. Much better indeed. *polishes new shield*

      Man, this shield is so pretty…. so pretty…

  2. Antigen
    August 25, 2010 at 5:56 pm #

    I’m still working on improving my Telepathy skill. I got this “tome-on-tape” that I listen to at night when I’m in my Blood Knight jammies and… ahem.

    Needless to say, I haven’t developed the “I know exactly what the other tank is going to do” mindset quite yet, as I gleefully get to faceroll as ret for 99% of raids. Maybe someday though.

    And for the record, tanking Marrowgar after you died, watching all the plate DPS stagger up to me one-by-one, was such an incredible, powerful feeling; I got tingles watching them get Saber Lashed and fall over dead.

    They died, so that I may live. Bless their forgotten souls.

    (Also, mad, sick, dope props to our healers who just poured every ounce of mana they had into me.)

  3. Rades
    August 25, 2010 at 5:59 pm #

    There’s just something about shields. In our 10′s team, we have one tank who only plays his tank, and three other players who alternate between tanking/other roles (pally, warrior, bear).

    All three of our alternating tanks have the shield from Gunship. Yes, even the BEAR. Every time our solely-tank player is there, it doesn’t drop.

    Our solely-tank player…who tanked LK on our first kill just the other week with an Ulduar regular mode shield.

    Damn shields.
    .-= Rades’s last blog ..A Friend Avenged =-.

  4. Rades
    August 25, 2010 at 6:00 pm #

    Oh I forgot to add, that is really funny about the plate-wearers running up to sacrifice themselves to Saber Lash. It must have been hilarious (in retrospect) vent organization. :D
    .-= Rades’s last blog ..A Friend Avenged =-.

  5. Orthien
    August 25, 2010 at 7:56 pm #

    Congratulations on the new shield it really does look so much better that the ICC10man one.
    It alone is the reason I wish we still did 25′s in my guild.
    .-= Orthien’s last blog ..The Casual Bonus =-.

  6. Lex
    August 26, 2010 at 4:57 am #

    Awesome post, and tough luck Rhidach :(

    Kinda off topic question, but the last screenshot with the BQL kill, the loot window looks like xloot, but i’ve never seen it interact with DKP before. Is there some DKP tracking addon you have, or the whole raid has? Looks v useful.

    • Rhidach
      August 26, 2010 at 8:58 am #

      We use a dkp addon to handle bidding. I described it in this post.

      • Lex
        August 26, 2010 at 9:09 am #


  7. saif
    August 26, 2010 at 9:11 am #

    Grats on the shield, Anafielle!

    Sorry you missed out on it, Rhidach. But hey, when it drops again, it’ll be a super-cheap purchase. :)

    • Rhidach
      August 26, 2010 at 10:45 am #

      Always an upside!

  8. Vili
    August 27, 2010 at 9:15 am #

    Ana, you know the sad part of the whole Marrowgar attempt to kill the resto shammy, aka me,…I lived without a cancel aura macro lol. When I decided to actually make the macro just before the next trash pull, I was distracted making it and then they got me.

    But I am ready for the pesky rogues next time…also not so secretly planning their deaths /evil grin