Ret has a gap closer
I would recommend reading this post through something translucent and green, so you can capture the deep shade of envy I am currently possessed by. I log onto beta this morning and bring up my talent window to spec into a (finally working) ShoR. Just for the hell of it, I gloss over Ret’s talents and then proceeded to spit coffee all over my monitor.
Combined with:
So Judgement can be cast from 30 yards away, and gives a 30% movement speed increase if you’re at least 15 yards away. A pseudo-charge. A gap closer.
A frigging gap closer.
But why–WHY?!–does Ret keep getting all the cool toys and then putting them just out of range? As a tier 3 talent, Long Arm of the Law is impossible for Prot to reach, much like Rebuke. They are just taunting us at this point.
I’ll extend premature congratulations to Ret for the talent, and I hope it stays. I also hope it inches its way down the talent tree a bit to a lower tier.
I’ll tell ya why.
It’s Holy. Those wretched little piss-ants that have kept Prot and Ret so weak since the game began. If Prot has those tools within their reach, so does holy. Can you imagine the flood of tears if Holy got them?
So, yeah. If there is any ire to be spread, Holy deserves it.
Dallanna’s last blog ..The Current Retribution Tree Cataclysm Build 12694
Too bad Holy already has a sprint when using Healing Hands, and we’re already able to judge from range. By keepin’ you up, we’ll continue to be holdin’ ya down. :D
Just so ret can finally live their wetdream of becoming a warrior complete with “gap closer” holy paladins have have our enlightened judgements nerfed by 10 yards. Thanks again ret paladins.
Gap closers are important! Have you ever tried catching a hunter(/mage/tree/whatever) as a ret pally in arena? it ain’t no fun!
All those times Seal of Corruption fell off during Putricide because there was too much space between him and his oozes. All those times I I get needlessly kited down in PVP BY A HEALER with a slow or spammable fear. ALL those times I couldn’t play with my a-game while my char, either remorselessly or chidely, says ITS ARE TOO FAR AWAY.
Oh it had better stay. The fact that this would solve so many of Ret’s problems without upping their damage or lowering their defenses or whatever the crap else IS AWESOME IN ITSELF. We can finally participate in their reindeer games.
They might knock down Improve Judgement for the sake of Holy, also. So there’s still a chance before the game comes out. It’s a logical choice.
Hot diggity damn! So happy.. so very happy..
ugggh my priest just threw up a little…
14 August 2010 at 8:23 pm #
Have you also seen that HoJ has lost its interupt, so now prot doesn’t even have its crappy interupt.
Seems atm like they want ret to have everything that we want and need, very dissapointing.
Orthien’s last blog ..The Future of Armor
Why don’t they just do it with avengers shield? Replace the (now gone) dazed effect with the speed boost. Prot wins!
14 August 2010 at 10:26 pm #
This movement speed “gap closer” is going to be very disappointing for folks. There are a lot of beta testers already complaining that they don’t even notice it (esp. if they are already talented into Pursuit of Justice). A very small run-speed increase for a very short period of time isn’t going to cut it in the minds of most PvP’ing ret paladins, imho.
I was thinking the same thing and am glad you confirmed what I was afraid might be the case, but this seems like a numbers game that could easily be bumped to 40% or 50% depending on just how worthless it turns out in testing.
That very small run-speed increase would have helped me run down sooooo many flag runners. All that “I need to get closer” crap ….
16 August 2010 at 9:45 am #
I think you’re missing the point..
/waves hand
“This isn’t the ‘gap closer’ you’re looking for.”
16 August 2010 at 9:52 am #
Actually, let me try to get more specific on what I see as part of the problem (and there are others).
You can only use this (as I understand it) between 15-20 yards from the target. That means that if you’re further than that you have to either get closer (how?) or if you’re at 10 yards you have to get further away (umm.. counterproductive).
Secondly, it is a MINOR run speed increase. 4 Seconds is rarely enough time to “close the gap” if your target is already moving.
Thirdly, most classes that have some type of way to get out of melee don’t rely on run speed increases. They kite with class tools or simply blink, dash, etc. All of those things have a speed which is greater than what Ret just got. Once the target is out of the 20 yard range then what are you going to do? The ability requires that you do something to a target that is already out of reach in order to activate the ‘gap closer’. Or to put it more bluntly, you may not use your ‘gap closer’ if the gap is greater than 20 yards.
16 August 2010 at 9:58 am #
Actually, I was partially mistaken. Normal Judgements have a 10 yard range so the actual window is 15-30 yards not 15-20 yards (if I’m not mistaken again..).
16 August 2010 at 1:29 pm #
I’m approaching this more from the perspective of PVE (ie, running into a stationary boss) and as someone who barely ever Rets or PVPs, so I think we have different viewpoints on this.
While the numbers are off now, I think the most important thing to note here is there is currently a design intent to give Ret a speed boost. The numbers could easily change to say 50%, or 40%, or what have you.
I’m jealous more of the design intent to give them a gap closer than the current mechanics therein.
16 August 2010 at 4:06 pm #
Oh totally. I definitely would love to have it for PvE. But there just aren’t enough points to go around. And you’re right. They can definitely tune accordingly.
17 August 2010 at 9:35 am #
From GC:
“We generally don’t stack movement speed increases and PoJ explicitly says that it doesn’t stack, but the 30% is a very conservative number so we left ourselves room to bring that up. It’s 45% in our current builds.
Even if they don’t stack, I think PoJ will be useful in a variety of situations and won’t feel like a wasted talent.”