My Huge Ego & Festergut 25H
If Rhidach was here, he’d do a raid report and tell you all sorts of interesting and useful things about our raid last night. I’m sure a lot of people reading this blog would be really interested to know about things like how we turned Heroic Lady Deathwhisper from a tough progression fight into a relatively easy 2 shot, or why Heroic Saurfang suddenly gave us 5 wipes worth of trouble when we’d been farming him for weeks.
Fortunately, he’s not here. Instead, we’re going to discuss something much, much more important.
My Festergut 25H DPS.
Festergut Is My Favorite Fight
I sat in vent a few hours ago and mourned to my raid that I’d never rank on WOL for prot pally DPS because we’re not killing Festergut 25H at the right time. I wish he died earlier. My average DPS would be through the roof if he died before my buff wears off. Unfortunately, we still need 4 minutes and 11 seconds to kill his ass dead, and in that time my average dies along with my hopes of eventually joining the super exclusive Maintankadin Really Badass Paladin Club. They’re having a party at the top of the WOL rankings, and I am totally not invited.
My e-peen suffers greatly from this injustice.
Last night, before we pulled, I basically told the DPS to whoop it out and put on their awesomesauce pants so my ass could rank. They were Not Amused. Some clever wit pointed out to me that whooping it out and putting on pants were mutually exclusive activities. How the hell would I know? Who raids in pants, anyways?
Since we’re on the subject, let’s talk about lust. Obviously the optimal time to pop lust is just after the tank swap, although my silly raid seems to believe that it makes the most sense at the beginning (when I am not buffed) or at the end (when I am also not buffed). Really?
Last night, no one called for it and we forgot to pop lust altogether. What kind of unobservant fool was main tanking that raid?
Well, I managed 9k DPS anyways.
Gear Swapping: A Serious Note
I, unlike my 11/12 and 12/12 ICC 25H bretheren, can’t swap out that much gear on this fight.
We still, sadly, have occasional issues with Fester 25H. Very rarely, but they happen. I recall an all too recent enrage timer wipe ending with a single live paladin and a vent full of dry comments along the lines of, “Farm!” “Totally on farm.” “Good thing Festergut’s on farm.” He is on farm. But anything can happen.
If I joke about forgetting to take off my threat gear, I’m lying through my teeth. I have a specific Festergut 25 set. I make each non-survivability-based gear choice with great care, knowing full well that if I die, it’s my own damn fault and I owe the whole raid repair fees as well as an apology for wasted time. Every itemization point I pull out of armor or stamina to devote to expertise, hit, or strength is a bit of effective health that could save my ass if some recruit mage or hunter decides to be go be BFF with the tank healers during a Vile Gas. Yes, I know this. So despite my joking about Festergut 25H and threat gear, I think hard about being conservative.
The major gear changes I recall making from an armor centric set: Bloodvenom Blade, 264 expertise boots (which I usually wear anyways), 277 hit pants (one of the most convenient places for me personally to find hit), some tank neck with expertise on it, the +200 str libram, and DMC:G in place of one of my armor trinkets. This puts me hitcapped and 32 expertise. Nothing special. I could hardcap my expertise if I threw on the TOGC expertise trinket, but Festergut hits pretty hard. I wore the Putricide 10H armor/stam proc trinket instead.
I consider this a poor man’s threat set – regular tank gear with some strength procs mixed in. I dream of wearing a Big Numbers set on Festergut 25H, but my AD proccing at the end of last night’s battle says “ROFL! Not gonna happen.” Look, a girl can dream…
Back To The Details
So I broke 9k dps. This is nothing special compared to the incredible numbers some of my cohorts can muster, but I was fairly happy with it.
On the plus side, I did beat two dps, which warms the cockles of my black and cheerless tank heart. Every time a tank beats a DPS, I fully believe said tank should take a shot. (Hey, tanks with threat sets…. I expect this rule to be followed.)
Good thing I only had Rotface 25H left to do. Big ooze kiting really requires at least one stiff drink. “Hey, you, in the dress, turn around! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING THAT WAY? COME BACK HERE! What, are we doing the achievement and no one told me? OH GOD VILE GAS–” *chug*
I uploaded the logs later last night. When I was done cursing my logs addon at great length for failing yet again to record Halion, I noticed to my great delight that my name was sitting on the right side of the Dashboard. I ranked! I really did! #194, baby!
I honestly thought I’d never do that on 25H. Alright, so it was 194th, but I’m pleased beyond measure that there are only 193 protection paladins among the guilds uploading to World of Logs between myself and Meloree’s extensively theorycrafted and simmed 16k dps in the #1 spot.
What’s that, you say? There are probably no more than 200 different guilds uploading to WOL who are running Fester 25H with paladins as first tanks? Goddamnit. I was just starting to feel like a special snowflake.
edit: I just checked the logs again and between last night & right now, I’ve been knocked out of the top 200. Hold on, be right back, crying in a corner. I’m serious, I almost cried, here at work. I have to do better next week!
11 August 2010 at 1:17 pm #
I’m surprised you’re not calling it “Hero.”
Oh, and didn’t you tank Fester in your armor set from Saurfang? I ask because as we were going to the Plagueworks, I noticed you had Ardent Guard and all that green bonus armor jazz on.
11 August 2010 at 1:56 pm #
Ugh you beat me to taunting her over Hero.
11 August 2010 at 4:40 pm #
Lust made for a better joke.
You all might make fun of me, but I’ve infected the guild. Every time someone on vent accidentally says “hero” instead of lust, I chuckle a little inside in the small Alliance part of my heart.
Antigen, as for gear– Yeah, I was absolutely wearing 100% max armor for Saurfang. I probably forgot to switch out until we got to Festergut. But I do remember fucking with my gear… because I held up the pull until it was adjusted to my satisfaction.
“Everyone’s ready? I’m pulling. Wait, no I’m not. Just a sec.” *adjusts gear* “OK, now I’m pulling!”
There are fringe benefits to being the main tank and starting the pull whenever the hell I want to start it. :D
Congrats on ranking! …even if it were a momentary victory. But now that you’ve gotten there once I’m sure you’ll be there again. And this time screenshot it so you can proudly post it and share your glory! Haha.
Rades’s last blog ..LK progress & a sneak preview
11 August 2010 at 1:49 pm #
Just wanted to say that I’m really enjoyed your posts while Rhidach is gone. :)
11 August 2010 at 4:07 pm #
Thank you so much!! :)
11 August 2010 at 8:05 pm #
Gratz on the ranking. I was talking to Mel about the epeen dps tank set a few days ago, and while I have dropped from top 20 when tanks didn’t have ret gear to 70th last night, it’s still nice to see your name up there. I know how you feel. Now just ask for tricks and hysteria and break 10k!
That’s cheating :(
[...] understand a little bit about how you think. I know. I have Festergut, and you have BQL. Penis size is roughly proportional to the length of the Recount DPS bar, and BQL [...]