Please make this change!

As far as rotations go, something I mentioned in the live forums is we are trying letting Shield of the Righteous (or whatever we decide to call it) consume Holy Power for more damage *and* refresh Holy Shield. So you would need to get Holy Shield up, but then you could just use your shield hits instead. If you were ever in a position where you couldn’t hit the boss, you could always fall back on just casting Holy Shield itself. We’ll see how that feels.

That would be an amazing change, it would make Holy Power less of a limitation and more of a bonus, remove the maintenance-y feel of Holy Shield, and bring back our old friend ShoR all at the same time. I sincerely hope they make this change and are happy with it.

Bonus: a hint of something else they really should do.

We’d like to give Prot paladins (Ret too) passive spell hit somewhere.

That’d be pretty necessary if our attack power reduction debuff (Holy Wrath+Vindication) is on the spell hit table.

7 Comments to “Please make this change!”

  1. Anafielle
    31 July 2010 at 2:34 pm #

    With the passive Spell Hit, I’d be willing to bet they’re also thinking of taunts.

    It has always felt weird to worry about hit on a fight like Saurfang back when it was progression, and every bit less armor meant 7 marks were eating more damage. Yet while trying to maximize our survivability, we had to worry about hit, because a missed taunt was even more deadly.

    I seem to remember a blue post somewhere where a dev agreed that taunts really shouldn’t have a miss chance. I could be wrong though. Maybe the devs have always intended for some taunts to miss unless we gear to the hit cap AND glyph out of the spell hit.

    • Rhidach
      31 July 2010 at 3:22 pm #

      I must be overtired, because I didn’t even think of that. Taunts, obvi!

    • Fawatam 1 August 2010 at 11:17 am #


      I know I wasn’t the only one who had to drop Armor trinkets for Hit trinket just to ensure that my taunts landed on Saurfang. It was my largest complaint about tanking. It never made sense that they’d design fights where taunts just HAD to land, but those taunts were on the spell hit table. Especially with the lack of hit on our gear.

  2. Daraxis 31 July 2010 at 9:23 pm #

    First time comment! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, and I’m quite pleased you’re in the beta, as I expect many interesting updates. There hasn’t been much Prot Pally beta info from anywhere other than MMO-Champ’s Blue Tracker and the lackluster thread on EJ.

    [url=]Here[/url] GC made comment about reducing miss chance with melee hit, which I imagine to be a more consistent fix across all four tank classes, though I can’t find any confirmation of which route they chose.

  3. Orthien
    31 July 2010 at 10:46 pm #

    Im sure they had mensioned removing hit from taunts somewhere.
    But I agree they really have killed 3 birds with on stone on this SHoR change I hope they keep it.
    Orthien’s last blog ..The Positives of Opposites My ComLuv Profile

  4. Dan Paladin 1 August 2010 at 12:30 pm #

    This would really be a terrific change. However, I am confused as to whether we would be able to use Holy Power for Inquisition, the holy damage increase. Right now, Inquisition is exclusive with Holy Shield. So would that mean we have to pick between 15% block or a threat boost? That’s not really a choice on progression content.

    I think the only thing that leaves us using holy power on, expect for the initial Holy Shield application is Word of Glory, the heal and mini-bubble on overheal. I guess it is interesting to have a proactive part in filling up our health bars, but I don’t know if this is really the best use of Holy Power for prot paladins.

    • Rhidach
      1 August 2010 at 12:57 pm #

      What I’ve been doing so far while leveling is not even using Holy Shield, just WoG healing myself every three stacks. In instances I’ll keep HS up, but right now WoG is a good “fight is over, time to top off” ability. I can see Inquisition as something you’d use more while offtanking or on farm content.