Her end was inevitable
It seems like a lot of guilds out there have stopped progressing really this summer, which makes me proud of my plucky little guild that we’ve continued plodding along in ICC 25 even in the middle of the summer doldrums. We racked up a latest progression kill last night, on heroic Lady Deathwhisper 25. Obviously the 30% buff is a big help, and helped us cheese a few aspects of the fight (I’m specifically thinking of making ghost explosions 30% less deadly than they could be) but ultimately I don’t think that diminishes our accomplishment. Just reduced how much wall-head-banging was required.
In any case, we started working on this mouthy lichess last week and put about 2 hours in before I switched it back to normal so we wouldn’t fall behind for the week. Our best attempt we got her to around 30%, which is not to shabby.
Then this week our very first attempt and we got her to around 23% before the raid wiped in a ghost-ignited explosion. I was filled with hope, but then on the second go we had some serious issues with ghosts and wiped at around 40%, which me start to Frank out a bit, like Bruce Banner after getting a paper cut. I reiterated my philosophy of “ghost=death” and insisted that melee get away as soon as they come up to prevent a ghost that was perhaps zeroing in on a tank from turning them into a puddle.
Third attempt was much, much better on the ghosts. It still ended ingloriously, but seeds were obviously planted. There was little to no tunnel-visioning and I heard very few tell-tale ‘splosions from the raid.
Fourth attempt we got it down to 7% before we were completely overwhelmed by adds and the raid was finished off. I was officially in full-blown “we can do this” mode.
Fifth attempt I set up a dedicated adds team of three ranged and two melee, rather than just assigning people on the fly based on their position in Omen. Adds as a result went much smoother, and ghosts were awesome, but it got really sticky at the end. As her health plummeted we had a really bad ghost explosion in ranged that took out a couple of healers and a few ranged. We steadily worked our way down to the 3% and I was holding my breath just doing whatever I could via Hands, Raid Wall, or screaming “GHOSTS” to keep the raid going. A cold sweat pouring down my face, we finally knocked her over dead.
We didn’t even have to do the first kill via bubbles post-enrage. I think that’s a first for progression.
In any case, another few seconds and we surely would have wiped, we were severely overwhelmed. So you can imagine how proud I was of the raid for holding it together in those crucial last seconds.
Next week I’m sure will see a much, much cleaner kill.
On a different tangent, I was also really happy with the two newest recruits we brought into raid last night. One was a DK who did great dps, and the other was the equally awesome Antigen of Haz Mace, Will Raid (I am collecting paladin bloggers it seems) who had a great first showing in his first 25man with us. I love when recruits click.
Great night over all, and the best thing is we’re ahead of schedule this week. I think we can turn that around into a full clear of ICC25 tonight.
At least someone is still raiding and progressing at this point.
My guild, essentially gave it up before we downed Deathwhisper heroic. We had two really bad weeks of raiding, and this followed up with losing a dozen players between the weekend and Tuesday to either 11/12 hard mode farming guilds or to server transfers.
Losing half of a raid force in a single weekend is nearly impossible to recover from at this point in expansion, and I didn’t have any officer support at all for rebuilding; they either didn’t want to, or just weren’t going to do it, and adding in I would be taking my annual vacation dead center of rebuilding, it wasn’t going to happen.
I officially called the end of organized raiding when I lost so much, and then miraculously all of those players who had been disappearing over the last couple months, logged on to quit, and apply to other guilds further progressed. I was truly impressed, when after a week; we had 48 g quits, when I couldn’t even field a raid of 20 the week before…
Enough of my bitter digression though.
The real question is, Putricide, Sindragosa or 10 man Drakes, which will be the next Kill update?
28 July 2010 at 11:44 am #
That’s a tough one that the officers and I need to hammer out. Probably Sindragosa, since it seems like a degree less impossible than Putricide. But just a degree.
As for drakes, Anafielle’s group got hers this weekend. Mine is still working on Heroic Sindragosa, then we’ll start racking up achieves. Ugh.
you do certainly seem to be collecting paladin bloggers. The ones that havent joined you seem to be trying to dazzle you with praise. Im sure youve seen honors code.
29 July 2010 at 12:14 pm #
It must be the hair. That, or the blue shoulders.
grats rhidach!
keep on truckin’
I just love seeing the sexy cow dancing in front of the group.