Prot tree is dead, long live the prot tree
On the official forums, someone asks a question about a few talents. Ghostcrawler gives up that Improved Devotion Aura is dead, Eye for an Eye’s new incarnation is dead, and then just lets the cat out of the bag:
I’m going to regret saying this, but the paladin trees are the most changed in the game. There are only a few of the current beta talents that survived the, um, cleansing.
Well then.
Nochecazador’s last blog ..Benched
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kenny Chan and RMK, Rhidach. Rhidach said: New post: Prot tree is dead, long live the prot tree – [...]
Uggggh, this’ll suck.
15 July 2010 at 10:58 am #
It’ll be fine, I’m sure.
LMAO, the best part about this is paladins always have to wait for our news last. We always think it will be different the next time around. We are always wrong, and we always pretend like this is the first time we were jilted at the alter.
Sometimes I think paladins are the Johnny Drama’s in the Warcraft Entourage.
15 July 2010 at 10:51 am #
You’re right, this is killing me: every damn time we’re last.
15 July 2010 at 11:23 am #
I would argue that we have known for a long time this was coming. Ghostcrawler said in an interview over a month ago that Paladins were getting maybe the most thorough overhaul in Cataclysm out of all the classes.
So I’m not surprised at all. I’m concerned, but I’m not surprised.
Get over it. Paladin tanking was a joke in terms of difficulty, a retarded 3 year old without arms could do it….
15 July 2010 at 10:46 am #
I would also posit the same child could leave a more intelligent comment than you just did.
15 July 2010 at 10:12 am #
GC regrets 99% of what he says, he’s troll fodder. I couldn’t do his job, I’d probably rip some “umadbro?” a new hole and get fired.
While it’s upsetting that we’re undergoing so much change, I’m kinda excited to see what comes out of their collective imagineering.
15 July 2010 at 10:54 am #
Makes sense in a way we’re getting so much work done, we’re in many ways one of the more (if not most) broken classes in game right now. There was a quote Suicidal Zebra found that we’re getting a major rotational redesign. I’m really excited to see what they’ve come up with.
15 July 2010 at 10:20 am #
Well, I did say that I thought these were VERY beta trees & I hoped they changed the talents.
I guess I’m getting exactly what I asked for.
Shiver… I’m concerned.
15 July 2010 at 10:54 am #
I’m sure it’ll be fine. I base this optimism on nothing in particular.
Base your optimism on the fact that we have been at the bottom of the tank totem pole before in vanilla we were aoe tanks in TBC and we survived. we will be fine, i also think we have one of the most intelligent communities behind us.
I base my optimism (we’ll be fine) on a couple of things. First up, GC has said explicitly that they want to avoid homoginizing the classes. I’m sure Crusader Strike will end up with a CD or something attached to it so it’s not Heroic Strike 2.0. Secondly, I’m sure it’ll be fine because no matter what they do to it, there’s plenty of us who will still play it. =)
I’m pretty pleased about this. I’ve been threatening to switch to my DK or my warrior for tanking purposes when the gear reset hits for awhile now just because of how frustrated I’ve gotten with protadins’ mana management system and being locked into an all-purposes rotation. It looks like they might actually change things as drastically as I’d hoped.
I think you can base your optimism on the fact that over each major release it has gotten better for us. So, yea.
I know paladin’s will be fine, or better. I want to know what they are doing with my dwarf raciaaaaaaaaals! Tell me nowwwwwwww! /endtantrum
I’m excited to get back playing even though this will just be released in November like errrthing else.
ouch, RIP (?)