More smooth sailing, &c.

I love Tuesday nights right now. Thanks to the Icecrown buff we are sailing right through 11 of the 12 bosses (which even a month ago seemed an impossible task for a single night), racking up huge chunks of loot, and everyone is in a fantastic mood, joking and having fun.

Apparently our server isn’t doing too well as we head into the summer, one of the major raiding guilds on the server has been completely stalled due to attendance, another from their Shadowmourne guy going on hiatus immediately after getting his legendary (ouch), leading to further hiatuses, followed up by one of the officers emptying out the bank and server transferring.

We’re oddly one of the more active Horde guilds in ICC25 man, which has lead to us getting a few pretty good apps from said disaffected guilds. I will gladly pick those bones, tyvm.


Two new guild in-jokes started up fairly recently. One of them, playing on my quickness to stressing out over the roster and other guild management issues, involves my imaginary ulcer being given the name Frank. So now whenever someone does something death-defying or otherwise gives me a quick jolt of stress I let them know that “Frank says hi.”

The other, actually funny one, deals with Zilga (one of the priests) and her jingle about poor dragon positioning and cleaves–Zilga’s gonna eat a cleave, doo da, doo da. On Spinestalker, the last drake before Sindragosa, I’ll drag it up the steps and chase Zilga around attempting to get it to cleave her. She then proceeds to taunt me with “I’ve been cleaved by better tanks than you!” So that’s our little game now.

Last night I also had the opportunity to bring three new raiders into ICC to try them out and get them some gear (again, I love that buff). One of them, a Rogue, did some ridiculous dps on many fights, placing in the top 5 despite being in 245-251 gear. He then over the course of the night picked up seven upgrades. I expect him to be a beast tonight on our LK attempts.

Also tried out a Demo Lock for the first time, something the casters have been lobbying for forever. Unfortunately our top two caster dps weren’t on last night, so I won’t be able to ask how they thought of having some extra SP.

Speaking of sailing

After raid, Morvain and I dragged a group to Uld-10 so we could finish the last achievement for our Rusted Protos. After one full go across Razorscale’s 10 minute enrage timer and then a minute into the next attempt we finally managed to roast the 25th Iron Dwarf we needed for the achievement.

Done and done.

I finished up the night by dragging a few more people into MC for my weekly dose of disappointment re: Thunderfury. And, of course, alas, no binding. Nordic taunted me with the fact he ran the place this weekend (he needs the opposite binding from me) and the one I am seeking dropped. I died a little on the inside. Ok, understatement–I died a lot on the inside

And speaking of slow deaths, more LK-25 attempts tonight! If I post about the kill tomorrow you’ll know it went well (obviously), if silence … er, send flowers.

5 Comments to “More smooth sailing, &c.”

  1. Rilgon Arcsinh
    26 May 2010 at 1:41 pm #

    You don’t just want Demonic Pact for your DPS casters, you also want it for your healers.

    Any 25-man raid group that is even remotely progression-minded and isn’t running with a Demonology Warlock is, IMHO, doing it quite wrong.
    Rilgon Arcsinh’s last blog ..Ready, Steady, Go! My ComLuv Profile

    • Rhidach
      26 May 2010 at 1:50 pm #

      Weird, I thought healers healed using attack power. :P For the record, by check with the top two dps I meant see if they noticed a bump from the DP buff since they were the ones always asking why we didn’t have a Demo lock and would be the ones to most notice a bump. I’m not saying I had no clue the buff applied to healers as well. Give me some credit here, haha.

      Also, you’re assuming one can find a Demo lock, which we could not for quite some time. It’s not like we’ve been lacking one out of choice. There’s a huge difference between choosing to ignore a buff and being forced to forgo it.

  2. Antigen
    26 May 2010 at 2:18 pm #

    It’s weird; we have three warlocks that regularly attend 25m’s, and I think they trade off one being Demo while the other two are Destro. Or something. I don’t know warlocks.

    Point being, I guess you don’t realize how lucky you are until you hear someone doesn’t have a Demo lock in their raid.

    • Rhidach
      26 May 2010 at 2:21 pm #

      Warlocks are a precious commodity on my server, I think. We’ve only had one the last month. Before then we went a huge length of time without one in raid.

  3. Orthien
    26 May 2010 at 3:14 pm #

    Grats on your drake and shiney new raid members.
    You have any plans to head into 25man for its drakes?
    Thats got to hurt to have you binding drop from someone else, hopefully you will get it soon and this will all be worth it.
    Orthien’s last blog ..Redemption and Lore My ComLuv Profile