Bubble&Taunt: Pulling victory from the jaws of defeat
Sometimes you can’t depend on some stupid streak of luck, you’ll need to make your own victories when the enrage timer hits zero. I’m sure you’ve been there before, the health bar on the boss is rapidly approaching zero, in tandem with the enrage timer. Either you or the boss is about to explode, and if only you had a few more seconds you could ensure it was the latter.
Some of you might already be doing this, but for those neck-hair-raising moments I recommend the Bubble&Taunt maneuver. What you do is in the second before the boss enrages, quickly cast Divine Shield, then use Hand of Reckoning. This will buy you three seconds. After the three seconds is up, the threat negation of the Divine Shield will make the boss turn and crush one of the raid members to dust. If you’re fast enough you should be able to squeeze off a Righteous Defense and buy yourself another three seconds.
In total that should be about 6-7 seconds of extra time you’ve bought for the raid to bring the boss down. Sometimes that’s all it takes for those really sloppy kills or those epic first downings.
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17 May 2010 at 5:56 pm #
Very useful trick!
However, I prefer a maneuver I like to call “Bubble & Lol.”
1) Check omen to see whether a particularly lol-worthy dps is right below me.
2) Bubble
3) Taunt back when DPS has embraced the floor
4) Lol
Not like you’ll ever get a chance to see this in action or anything.
18 May 2010 at 8:35 am #
Probably be a good way to kill Nordicslayer when he’s not looking. The others are too quick on their immunity/drop combat effects.
Nice tip, I wish I had an equivalent. :)
18 May 2010 at 10:49 am #
It’s actually possible to chain these together with multiple paladins (or Distracting Shot / Deterrence). At least until taunt reaches DR.
I know our first heroic BQ 10 kill happened this way. :)
Our recent H Sindragosa kill was very much like this. After she went craaazy – in the end, only the two tanks had died and they bought us enough time to get her. Then our paladins committed ritual suicide and kept DIng me so I couldn’t reach the loot. I don’t think that was part of the plan though.
Vidyala’s last blog ..Tuesday Art Day: Dwarves!
18 May 2010 at 1:35 pm #
I must be scarred by Sindragosa’s voice. I read your “craaazy” in the way she screams “BETRAAAAAYS”. I need a moment.
I’m a little bit amazed that you kept a Blood Princes pull going all the way to enrage. That’s some impressive tenacity.
19 May 2010 at 8:10 am #
Haha, you call it impressive, I call it insane.
That was back in the day before we could kill BQL, so I guess it made sense to waste 10 minutes on a 3 minute fight.