I love weekends where I have the time to do some fun, off-beat raids for stuff that’s old content. It’s a great way to combine my love of raiding with a low-stress environment with my other love–the bottle.
The plan for friday was one of my beloved, crazy, drunk raids. We spent the week farming up gray-quality gear and were going to run Kara completely decked out in what we looted off Northrend humanoids.

Originally the rules were you could wear your lvl 80 rings, trinks, and neck. After Attumen though it was obvious that was too much purple (I had something like 20k hp), so we scaled back to just trinkets. After Moroes we scaled back again to pure grays. I was then sitting at around 12k hp, much more reasonable.
The place was generally easy, but what was keeping us “honest”, so to speak, was the healers going oom every few seconds thanks to having litle to no Intellect, and thus no mana. Not to mention still being very crittable against bosses was interesting.

Maiden was easy, Opera (Wizard of Oz) a faceroll, Nightbane was somewhat terrifying (my brain is trained to be as uptight as possible in that fight thanks to TBC and worrying about fears and crushes), then we accidentally pulled Curator with trash up and wiped. Like I said, keeping us honest. And it was around this point I was starting to get tanked, having run off pre-Curator to take a shot to speed up the process a bit. (Yes, I know, a sad life I lead.)
Aran was fun, and of course someone moved during Flamewreath. Damn kids and their not raiding back in TBC days! Netherspite was interesting to say the least. At one point I may have stood in the red beam for too long…

Not sure how I didn’t get one shot. I must have hit some kind of lucky avoidance streak or something. Certainly not AD. After Netherspite we wiped on Chess for a few hours, or something. Not really. Though, actually, at around Chess things started getting a bit blurry. Apparently we killed Prince, I’m told. Good on us!
At around Curator I suggested we go try ZA in the same gear afterwards, thinking it might provide a little bit more of a challenge. I don’t remember much of ZA but I do remember no really ever fearing for my life. I think we wiped once on… something… but it’s a blank on what. Maybe the Akil’zon gauntlet. I think I died to a Sabre Lash on Lynx boss, but I’m pretty sure I got b-rezzed and avoided a wipe.
Saturday night’s alright for fighting
I spent most of Saturday nursing a hangover and leveling my druid, trying to burn through as much Outland as possible and hopefully jumping into Northrend before we would go to Ulduar later that night. I managed to go from 64 to like 80% into 67, so I’m on the cusp of Borean Tundra, just need to wrap up a few quests and I’ll be good to go.
As for the main event: we rolled in around 7:30 server in an extended lockout going right to Yogg+1 for the drake achievement. We had some issues rounding out the group and filling the last three spots. Razorscale was the weekly, so a good chunk of the guild was already saved to Uld-10. Eventually we managed to scrape together some people and get rolling.
The first few attempts were basically teaching people have never seen Yogg before how to do the fight, and then as a group getting the finer points of the hardmode down. I’m sure somewhere, someone who spent a good chunk of time learning the hardmodes for this fight in the proper gear at the proper time is weeping at the prospect of us facerolling it. Such is WoW.
We had a few wipes as those last few people were figuring it out and Brain Room Team was hitting their stride. Then one attempt they got Yogg to 74% after the first Portal phase, we ended up having something wipe us, then the next go the BRT got it to 63% after the first Portal phase. We kept going, no crazy wipes, everyone kept their Sanity up (though that was definitely no issue considering how fast our dps was making the fight go), and before we knew it–after two portal phases–it was already Phase 3. We quickly synched up into formation and I gathered up Guardians while the others burnt Yogg down.

In no time at all we dropped the guy. Most in the group scored their drakes, while Morvain and I were still missing the Dwarf roasting Razorscale achievement. We’ll have to drag some people back Tuesday and quickly bang that out. The thought that I’m one stupid (easy) achievement away from my shiny (er, not so shiny) drake is kind of distressing.
After Uld we dodged over to BWL for a fun run. No Judgement gear dropped (still need belt, boots, chest), but I got to tank the place in my 5/8 set. That was fun.
Sunday always comes too late
Last night was our big return to 10man hardmodes after taking a few weeks off (mostly my fault for not being able to make them). The plan was to take Anafielle, pick her brain on the hardmodes she’d completed, and burn through them to get the guild progression number up. I felt bad because I knew people wanted to just bang their head against the wall for a while and roll some harder heroic modes, but I just wanted to get as much experience as possible in there as a good base.
It also doesn’t help that I put together the worst comp ever seen in a hardmode. I had one freaking ranged player, a shadow priest. There was a hunter too, but he couldn’t make it, and I replaced him with another melee. (/facepalm)
I’ll do an actual strategy post later this week, but for now just to go over what we did quickly–started with Marrowgar, which was cake with me and Anafielle breaking east/west during Bonestorm and drawing Marrowgar to us. Easy one shot on that, and I scored the Bonebreaker Scepter to boot. After that we hit up Lady Deathwhisper which was much, much easier than I thought it would be. Honestly, the biggest worry I had was my trigger happy dps pulling aggro off of Ana, but they did a good job finally watching Omen for once
Gunship was… Gunship. We did Saurfang on normal after a few heroic wipes finally delivering the message that our comp was damn stupid for even attempting that fight. We then did Blood Council on normal after again realize our ridiculously melee-heavy group was going to be severely disadvantaged. Then did BQL on hard, which seems to be an understatement, because it was hard to really see any difference between that and the normal mode.

After Blood Wing, with an hour to go, we dodged over to Plague Wing and did Rotface on heroic (which is probably my favorite heroic mode so far), then one-shot the Festergut heroic mode. It was ending time, but I managed to cajole everyone into just hitting up Putri and quickly knocking him over. My nagging paid off, as he finally coughed up the Unidentifiable Organ. Hot damn.
Looking forward to the week ahead–another great ICC farm night tomorrow, some serious LK progression on Wednesday. Going to be a good week, I hope.
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